Star Trek: Voyager

10 Best Episodes of Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager is a beloved science fiction show that first aired in 1995 on UPN. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is 75 years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. It ran for eight seasons and has become a classic for sci-fi fans. As the show has become more and more popular, viewers have come together to choose and rank their favorite episodes. Here we will explore some of the best episodes of Star Trek: Voyager, as rated by viewers.

Written by Sophie and last updated on may 14, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Star Trek: Voyager - S2E21

#15 - Deadlock (Season 2 - Episode 21)

Deadlock is a fantastic episode of Star Trek: Voyager, with a lot of interesting elements for the viewers to enjoy. The stakes are high and the action is intense, with the Vidiians being formidable foes. The plot has some surprising twists, including a moment where Ensign Wildman's baby is beamed out in the last resort to save her life. There is also a lot of emotion in this episode, with the birth scene being a memorable one, and Ensign Wildman's baby ultimately dying.

The episode also features some clever writing with the resolution to the situation. Harry Kim is saved in an unexpected way, and Janeway's menage-a-deux is a memorable scene. The ending is also fitting, with Kim summarizing the weirdness of temporal mechanics and parallel universe episodes, and Janeway's iconic line about weird being part of the job. Overall, it is one of the best episodes of the show and a must-watch for any Star Trek fan.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 449 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S4E9

#14 - Year Of Hell (2) (Season 4 - Episode 9)


The "Year of Hell" episodes of Star Trek: Voyager are a great example of the show pushing the crew and the ship to the brink. With a skeleton crew, depleted resources, and a battered ship, the crew is desperate for help. Unfortunately, the use of the infamous Voyager-reset-button makes all of this seem moot, as nothing that was seen in the episodes has any lasting repercussions.

Kurtwood Smith's performance as the villain Annorax is a highlight, as he provides a nuanced and understandable antagonist. However, the episode also reveals Janeway's shortcomings as a captain. She acts in accordance with what she believes a captain should do instead of considering the best course of action, and her decisions are often disconnected from the individual situations. This makes Janeway one of the worst captains in Starfleet history.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 519 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S3E23

#13 - Distant Origin (Season 3 - Episode 23)

In the episode "Distant Origin" of Star Trek: Voyager, the crew encounters an alien paleontologist who believes he has discovered a common ancestral link between his people (the Voth) and humans. This would suggest that the Voth evolved on Earth and migrated to the Delta Quadrant millions of years ago, but his government is not willing to accept this interpretation of the evidence.

This episode is a great example of the core values of Star Trek. It portrays the consequences of challenging the foundation of a society and the fear of change of one's beliefs, while also encouraging us to reflect on the potential benefits of change. Not only that, but the episode also features some stunning make-up and special effects.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 406 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S4E8

#12 - Year Of Hell (1) (Season 4 - Episode 8)


The crew of the U.S.S Voyager come under attack from a mysterious Krenim Temporal Ship, which has the power to alter the course of evolution by wiping out entire species from the timeline. This double episode is packed with action, drama and ambition, with intricate FX and stage design adding to the impressive overall effect.

Kes had warned the crew about the Krenim before she left, but unfortunately, the warning fell on deaf ears. The crew entered the part of the galaxy anyway, and soon find out the devastating implications of their actions. Janeway is always doing her best for the crew, and her dedication is admirable. Sadly, in this timeline, Kes and her warning got erased too. It's a heavy episode, as the crew must confront the consequences of their mistake.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 528 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E2

#11 - Drone (Season 5 - Episode 2)

In the episode "Drone" of the show Star Trek: Voyager, a transporter accident merges some of Seven of Nine's Borg nanoprobes with the Doctor's 29th Century holo-emitter to create a 29th Century super-Borg. Jeri Ryan and J Paul Boehmer both deliver great performances in this episode, which is a major pivotal moment for Seven. She is reminded of her individuality and beauty, and has to come to terms with the strong emotions she has been suppressing.

The episode also highlights the different relationship the crew of Voyager have with the Borg, having a lot less hate involved. In the end, there is a genuine sense of loss as One sacrifices himself, and Seven is left with a painful reminder of her uniqueness and individuality. By the end of the episode, she has accepted herself for who she is and doesn't have to pretend to be something she is not. This episode resonates deeply with its audience and serves as a reminder of the victory of surviving this world.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 495 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E6

#10 - Timeless (Season 5 - Episode 6)


Star Trek Voyager's episode "Timeless" had a great plotline, full of surprising twists and turns. In this episode, Voyager uses a new quantum slipstream technology in an attempt to get home, but a miscalculation causes the ship to crash into an ice planet. Fifteen years later, the sole survivors, Chakotay and Kim, steal the Delta Flyer in an attempt to send a message back in time and avert the disaster, however, Captain Geordi LaForge is determined to stop them at all costs.

