Star Trek: Prodigy

10 Best Episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy

Step aboard the old Starfleet ship with a crew like no other in "Star Trek: Prodigy." This animated series follows a group of young, rebellious aliens as they embark on a journey through the galaxy, navigating challenges and discovering the true meaning of teamwork. Premiering in 2021, this show brings a fresh perspective to the Star Trek universe, appealing to both longtime fans and newcomers.

As these six outcasts band together, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride filled with adventure, mystery, and the exploration of Starfleet's core values. Each episode of "Star Trek: Prodigy" offers a unique blend of storytelling, character development, and stunning animation that keeps audiences of all ages engaged. With three seasons under its belt, this show has solidified its place as a must-watch for those seeking a sci-fi experience like no other.

Whether you're a sci-fi enthusiast or simply looking for a captivating series to binge-watch, "Star Trek: Prodigy" on Netflix promises to deliver entertainment that transcends time and space. Join the young crew as they learn to navigate the complexities of the universe, forging friendships and facing challenges along the way. Explore the vast expanse of the galaxy and discover what it truly means to strive for a better future in this beloved animated gem.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 02, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E11

#15 - Asylum (Season 1 - Episode 11)

In this exciting episode of Star Trek: Prodigy titled "Asylum," the crew of the Protostar finds themselves on the edge of Federation space, seeking asylum at a comm relay outpost. However, their mission takes a thrilling turn when their starship reveals a shocking hidden purpose. The station Master's resemblance to Phlox from the NX-01 Enterprise adds an intriguing element of familiarity to the episode, while the lack of anti-virus programs in the future raises questions about the technology's defenses against potential threats.

While some viewers found the episode to be a solid return to the season, others felt it fell short in terms of narrative coherence, with criticisms of disjointed plot elements and unresolved storylines. The episode's focus on action sequences and technical challenges faced by the crew brought excitement but also raised concerns about the overall direction of the show. Despite these critiques, the episode sets the stage for new adventures and hints at a compelling storyline involving rebel protagonists evading the Federation.

The episode's blend of familiar faces like Chakotay and Vice Admiral Janeway with the young heroes of the Protostar offers a mix of nostalgia and fresh character development. As the crew navigates challenges and confronts the true nature of their starship, viewers are taken on a journey of discovery and growth. With promises of recognition from Starfleet and deeper explorations of the crew's backgrounds, "Asylum" sets the stage for a season filled with intrigue, action, and the enduring spirit of exploration that defines the Star Trek universe.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 332 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E1

#14 - Lost & Found (1) / Lost & Found (2) (Season 1 - Episode 1)


In the episode "Lost & Found" of Star Trek: Prodigy, we are introduced to a group of rebellious teenagers stranded on a mining colony outside Federation space. Their discovery of a deserted Starfleet ship sets the stage for an exciting adventure as Dal, the group's leader, must assemble an unlikely crew to escape the clutches of Tars Lamora. However, the menacing Diviner and his daughter Gwyn have their own sinister plans that threaten to derail their escape.

While some viewers found the initial moments a bit rough and likened the show to a blend of Star Wars and Star Trek, there's undeniable potential in the diverse mix of characters and the thrilling ship-based sequences. The animation, though occasionally flawed in character designs, shines in its depiction of the starship and its action-packed scenes, captivating audiences with its visual splendor.

Despite differing opinions on the show's alignment with traditional Star Trek values, the heart of Star Trek: Prodigy seems to resonate with younger audiences, offering a modern take on the beloved franchise. With mysteries unfolding and intriguing characters like Rok, Zero, and Gwyn grabbing attention, the episode leaves viewers pondering about the origin of the Protostar, the motives of the enigmatic villain, and the unexpected presence of Alpha Quadrant species. As the journey continues, the series promises an engaging blend of adventure, suspense, and colorful storytelling that keeps fans eagerly anticipating what lies ahead.

