Star Trek: Prodigy

10 Worst Episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy

A motley crew of young rebellious aliens commandeer an old Starfleet ship and must figure out how to work together while navigating a greater galaxy, in search for a better future. These six young outcasts know nothing about the ship they have commandeered, but over the course of their adventures together, they will each be introduced to Starfleet and the ideals it represents.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 02, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E5

#10 - Terror Firma (Season 1 - Episode 5)

In the episode "Terror Firma" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew finds themselves stranded on a dangerous planet, forced to collaborate with their captive Gwyn to survive. But as they navigate the perils of the planet, they realize that there are other forces at play beyond just the hostile environment. The episode delves into the complex dynamics between the crew and Gwyn, exploring why she joined them and why they choose to accept her, despite her past actions.

Throughout the episode, the themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption are beautifully portrayed. Gwyn's journey of seeking approval from her father, only to realize where true loyalty lies among the crew, adds depth to her character. The moments of bonding and selfless acts highlight the evolving relationships within the group, particularly between Gwyn and Dal, showcasing a symbolic connection that transcends past betrayals.

While the episode excels in character development and narrative twists, some elements like the action sequences and humor may fall slightly short for some viewers. However, the exploration of the characters' desires and the unveiling of the *Protostar*'s unique fuel source add layers to the overarching storyline. Overall, "Terror Firma" continues to strengthen the series by building upon its established foundations and setting the stage for more thrilling adventures to come.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 458 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E17

#9 - Ghost in the Machine (Season 1 - Episode 17)


In the "Star Trek: Prodigy" episode titled "Ghost in the Machine," the crew finds themselves ensnared in the holodeck due to a mysterious malfunction. Unsure of what's programmed and what's reality, they face a series of puzzling scenarios that test their abilities and reveal hidden aspects of their personalities. From pretending to be a vet to battling Tellarite street bikers, the crew navigates through various simulations that shed light on their inner desires and fears.

While some viewers may feel the episode is stalling for major story events, the charm of a classic holodeck malfunction storyline is undeniable for fans of the "Star Trek" universe. Despite the missed opportunity to fully explore the creative potential of holoprogramming in animation, the jumbled scenarios offer insights into each character's motivations and aspirations. Whether it's Rok-Tahk's veterinary skills or Gwyn's lingering emotional ties, each crew member's simulation ties back to their core values and ambitions.

From unexpected twists like Rok-Tahk's veterinary companion turning into a kraken to Murf's delightful musical performance in a 1940s club, the episode maintains a level of entertainment that keeps viewers engaged. While the revelation about Holo-Janeway working against the crew may feel like a sudden plot device, it adds a layer of complexity to their interactions. Despite some reservations about the twist, the mix of filler content and intriguing character developments ensures that "Ghost in the Machine" remains a solid and enjoyable addition to the series.

The episode was rated 7.52 from 269 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E1

#8 - Lost & Found (1) / Lost & Found (2) (Season 1 - Episode 1)

In the episode "Lost & Found" of Star Trek: Prodigy, we are introduced to a group of rebellious teenagers stranded on a mining colony outside Federation space. Their discovery of a deserted Starfleet ship sets the stage for an exciting adventure as Dal, the group's leader, must assemble an unlikely crew to escape the clutches of Tars Lamora. However, the menacing Diviner and his daughter Gwyn have their own sinister plans that threaten to derail their escape.

While some viewers found the initial moments a bit rough and likened the show to a blend of Star Wars and Star Trek, there's undeniable potential in the diverse mix of characters and the thrilling ship-based sequences. The animation, though occasionally flawed in character designs, shines in its depiction of the starship and its action-packed scenes, captivating audiences with its visual splendor.

Despite differing opinions on the show's alignment with traditional Star Trek values, the heart of Star Trek: Prodigy seems to resonate with younger audiences, offering a modern take on the beloved franchise. With mysteries unfolding and intriguing characters like Rok, Zero, and Gwyn grabbing attention, the episode leaves viewers pondering about the origin of the Protostar, the motives of the enigmatic villain, and the unexpected presence of Alpha Quadrant species. As the journey continues, the series promises an engaging blend of adventure, suspense, and colorful storytelling that keeps fans eagerly anticipating what lies ahead.

The episode was rated 7.52 from 834 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E11

#7 - Asylum (Season 1 - Episode 11)


In this exciting episode of Star Trek: Prodigy titled "Asylum," the crew of the Protostar finds themselves on the edge of Federation space, seeking asylum at a comm relay outpost. However, their mission takes a thrilling turn when their starship reveals a shocking hidden purpose. The station Master's resemblance to Phlox from the NX-01 Enterprise adds an intriguing element of familiarity to the episode, while the lack of anti-virus programs in the future raises questions about the technology's defenses against potential threats.

While some viewers found the episode to be a solid return to the season, others felt it fell short in terms of narrative coherence, with criticisms of disjointed plot elements and unresolved storylines. The episode's focus on action sequences and technical challenges faced by the crew brought excitement but also raised concerns about the overall direction of the show. Despite these critiques, the episode sets the stage for new adventures and hints at a compelling storyline involving rebel protagonists evading the Federation.

