Quincy, M.E.

10 Best Episodes of Quincy, M.E. - Season 5

Quincy, M.E, a man who must have been a nightmare to work with! Quincy was a crusading Medical Examiner in Los Angeles, an expert at his job he was always capable of finding something that everyone else missed. A small clue that would go against all the rest of the evidence in a case and would lead to him arguing with his boss, Asten, and/or the investigating detective, nearly always Monahan. Quincy started of as a straight forward crime series with a difference, it was a M.E. investigating not a police officer or private eye.As the series went from strength to strength the writers, probably with a little push from Klugman, started bringing in stories about social injustice rather than criminal. Most of the time this worked, in fact it is sometimes interesting to see that some of the things highlighted still have not changed even now! Sometimes it came over a little preachy but the show can never be faulted for trying to enlighten the eyes of its viewers.

Written by Sophie and last updated on aug 08, 2021.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Quincy, M.E. - S5E2

#10 - Dead Last (Season 5 - Episode 2)

Quincy and Danny go to the tack and, while there, see a horse go wild in the stables. The horse kills one of the jockeys but, after completing his autopsy, Quincy thinks that it wasn't an accident! That someone murdered the man and tried to make it look as if the horse killed him. The problem Quincy has though is to actually prove his theory, and not even the purchasing of some horse hooves and the unusual step of autopsying a horse can help him. Though Asten has fits about the cost of both these steps to find the truth!

The episode was rated 7.09 from 11 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E11

#9 - Murder by S.O.P. (Season 5 - Episode 11)


On his way to a Forensic Pathologist convention in Sacramento, the Sheriff of a small town stops Quincy on the road. He was trying to stay awake by sticking his head out of the window. The Sheriff decides to put Quincy in jail for his own good. That night a fire starts in the cells and four men die. The towns' authorities call all the deaths accidental but Quincy, doing some of the autopsies to help the local Dr. is convinced that one of the victims was murdered.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 12 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E7

#8 - Mode of Death (Season 5 - Episode 7)

An evangelist whose church is being investigated by the government is found dead in a motel room., drugs and alcohol at his bedside table. Quincy is told to come up with the mode of death quickly, everyone wants to know how, and why, he died. The scientific results are borderline so Quincy asks Asten to authorize a psychological autopsy.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 11 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E5

#7 - Hot Ice (Season 5 - Episode 5)


Two customs officers want Quincy's help in catching arresting a diamond smuggling ring. A courier they were following was killed when a bus at the airport and, as Quincy is going to a Las Vegas to judge a Miss Coroner Contest; they want him to take the couriers place. He has to deliver the diamonds to a known mobster, something he really, really does not want to do!

The episode was rated 7.70 from 10 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E8

#6 - Nowhere to Run (Season 5 - Episode 8)

A girl falls off of a cliff while with her boyfriend. Quincy believes the boy's story that she committed suicide despite everyone else's belief that he killed her. Quincy finds out that the girl was pregnant and sets to find out who the father really is at a time when DNA testing has not been invented yet.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 12 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E12

#5 - Honor Thy Elders (Season 5 - Episode 12)


After Quincy's traces an old man's death to his son's physical abuse he is faced with a similar case involving the exploitation of two elderly women by their unscrupulous nephew.

The episode was rated 7.82 from 11 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E10

#4 - For the Benefit of My Patients (Season 5 - Episode 10)

Quincy has to autopsy a man who died at the county hospital. He is amazed at the ability of the Dr. who tried to save him. It turns out though that the patient was originally taken to a different hospital that turned the ambulance away because the man did not have any insurance. Quincy visits the hospital and, after seeing the same thing happen again, decides to make sure that the owner, Dr. Rollins, does not get to buy another local hospital and run it the same way.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 10 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E14

#3 - Riot (Season 5 - Episode 14)


Quincy and Sam are called to a prison to help investigate the murder of one of the inmates. Once there they soon find themselves held hostage by the prisoners when they begin a riot.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 11 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E6

#2 - Sweet Land of Liberty (Season 5 - Episode 6)

A policeman is killed while on a routine visit to a house. The killer turns out to be an old friend of Sam's, the gentlest man Sam has ever known. Arrested he admits that he killed the policeman and then, while in a cell, kills himself. Sam is determined to find out what changed his friend and investigates. He finds radiation in the jawbone and uncovers the story of a military experience in Germany that involved torture and, possibly, the force-feeding of a radioactive drug. Can Sam prove that this is what caused his friend to kill and restore his good name?

The episode was rated 8.10 from 10 votes.

Quincy, M.E. - S5E9

#1 - The Money Plague (Season 5 - Episode 9)


รขโ‚ฌหœR.W. Collins', a famous hijacker who escaped by parachuting out of a plane with his money five years ago is found dead, hanging from a tree in the National Park he bailed out over. He died before he hit the ground and has been hanging there, undiscovered, for 5 years now. Quincy and Sam are sent to the scene to see if they can find out whom the man really was. When they reach the park they find that things are a lot worse than they could have imagined, the anthrax particles he used to hijack the plane were released when the body was found and are spreading throughout the area infecting people who come into contact with it.

The episode was rated 8.17 from 12 votes.

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