Star Trek: Voyager

10 Worst Episodes of Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager has been a beloved science fiction classic for many years now. First airing in 1995 on UPN, it had a total of 8 seasons. Despite its popularity, some episodes have been ranked as some of the worst. In this list, we will explore the Star Trek: Voyager episodes that were ranked the worst by viewers.

The rankings were based on a combination of factors such as the writing, the plot, and the character development. Fans of the show were polled and asked to rank the episodes from best to worst. The results are compiled here to form a list of the worst episodes ranked by viewers.

Written by Sophie and last updated on may 14, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Star Trek: Voyager - S2E9

#10 - Tattoo (Season 2 - Episode 9)

Stardate: Unknown Upon discovering a cultural symbol drawn in the ground on a planet that was used by his ancestors to 'heal the land', Chakotay tries to contact the beings his tribe called the 'Sky Spirits.'

The episode was rated 7.24 from 384 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S2E15

#9 - Threshold (Season 2 - Episode 15)


Stardate: 49373.4 Tom Paris begins evolving into a higher organism after achieving warp 10 in an experimental shuttle.

The episode was rated 7.22 from 432 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S4E4

#8 - Nemesis (Season 4 - Episode 4)

Stardate: 51082.4 - Chakotay is stranded on a planet where two races are trying to wipe each other out in a massive, planet-wide war.

The episode was rated 7.18 from 392 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S6E22

#7 - Muse (Season 6 - Episode 22)


An alien poet discovers an unconscious B'Elanna Torres after her crash landing in the Delta Flyer. However, this poet intends on using her in a play based on her life on Voyager to win favour with his Warlord.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 322 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S6E14

#6 - Memorial (Season 6 - Episode 14)

The crew of Voyager experience vivid memories and dreams of a battle they don't remember having, with an enemy they have never encountered.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 366 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S2E4

#5 - Elogium (Season 2 - Episode 4)


Stardate: 48921.3 When the crew of Voyager investigate a cluster of space-borne life forms, Kes is forced into a stage in her life known as the 'Elogium.' This is the only time in her life when she can have a family.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 446 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S6E11

#4 - Fair Haven (Season 6 - Episode 11)

As the crew enjoys time off in a holo-program created by Tom Paris, and set in an Irish village named 'Fair Haven,' Captain Janeway falls for a handsome holo-character specifically designed for her. A deadly neutrino wave approaching Voyager shortly bring the festivities to a halt as this wave may prove to be more dangerous than they first imagined.

The episode was rated 7.09 from 345 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S6E3

#3 - Barge of the Dead (Season 6 - Episode 3)


During a near-death experience, B'Elanna finds herself aboard the Klingon Death Barge, a spectral vessel which transports dishonoured souls to Grethnor. After seeing her mother there, B'Elanna risks her life to go back and save her mother's soul from this fate, even at the cost of her own.

The episode was rated 7.08 from 355 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E23

#2 - 11:59 (Season 5 - Episode 23)

Captain Janeway relates the story of her distant ancestor Shannon O'Donnell during the construction of the Millennium Gate on Earth during New Year's Eve 1999. She must convince the last holdout, local bookstore owner Henry Janeway to approve the plan.

The episode was rated 6.96 from 331 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E19

#1 - The Fight (Season 5 - Episode 19)


While boxing on the holodeck, Chakotay is contacted by a telepathic species. However, prolonged communication may leave him insane or braindead.

The episode was rated 6.71 from 353 votes.

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