
10 Worst Episodes of Shadowhunters

When Clary Fray's mother has disappeared, Clary joins a band of Shadowhunters; demon killing hunters, and gets caught up in a plan to save the world.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 30, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Shadowhunters - S1E11

#10 - Blood Calls to Blood (Season 1 - Episode 11)

After receiving important intel about Valentine from a surprising ally, Clary, Jace and Luke devise a plan to rescue Jocelyn. With the mission looking almost impossible, the three will stop at nothing to rescue Clary’s mother and put a stop to Valentine once and for all. Meanwhile, Inquisitor Herondale arrives at the Institute for Isabelle’s trial as Alec turns to Magnus for help.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 1264 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E7

#9 - Major Arcana (Season 1 - Episode 7)


After piecing together the clues as to where her mother hid the Mortal Cup, Clary, Jace, Alec and Isabelle are on the clock to find its hiding place before anyone else. But with demons and Downworlders lurking everywhere, obtaining the Cup may not be as easy as they had hoped. Meanwhile, as Simon’s symptoms become increasingly worse, he fears he is turning into a vampire.

The episode was rated 7.66 from 1377 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E9

#8 - Rise Up (Season 1 - Episode 9)

After the attack, the Institute and The Clave are on high alert and taking no prisoners to get answers. When Lydia makes a harsh call on the Seelies, Jace, Clary and Isabelle fear that this decision could be disastrous and the wrong way to defeat Valentine. Left with no other choice, the trio takes drastic actions to stop what is about to take place. Meanwhile, Simon struggles to deal with his new situation, and Alec is emotionally torn with what is happening at the Institute.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 1303 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E6

#7 - Of Men and Angels (Season 1 - Episode 6)


With Luke in dire need of help, Jace, Clary and Simon take him to Magnus' lair in hopes of saving his life. Once there, the story of how Valentine came to be evil, and Jocelyn and Luke's past is revealed to Clary in hopes of triggering her memory of what happened to The Mortal Cup. Meanwhile, Isabelle and Alec are tasked to restore their family name in the eyes of The Clave.

The episode was rated 7.59 from 1449 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E8

#6 - Bad Blood (Season 1 - Episode 8)

With word of Alec, Jace and Isabelle’s “extracurricular activities” with Clary reaching The Clave, a convoy is sent to observe the Lightwoods running the New York Institute. Once The Clave representative arrives, it is very clear how much trouble the Lightwoods are in. Meanwhile, Clary is faced with a devastating decision.

The episode was rated 7.58 from 1311 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E5

#5 - Moo Shu to Go (Season 1 - Episode 5)


Tensions escalate between Alec and Clary as they don't see eye to eye on the best way to hunt down Valentine. But when Jace and Isabelle are sent on an intel mission to the Seelies by Maryse Lightwood, Alec is put in charge of keeping Clary safe, much to both of their chagrin. With his hard-as-nails mother back in town and Clary's rule-breaking tendencies, Alec finds himself struggling to stick to the Claves rules while keeping his promise to Jace. Meanwhile, the New York City Werewolf pack begins their hunt for Clary and The Mortal Cup.

The episode was rated 7.49 from 1538 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E4

#4 - Raising Hell (Season 1 - Episode 4)

After getting a clue about who may have wiped Clary's memories, the crew hunts down the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane. With all of the warlocks in hiding from Valentine, the team must lure Magnus out with something he can't refuse — a killer party and something very valuable. But with emotions running high, more may come out of their meeting with Magnus than just the retrieval of Clary's memories. Meanwhile, Simon doesn't seem to be himself after his recent Downworlder encounter.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 1667 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E3

#3 - Dead Man's Party (Season 1 - Episode 3)


With Simon being held captive at The Hotel DuMort, Clary pleads with Jace, Alec and Isabelle to help her rescue her best friend. As the team readies for the mission, Jace helps Clary learn more about her Shadowhunter powers, Isabelle turns to her favorite Seelie for Intel, and Alec begins to question Jace's motives and his place in their partnership. Meanwhile, a very scared Simon gets very up close and personal with Camille, the leader of the vampire clan.

The episode was rated 7.29 from 1822 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E1

#2 - The Mortal Cup (Season 1 - Episode 1)

On her birthday, Clary Fray finds out that she is not who she thinks she is, but rather comes from a long line of Shadowhunters — human-angel hybrids who hunt down demons. After her mother is kidnapped, Clary must rely on the mysterious Jace and his fellow Shadowhunters Isabelle and Alec to navigate this new dark world filled with faeries, warlocks, vampires and werewolves to find answers that could lead to her mother.

The episode was rated 7.25 from 2661 votes.

Shadowhunters - S1E2

#1 - The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy (Season 1 - Episode 2)


With the knowledge that Valentine is alive and on the hunt for The Mortal Cup, the Institute is on high alert. Not wasting any time, Jace jumps into action and figures Clary’s memories are the key to finding Jocelyn and The Mortal Cup. Unfortunately, Clary’s memories were wiped leaving her without any recollection of this other life that could help her and the team. With only one other option remaining, Jace, Isabelle and a very reluctant Alec take Clary to the City of Bones to face the powerful Silent Brothers. Meanwhile, Luke continues his search for Clary, and Simon tries to come to terms with his best friend’s new life.

The episode was rated 7.16 from 2114 votes.

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