
10 Worst Episodes of Rome

A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Rome - S1E2

#10 - How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic (Season 1 - Episode 2)

Anointed People's Tribune by Caesar, Mark Antony returns to Rome with Octavian's liberators, Vorenus and Pullo. After being feted by a grateful Atia, Vorenus heads home to his family, for the first time in eight years, while Pullo heads for the brothels. Pompey drafts an ultimatum stripping the general of his power.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 998 votes.

Rome - S2E3

#9 - These Being the Words of Marcus Tullius Cicero (Season 2 - Episode 3)


Brutus and Cassius struggle to raise foreign armies to oppose the Cesarean party. Mark Antony's plans to change his post-consul proconsular governorship from Macedonia to Gaul are derailed when Cicero delivers an in-absentia message to the Senate, and throws his support behind Octavian. Vorenus struggles to contain an all-out gang war in the Aventine Collegium, of his own making,that he blames on Pullo. In the house of the Julii, Octavia passes the hours in a drug induced daze, while a duplicitous youth named Duro, planted amongst the Julii by Servilia, looks for the chance to set a deadly plan in motion.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 603 votes.

Rome - S1E10

#8 - Triumph (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Unanimously proclaimed Dictator by the Senate, Caesar pronounces the war over, and prepares for five days of feasting and games honoring his "triumph." No longer an enlisted soldier, Pullo eyes a pastoral future with Eirene, while Vorenus runs for municipal magistrate, with Posca's help. Meanwhile, Octavian retrieves Octavia from her self-imposed exile. And Servilia invites a revenge-minded Quintus Pompey into her home, to Brutus' dismay.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 624 votes.

Rome - S1E5

#7 - The Ram Has Touched The Wall (Season 1 - Episode 5)


Caesar weighs Pompey's counteroffer against Antony's recommendation to chase down Pompey's vulnerable army. Vorenus is forced to reconsider his career choices after a series of business setbacks leave him with little income to support his family. A jealous Atia concocts a clever scheme to separate Caesar from Servilia. Pullo is recruited to tutor Octavian in the art of soldiering, but ends up learning a lesson or two from the boy.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 748 votes.

Rome - S1E9

#6 - Utica (Season 1 - Episode 9)

With Scipio and Cato defeated, Caesar returns home to a hero's welcome. Vorenus and Pullo's showdown with local thug Erastes gets an unexpected reprieve from Caesar. Servilia's plan to use Octavia to unearth a secret about Caesar backfires.

The episode was rated 7.76 from 647 votes.

Rome - S1E6

#5 - Egeria (Season 1 - Episode 6)


When Caeser finds himself outnumbered by Pompey's legions, he asks Antony to join the fight. Marc Antony is having fun in his new political life while he ponders a counter-offer from Pompey. Atia urges Octavian to take another step toward manhood. Vorenus and Niobe try to bring passion back to their marriage.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 702 votes.

Rome - S2E5

#4 - Heroes of the Republic (Season 2 - Episode 5)

Despite Pullo's advice, Vorenus and his family return to the Collegium with his family who is reunited, and cleansed of their ordeal. Octavian is denied a triumph and urges Cicero to endorse his bid to be made Consul in exchange for an agreement to allow Cicero to veto his actions. Octavian takes both Cicero and the Senate by surprise with his first Consular act. Vorenus attempts' to make peace with Memmio and Cotta create suspicions that he has gone soft.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 562 votes.

Rome - S1E3

#3 - An Owl in a Thornbush (Season 1 - Episode 3)


With Caesar quickly advancing toward Rome, Pompey begins ordering a retreat and forces his citizens to pick sides. Timon is forced to do Atia's dirty work and Vorenus cannot understand why no one is resisting while on a scouting mission.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 866 votes.

Rome - S1E4

#2 - Stealing From Saturn (Season 1 - Episode 4)

As Pompey "maneuvers" outside the city, Caesar seeks to consolidate his hold on Rome. Atia throws a party to welcome Caesar home, while Vorenus throws one of his own to usher in his new life as a citizen businessman. Pullo's run of luck continues when he delivers Quintus Pompey to Caesar, who in turn returns Quintus to his father's camp, with an offer of truce he knows Pompey will never accept.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 791 votes.

Rome - S1E1

#1 - The Stolen Eagle (Season 1 - Episode 1)


Eager to return to Rome after eight long years of war, Gaius Julius Caesar ends his campaign with a resounding triumph in Gaul, and news of a shattering personal loss at home. In Rome, Caesar's old friend Pompey is counselled by the Senate, who worry about Caesar's growing popularity. Two soldiers are enlisted to find the army's stolen gold standard. Atia is careful to play both sides of an escalating power struggle.

The episode was rated 7.54 from 1332 votes.

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