One of Us Is Lying

10 Best Episodes of One of Us Is Lying - Season 2

The story of what happens when five high schoolers walk into detention and only four make it out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

One of Us Is Lying - S2E1

#8 - Simon Says Game On (Season 2 - Episode 1)

The aftermath of Jake's death begins to unfold at Bayview. The Murder Club faces a new threat.

The episode was rated 7.05 from 115 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E3

#7 - Simon Says Let's Get Personal (Season 2 - Episode 3)


Demands from Simon Says get stranger and more personal. Someone from Jake's past reappears.

The episode was rated 7.12 from 97 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E2

#6 - Simon Says Tick Tock (Season 2 - Episode 2)

Simon Says blackmails the Murder Club with a surprising demand. Vanessa holds a rally for Jake.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 101 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E4

#5 - Simon Says Gotcha! (Season 2 - Episode 4)


The Murder Club works to find the truth about Giselle. Vanessa digs deeper into Halloween night.

The episode was rated 7.27 from 94 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E5

#4 - Simon Says Ho Ho Ho! (Season 2 - Episode 5)

As Bayview celebrates the holidays, the Murder Club makes a difficult and shocking decision.

The episode was rated 7.28 from 89 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E6

#3 - Simon Says You Better Pray (Season 2 - Episode 6)


Vanessa doubles down on her investigation into the Murder Club and finds key evidence.

The episode was rated 7.44 from 93 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E7

#2 - Simon Says Time Out (Season 2 - Episode 7)

The Murder Club and Vanessa form an unexpected alliance to uncover the truth about Simon Says.

The episode was rated 7.45 from 92 votes.

One of Us Is Lying - S2E8

#1 - Simon Says Game Over (Season 2 - Episode 8)


The Murder Club hatches a risky plan to stop Simon Says, but what they don't know could hurt them.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 89 votes.

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