The episode was rated 7.52 from 834 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E17

#13 - Ghost in the Machine (Season 1 - Episode 17)

In the "Star Trek: Prodigy" episode titled "Ghost in the Machine," the crew finds themselves ensnared in the holodeck due to a mysterious malfunction. Unsure of what's programmed and what's reality, they face a series of puzzling scenarios that test their abilities and reveal hidden aspects of their personalities. From pretending to be a vet to battling Tellarite street bikers, the crew navigates through various simulations that shed light on their inner desires and fears.

While some viewers may feel the episode is stalling for major story events, the charm of a classic holodeck malfunction storyline is undeniable for fans of the "Star Trek" universe. Despite the missed opportunity to fully explore the creative potential of holoprogramming in animation, the jumbled scenarios offer insights into each character's motivations and aspirations. Whether it's Rok-Tahk's veterinary skills or Gwyn's lingering emotional ties, each crew member's simulation ties back to their core values and ambitions.

From unexpected twists like Rok-Tahk's veterinary companion turning into a kraken to Murf's delightful musical performance in a 1940s club, the episode maintains a level of entertainment that keeps viewers engaged. While the revelation about Holo-Janeway working against the crew may feel like a sudden plot device, it adds a layer of complexity to their interactions. Despite some reservations about the twist, the mix of filler content and intriguing character developments ensures that "Ghost in the Machine" remains a solid and enjoyable addition to the series.

The episode was rated 7.52 from 269 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E5

#12 - Terror Firma (Season 1 - Episode 5)


In the episode "Terror Firma" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew finds themselves stranded on a dangerous planet, forced to collaborate with their captive Gwyn to survive. But as they navigate the perils of the planet, they realize that there are other forces at play beyond just the hostile environment. The episode delves into the complex dynamics between the crew and Gwyn, exploring why she joined them and why they choose to accept her, despite her past actions.

Throughout the episode, the themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption are beautifully portrayed. Gwyn's journey of seeking approval from her father, only to realize where true loyalty lies among the crew, adds depth to her character. The moments of bonding and selfless acts highlight the evolving relationships within the group, particularly between Gwyn and Dal, showcasing a symbolic connection that transcends past betrayals.

While the episode excels in character development and narrative twists, some elements like the action sequences and humor may fall slightly short for some viewers. However, the exploration of the characters' desires and the unveiling of the *Protostar*'s unique fuel source add layers to the overarching storyline. Overall, "Terror Firma" continues to strengthen the series by building upon its established foundations and setting the stage for more thrilling adventures to come.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 458 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E16

#11 - Preludes (Season 1 - Episode 16)

In the episode "Preludes" of Star Trek: Prodigy, we delve deeper into the past of the Protostar crew as a Starfleet Admiral investigates their backgrounds. At the same time, the enigmatic Diviner reflects on his life's mission, shedding light on his motivations and the vendetta he harbors against Starfleet. The episode offers a glimpse into the characters' histories, revealing layers of complexity that add depth to the unfolding narrative.

As the story unfolds, viewers are presented with intricate details about each crew member, from Rok-Tahk's poignant journey from wrestler to reluctant hero to Zero's encounter with energy beings and Jankom's unwavering dedication to his cryoship crew. Each backstory adds a new dimension to the characters, showcasing their resilience, vulnerabilities, and the events that shaped their paths. Despite some critiques about the delivery of these backstories, the episode succeeds in providing essential context for the characters' present circumstances.

The thematic thread of sharing personal stories and finding solace in connection runs through the episode, culminating in a heartwarming moment between Dal and the holographic Janeway. While some aspects may have missed the mark in terms of execution, the episode offers a compelling exploration of the Protostar crew's past and sets the stage for future developments. As the mysteries surrounding the crew and the Diviner unravel, viewers are left eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this captivating space odyssey.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 286 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E8

#10 - Time Amok (Season 1 - Episode 8)


In the episode "Time Amok" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the U.S.S. Protostar faces a time fracture caused by an anomaly, putting the crew in a race against time to save their ship from destruction. Hologram Janeway takes charge to unite the disjointed crew, utilizing her temporal programming to connect with each member and navigate through different temporal eddies. This unique challenge not only tests their problem-solving skills but also serves as a metaphor for their emotional disconnection following past difficulties.