The episode's blend of familiar faces like Chakotay and Vice Admiral Janeway with the young heroes of the Protostar offers a mix of nostalgia and fresh character development. As the crew navigates challenges and confronts the true nature of their starship, viewers are taken on a journey of discovery and growth. With promises of recognition from Starfleet and deeper explorations of the crew's backgrounds, "Asylum" sets the stage for a season filled with intrigue, action, and the enduring spirit of exploration that defines the Star Trek universe.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 332 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E12

#6 - Let Sleeping Borg Lie (Season 1 - Episode 12)

In the episode "Let Sleeping Borg Lie" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the Protostar Crew faces a daunting challenge when they stumble upon a dormant Borg Cube. Despite the risks involved, Zero takes a leap of faith to protect their ship, showcasing bravery and selflessness in the face of a formidable adversary like the Borg.

The episode delves into Zero's internal struggle, highlighting their desire to atone for past mistakes and make amends for the harm caused unintentionally. Through a poignant narrative, Zero's decision to interface with the Borg Collective via the cube's vinculum adds layers of complexity to their character, making for a compelling and emotional storyline.

As the crew navigates through uncertainties and confronts unexpected twists, including the awakening of a formidable adversary and the looming threat posed by the Living Construct aboard their ship, tensions rise, setting the stage for future conflicts and character development. With the Borg reemerging as a potent and menacing force, the episode effectively reignites the sense of danger and unpredictability associated with these iconic foes, injecting a fresh sense of urgency and excitement into the series.

The episode was rated 7.48 from 337 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S2E1

#5 - Into the Breach (1) (Season 2 - Episode 1)


Join the crew of the USS Protostar in the thrilling episode "Into the Breach" of Star Trek: Prodigy. As the young cadets face a dangerous mission, their bonds are tested, showcasing the power of friendship and courage in the face of adversity.

In this episode, the presence of the beloved Doctor, portrayed by the talented Robert Picardo, adds an extra layer of nostalgia and excitement for fans. His return to the Star Trek universe brings a sense of familiarity and comfort, making this episode a must-watch for both new viewers and long-time Trekkies.

"Into the Breach" continues to capture the essence of exploration and discovery that has defined the Star Trek franchise for generations. With its mix of action, heartwarming moments, and iconic characters, this episode is sure to leave viewers on the edge of their seats and eager for more adventures aboard the USS Protostar.

The episode was rated 7.44 from 18 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E2

#4 - Lost & Found (2) (Season 1 - Episode 2)

A group of lawless teens, exiled on a mining colony outside Federation space, discover a derelict Starfleet ship. Dal must gather an unlikely crew for their newfound ship if they are going to escape Tars Lamora, but the Diviner and his daughter Gwyn have other plans.

The episode was rated 7.38 from 189 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E7

#3 - First Con-tact (Season 1 - Episode 7)


In the episode "First Con-tact" from Star Trek: Prodigy, the story delves into the dark past of Dal, revealing shocking truths about his foster mom's betrayal. The emotional turmoil faced by Dal adds depth to his character, showcasing themes of trust, loyalty, and resilience. Despite the heaviness of the revelations, the episode weaves in moments of reassurance and camaraderie among the crew, highlighting the importance of chosen family and support in times of adversity.

The episode skillfully balances the darker undertones with adventurous elements, maintaining the series' trademark tone of over-the-top escapades. As Dal grapples with conflicting loyalties and moral dilemmas, viewers are drawn into a narrative that challenges the characters to uphold Starfleet values in the face of personal gain and deception. The exploration of Dal's past sheds light on his growth as he navigates the complexities of his upbringing and forges stronger bonds with his newfound friends.

While "First Con-tact" touches on poignant themes of betrayal and self-discovery, it also delves into the technical aspects of Star Trek lore, particularly focusing on transporter technology and ethical considerations. The episode's emphasis on educational elements may appeal to fans seeking insight into the series' intricate mechanics, though some viewers may find the narrative veering too heavily towards technical exposition. Despite its departure from character-driven storytelling, the episode manages to provide a thought-provoking exploration of trust, choice, and the consequences of one's actions within the Star Trek universe.

The episode was rated 7.35 from 425 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E4

#2 - Dreamcatcher (Season 1 - Episode 4)

In the episode "Dreamcatcher" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew embarks on their first away mission to an uncharted planet that cunningly materializes their deepest desires. Initially, the whimsical temptations seem benign, from cute creatures to scientific wonders, until darker truths start to unravel. The allure of reuniting with lost loved ones and yearning for familial appreciation tugs at the heartstrings of the characters, adding layers of emotional depth to the narrative.

As the plot unfolds, the mysterious planet's sinister intentions become apparent as it ensnares the crew with illusions tailored to their innermost longings. The eerie manifestations, like the menacing vine-covered Janeway and Gwyn's haunting vision of her father, inject a spine-chilling element into the storyline. Amidst the deception and allure, Gwyn's character undergoes a subtle transformation, showcasing a blend of vulnerability and resilience that resonates with viewers.

With a hint of trepidation and a dash of intrigue, the episode sets the stage for a compelling two-part narrative, offering a glimpse into the evolving dynamics among the crew members and the looming threats they face. While some viewers may find the premise somewhat familiar, the exploration of personal desires, ethical dilemmas, and the looming presence of the Diviner adds layers of complexity to the unfolding story. As the series delves deeper into uncharted territories, the true essence of Star Trek: Prodigy begins to shine, promising exciting adventures and character development on the horizon.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 495 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E3

#1 - Starstruck (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Even with the guidance of their hologram advisor Janeway, the crew of The Protostar is tested when their ship is on a dangerous cosmic collision course.

The episode was rated 7.27 from 486 votes.

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