One of Us Is Lying

10 Best Episodes of One of Us Is Lying - Season 1

The story of what happens when five high schoolers walk into detention and only four make it out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

One of Us Is Lying - S1E4

#8 - One of Us Is Famous (Season 1 - Episode 4)

The case makes national news; Nate confronts his past; Bronwyn makes a surprising discovery.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 168 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E3

#7 - One of Us Is Not Like the Others (Season 1 - Episode 3)


The "Bayview Four's" secrets start to drop; Cooper faces the biggest test of his sports career.

The episode was rated 7.22 from 170 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E2

#6 - One of Us Is Grieving (Season 1 - Episode 2)

The "Bayview Four" go to Simon's wake and become official suspects in his murder.

The episode was rated 7.23 from 189 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E5

#5 - One of Us Is Cracking (Season 1 - Episode 5)


The police pressure the suspects; a leaked piece of evidence puts a student in the spotlight.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 169 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E1

#4 - Pilot (Season 1 - Episode 1)

Five students enter detention, but only four come out alive and they all have secrets to kill for.

The episode was rated 7.28 from 221 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E6

#3 - One of Us Is Dancing! (Season 1 - Episode 6)


The "Bayview Four" investigate their main suspect at the Homecoming dance.

The episode was rated 7.35 from 170 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E8

#2 - One of Us Is Dead (Season 1 - Episode 8)

The truth about Simon's murder is revealed on Halloween night.

The episode was rated 7.41 from 170 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S1E7

#1 - One of Us Is Not Giving Up (Season 1 - Episode 7)


The "Bayview Four" race against the clock to exonerate one of their own before it's too late.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 162 votes.

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