The episode cleverly explores sequential problem-solving, where each young hero must contribute to helping the next in line, amidst varying speeds of time passage. Visually captivating scenes, like the depiction of different time speeds and creative nods to past Star Trek time travel sequences, enhance the viewing experience. Rahk-Tok's empowering journey from feeling boxed in to excelling as a science officer and engineer underlines themes of individual growth and friendship, culminating in a heartwarming reunion with the crew.

"Time Amok" stands out for its blend of a compelling sci-fi concept reminiscent of classic Star Trek storytelling, character development, and advancing the season's overarching narrative. With elements like Dal's revelation, Drednok's unexpected twist, and moments of emotional depth, the episode strikes a balance between engaging plot progression and meaningful interactions among the characters. This well-rounded installment not only entertains but also leaves a lasting impact, showcasing the resilience and unity of the Protostar crew in the face of adversity.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 432 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E15

#9 - Masquerade (Season 1 - Episode 15)

In the episode "Masquerade" of *Star Trek: Prodigy*, we delve deep into Dal's past as the crew finds themselves trapped in the Neutral Zone. A chance encounter with a rogue geneticist sheds light on Dal's origins, revealing that he is actually an augment. While the plot twist may not excite everyone, it's a poignant moment for Dal as he grapples with the truth about his identity and the sense of belonging he has long sought.

The emotional core of this episode shines through as Dal navigates the aftermath of this revelation. His search for his parents and a sense of purpose takes a sharp turn, leaving him feeling adrift and questioning his place in the universe. The show beautifully captures the internal struggle of a young man trying to make sense of his identity and where he fits in, especially amidst feelings of inadequacy compared to his peers.

While the episode may have its ups and downs in execution, the focus on Dal's character growth and self-acceptance is a standout. As he faces challenges and uncertainties, the support and reassurance from his friends, particularly Gwyn, emphasize the importance of who he is rather than what he is genetically. It's a touching exploration of identity, belonging, and the complexities of self-discovery that resonates beyond the sci-fi elements of the plot. *Star Trek: Prodigy* continues to deliver heartfelt moments and character development that keep viewers engaged and invested in the journey of its young heroes.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 315 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E9

#8 - A Moral Star (1) (Season 1 - Episode 9)


In the episode "A Moral Star" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew faces a challenging ethical dilemma that tests their commitment to doing the right thing. Presented with a no-win scenario by the Diviner, they must make a tough choice between seeking help from the Federation or returning to Tars Lamora to rescue their former compatriots. This decision reflects the values of Starfleet that they have internalized, showcasing their growth and maturity throughout the season.

The character development in this episode is particularly striking, with Dal and Gwyn demonstrating significant personal growth. Dal, who initially prioritized his own escape, chooses to work with his friends and risk his safety to save others. Gwyn, on the other hand, shows strength in her values by sacrificing herself to ensure the freedom of her friends and stand against her abusive father. Their actions highlight the importance of teamwork and compassion in the face of adversity.

As the plot unfolds, the Diviner's motives and relationship with his daughter add layers of complexity to the story. The cadets' clever plan to outsmart the Diviner and protect their newfound family showcases their resourcefulness and determination. While the episode sets the stage for an epic finale, leaving audiences eager for the next installment, it also raises questions about the characters' fates and the unfolding mysteries surrounding the Protostar.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 423 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E14

#7 - Crossroads (Season 1 - Episode 14)

In the episode "Crossroads" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the young crew finds themselves in a precarious situation as they seek transport to the Federation. Little do they know, their path intersects with Vice Admiral Janeway, who is on a mission to track them down. The tension builds as the kids navigate through this unexpected encounter with seasoned Starfleet officers, leading to a chase that could have been avoided with a simple conversation.

