NCIS is one of the longest-running crime drama series on CBS. It first aired in 2003 and is currently in its 22nd season. The show follows a team of special agents as they investigate military-related crimes. It has gained a large following and has been praised for its action-packed plotlines. For those looking to jump in, here are the best episodes of NCIS ranked.
The top NCIS episodes all feature exciting investigations with twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Additionally, many of them showcase the personal relationships between the agents and the criminals they're pursuing. From solving cases involving stolen submarines to terrorism, these episodes will keep you guessing until the very end.
From investigating a Navy officer's suspicious death to tracking down a terrorist organization, these NCIS episodes are sure to keep you hooked. Whether you're a long-time fan or a new viewer, these episodes are the perfect way to get into the show. So, read on and discover the best episodes of NCIS ranked.
Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 18, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
When a dog owner is found murdered, the NCIS team must determine if his dog committed the murder or not, and Abby decides to fight for the dog's life by trusting her instinct about the dog's innocence. Meanwhile, Gibbs learns about Jenny's secret.
The episode was rated 7.76 from 393 votes.
After a young Muslim Marine is murdered near his Mosque, Ducky refuses to perform autopsy due to his religious beliefs, so the NCIS team tries to talk to the father of the deceased, and they send McGee to plant a bug in the Mosque, only to discover that the FBI already planted their bug.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 380 votes.
The NCIS team has to babysit a 9-year-old son of a missing man, a survivalist who is somehow connected to a cold case murder. The investigation leads the team into the wilderness, where they discover a shocking truth about the man's past.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 408 votes.
The NCIS team is called in to stop a naval officer from committing suicide by jumping off a rooftop, but when the suicide attempt turns into a murder, the NCIS team will have to find out who did it.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 409 votes.
Palmer is put in grave danger when he becomes the target of an anonymous murderer, whom only he can recognize.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 381 votes.
Lt. Colonel Mann joins Gibbs in an investigation of the murder of a Marine Captain who had access to highly classified information. Things get very personal for Gibbs when one of the witnesses in the case turns out to be one of his ex-wifes.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 419 votes.
A murder investigation of a Navy Admiral takes a shocking turn when a woman, a political refugee, returns home to search for her husband.
The episode was rated 7.82 from 385 votes.
When Ducky realizes that one of his cadavers used for research is actually a victim of murder, the NCIS team identifies him as a criminal genius who is capable of deleting the past.
The episode was rated 7.87 from 411 votes.
While trying to track down a delusional and violent Marine who thinks he's still in Iraq, the NCIS team will learn that the man has been the subject of a secret experiment - and it comes with a high price to pay.
The episode was rated 7.87 from 381 votes.
The dead body of La Grenouille finally surfaces and the entire NCIS is put under the investigation by the FBI, with Jenny as the prime suspect for his murder.
The episode was rated 7.89 from 399 votes.
The NCIS team uncovers a huge secret, as their mission to capture La Grenouille comes to an explosive and deadly conclusion.
The episode was rated 7.95 from 446 votes.
While investigating a mysterious death on a top-secret naval research ship at sea, the NCIS team comes upon an abandoned ship which contains a deadly secret that may cost them their lives.
The episode was rated 7.96 from 410 votes.
Gibbs finds himself emotionally challenged when he agrees to investigate a crime connected to a friend of his daughter, who passed away years ago, and the investigation leads to a shocking conclusion.
The episode was rated 7.99 from 425 votes.
In NCISโs episode โJudgment Day (1)โ, the team is thrown into a life-threatening situation when a former NCIS agent is found dead. The team must put their investigative skills to the test to find the culprit and bring them to justice. With their lives on the line, the team must act quickly and carefully to get to the bottom of this mystery.
In this episode, the team is forced to confront the consequences of their previous decisions when a former agent is murdered. Not only must they find the killer, but also contemplate their own actions that may have led to this tragedy. With the stakes high and their lives in danger, the team must move fast to save themselves and bring the killer to justice.
The episode was rated 8.11 from 392 votes.
In the NCIS episode "Judgment Day (2)", the team is in shock when one of their own is killed and they must now find the killer before they can get to Gibbs. Despite Assistant Director Vance's wishes, the team works together in an emotional investigation to try and find the perpetrator.
The comments reflect the emotions of the team, as Tony blames himself for not knowing what was happening, while Gibbs remains in the dark. There is also a sense of sadness, as the comment suggests that many had hoped that Jenny and Gibbs would eventually get together, before she passed away.
The episode was rated 8.24 from 213 votes.
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