One intriguing aspect of this episode is the introduction of the character Okona, a nod to Star Trek's past with a fresh twist. Despite initial skepticism, Okona's presence adds a layer of complexity to the story, enhancing the dynamics between the young protagonists and the established Starfleet figures. The episode cleverly weaves in continuity nods that cater to long-time fans while propelling the narrative forward with new developments and interactions.

As the episode unfolds, we witness the internal struggles of Dal and Vice Admiral Janeway, each grappling with their respective fears and responsibilities. The clash between admiration and apprehension creates a palpable sense of uncertainty, fueling the escalating conflict and eventual showdown. While the resolution may leave some wanting more clarity, the character-driven moments and nods to Star Trek lore make "Crossroads" a compelling installment that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 314 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E13

#6 - All the World's a Stage (Season 1 - Episode 13)


In the episode "All the World's a Stage" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew of the *Protostar* finds themselves responding to a distress call that leads them to a colony trapped in Starfleet's past. This intriguing premise sets the stage for a thought-provoking exploration of the balance between Starfleet's guiding principles and the challenges of applying them in unfamiliar situations. As the crew navigates through this scenario, they are faced with dilemmas that test their understanding of the prime directive and the essence of Starfleet's mission.

One of the standout aspects of this episode is the portrayal of the Enderpridians, a group of aliens who have chosen to emulate Starfleet after an encounter with the organization. This playful homage to the original Star Trek series offers a delightful mix of nostalgia and humor, showcasing the impact of Starfleet's legacy on different cultures. Through the interactions with the Enderpridians, the episode cleverly explores themes of inspiration, imitation, and the enduring spirit of exploration that defines Starfleet's ethos.

As the narrative unfolds, viewers are treated to moments of character growth, particularly for Jankom Pog, whose journey from frustration to bravery adds depth to the storyline. The episode also pays homage to classic Star Trek lore through continuity nods and easter eggs that will delight fans of the franchise. Ultimately, "All the World's a Stage" not only honors the legacy of Star Trek but also underscores the timeless values of courage, compassion, and hope that continue to resonate across different worlds and generations.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 336 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E18

#5 - Mindwalk (Season 1 - Episode 18)

In the episode "Mindwalk" of Star Trek: Prodigy, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey as Dal finds himself in a predicament after inadvertently swapping minds with a Starfleet Vice Admiral. Despite initial hesitation about the body swap premise, the episode unfolds with a perfect blend of humor, character development, and plot progression that keeps audiences engaged from start to finish.

One of the highlights of the episode is witnessing Dal's antics in Admiral Janeway's body, expertly portrayed by the talented Kate Mulgrew. The animators bring the characters to life with convincing movements and expressions, adding depth to the comedic situations that arise from the mind swap. The crew's reactions to the unexpected behavior of the swapped individuals provide both amusement and insight into their relationships and dynamics.

As the story unfolds, unexpected moments of vulnerability and empathy emerge, particularly in Dal's interactions with The Diviner. The complexities of characters' motivations and actions are explored, offering a deeper understanding of their perspectives and growth. The episode skillfully balances moments of humor, drama, and introspection, making it a standout installment in the first season of Star Trek: Prodigy. With stellar voice acting and compelling storytelling, "Mindwalk" showcases the series at its finest, delivering a memorable viewing experience for fans of all ages.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 217 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E6

#4 - Kobayashi (Season 1 - Episode 6)


In the episode "Kobayashi" of Star Trek: Prodigy, we witness Gwyn's struggle to find her place aboard the U.S.S. Protostar, while Dal faces a test of his leadership skills in the newly discovered holodeck. The dynamics between the crew members are tested as Dal navigates his way through challenges that push him to realize the difference between survival skills and true leadership qualities. It becomes clear that being a leader is not just about making decisions but also about inspiring trust and confidence in those who look up to you.

The episode cleverly explores the theme of leadership and growth, with Dal learning valuable lessons that will shape his journey as the self-appointed captain of the crew. Through the unwinnable scenario of the Kobayashi Maru, Dal is forced to confront his own limitations and the importance of listening to his team members. The holographic training not only challenges Dal's perceptions of leadership but also sets the stage for future adventures and character development within the show.

As the mysteries surrounding the crew and the Diviner continue to unfold, viewers are drawn deeper into the intricate web of secrets and revelations. The episode seamlessly weaves together elements of lore, character backstory, and emotional depth, especially focusing on Gwyn's personal struggles and growth. Despite some mixed reviews on certain aspects of the episode, the overall narrative of "Kobayashi" sets the stage for a compelling and engaging storyline that promises new adventures and discoveries for the crew of the U.S.S. Protostar.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 456 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E10

#3 - A Moral Star (2) (Season 1 - Episode 10)

In "A Moral Star (2)" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew finds themselves in a tight spot when their plan takes an unexpected turn. As they face challenges and setbacks, the team must think on their feet and improvise to navigate the obstacles in their path. Meanwhile, Gwyn makes a shocking discovery that threatens to change the course of their journey towards redemption forever.

This episode delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, and overcoming adversity. While some plot twists may feel like take-backsies, the show still delivers moments of growth and unity among the characters. From Rok-Tahk showcasing her engineering skills to Dal and his team uniting disparate groups, there are poignant reflections on inclusivity and teamwork that resonate with the heart of Star Trek values.

Despite some narrative hiccups, the episode sets the stage for a promising second half of the season with tantalizing hints at future conflicts and resolutions. As the crew faces new challenges and confronts the truth behind their mission, viewers are left eagerly anticipating how the story will unfold in the episodes to come. With strong character development and nods to the rich Star Trek universe, "A Moral Star (2)" keeps fans engaged and invested in the adventures of the USS Protostar's young prodigies.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 423 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E19

#2 - Supernova (1) (Season 1 - Episode 19)


In the thrilling episode "Supernova" (1) of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew finds themselves in a high-stakes situation as they try to prevent their ship from causing chaos within Starfleet. The tension is palpable as they navigate through challenges reminiscent of the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario. It's a test of their skills and teamwork as they face adversaries and tough decisions that will shape the course of their journey.

While the episode delivers heart-pounding action and intense moments, some viewers have expressed mixed feelings about the animation quality and pacing. The design and animation work, though not the show's strongest suit, still manage to capture the essence of the characters' struggles and triumphs. From daring battles to emotional confrontations, each scene unfolds with a mix of excitement and introspection, showcasing the diverse range of experiences aboard the *Protostar*.

Amidst the action-packed sequences, the episode also explores themes of redemption, sacrifice, and growth. Characters like Dal and Gwyn undergo personal transformations, making tough choices that reflect their inner strength and determination. As alliances are tested and loyalties questioned, the crew must band together to overcome challenges and forge a path towards unity. With surprises at every turn and a sense of camaraderie that shines through, "Supernova" sets the stage for a riveting season finale that promises to leave fans eagerly anticipating what's to come next.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 284 votes.

Star Trek: Prodigy - S1E20

#1 - Supernova (2) (Season 1 - Episode 20)

In the thrilling episode "Supernova (2)" of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew faces a pivotal moment where they must make a sacrifice to secure the future of Starfleet. The tension is palpable as they grapple with the decision to save the Federation. The episode is packed with action, showcasing the characters' growth and chemistry, making it a standout conclusion to the season.

The emotional depth of the episode shines through as the crew navigates the complexities of sacrifice and loyalty. The looming threat to Starfleet adds weight to their decisions, culminating in a poignant farewell to their beloved ship, the *Protostar*. The stakes are high, and the characters' evolution is evident as they confront the ultimate test of their beliefs and values.

As the season wraps up, viewers are treated to a satisfying resolution that sets the stage for future adventures. The episode's blend of heart-wrenching goodbyes, newfound alliances, and hopeful beginnings leaves a lasting impact. With nods to Star Trek lore and a focus on found family dynamics, "Supernova (2)" solidifies Star Trek: Prodigy as a worthy addition to the iconic franchise, promising exciting developments in the seasons to come.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 293 votes.

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