The episode also featured some unexpected characters, such as an intoxicated Seven and a Galaxy-class starship. Tom's character was out of the ordinary and it felt more like a role that B'Elanna should have had. Despite the fact that it raises the question of why Voyager doesn't just make several short slipstream jumps to get home, the episode was well received by the fans. Janeway's pronunciation of Harry's name as "Hairy" was also memorable.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 490 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S6E12

#9 - Blink of an Eye (Season 6 - Episode 12)

In the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Blink of an Eye", Voyager inadvertently helps to create a society within a short period of time and becomes the target of this society. This episode is a well-executed one as it touches upon a wide field of philosophical issues and is set on a fantastic looking planet with great stage design. It also addresses topics like time contraction, archaic civilization rapidly advancing, progress, religion/superstition and enlightenment/science, observer effects and violations of the prime directive.

The time-dilation trope is handled fairly well and the episode has a sweet and emotional story by the end. However, the writing can be quite lazy as the "alien" society is very human-like and mimics our history, social structure, beliefs, cultures and more. This can be seen as a missed opportunity as at the end of the episode, one wants to know how the development of this society will progress.

The episode was rated 8.09 from 473 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E16

#8 - Dark Frontier (2) (Season 5 - Episode 16)


The second part of the double feature, Dark Frontier (2), is an interesting episode that focuses on the ever-growing relationship between Seven of Nine and Captain Janeway. The Borg Queen makes a surprise return, but there's not an explanation as to how or why she's there. Despite the lack of explanation, it's still a good story for Seven, as Jeri Ryan's performance is great.

The Borg have become very weak enemies by this point in the show, with the crew being able to wander around on Borg ships without the Borg seeing them as a threat. The Queen tries to entice Seven back to the Collective, but her methods of "seduction" go nowhere. There are also some moments of bad writing, such as the Queen praising Seven for her uniqueness and then berating her for it. Additionally, Janeway makes an odd comment about preferring to suffocate rather than vaporise. All in all, it's a decent episode, but the first part is much better.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 218 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E15

#7 - Dark Frontier (1) (Season 5 - Episode 15)

In the episode of Star Trek: Voyager, Dark Frontier (1), the crew of Voyager are preparing to launch an attack on a damaged Borg Sphere to steal a trans-warp coil. This ambitious double feature set raises the question of whether it is wise to take such a risk when the ship is unexpectantly on a 70 year mission back home, unsupported and outnumbered. Although the premise of the Seven of Nine being deliberately sent to Voyager and then taken back by conversation with the Borg Queen is questionable, it does add to the suspense of the episode.

While some might argue that there is too much Borg featured in Voyager, the Borg are a well-established entity and provide a formidable nemesis that the crew of Voyager did not have in the Gamma Quadrant. However, their role does seem to have become a bit over-Borged and the Borg in this episode appear to act much more careless than those in TNG. This episode will no doubt have the audience at the edge of their seat wondering the outcome of the mission and the consequences of their actions.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 463 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S5E24

#6 - Relativity (Season 5 - Episode 24)


The episode Relativity of Star Trek: Voyager is a great example of a time travel story done right. It dives head-first into the genre with abandon, not caring too much about tidying things up. It brings back the fan-favorite Captain Braxton, played by a different actor this time, and gives a lot of screen-time to Seven of Nine, the main character of the show.

The episode is full of mysterious, exciting and suspenseful moments. It has different intersecting timelines that keep the viewers on their toes. Seven, the Doctor and even the Captain prove quite capable, as the stakes are high: one Voyager is destroyed in flight and even Seven dies. The ending is a bit of a let down, however, as it's quickly wrapped up and we're told not to worry too much about the paradox problems. There is also a continuity issue regarding the Doctor's activation, as we see a different moment to what was previously established. All in all, a great episode!

The episode was rated 8.15 from 451 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S4E14

#5 - Message in a Bottle (Season 4 - Episode 14)

In the Star Trek: Voyager episode Message in a Bottle, the crew discovers an ancient communications relay that extends to the Alpha Quadrant. With the help of the Doctor, they are able to send him to a Federation ship, the experimental U.S.S. Prometheus, only to find that the ship has been taken over by the Romulans.

The episode is full of suspense and high stakes, filled with entertaining moments and humorous dialogue. Andy Dick plays the EMH-2 and provides some comedic relief. It's a great episode that also moves the overall narrative of the show forward, introducing a new enemy in the form of the Hirogen, while also tying into the Dominion War story arc from the show Deep Space Nine. Additionally, the episode has some emotional moments at its conclusion. This is the first time that the Alpha Quadrant is made aware of Voyager's existence, which is a huge milestone. It's an enjoyable and memorable episode, and a fan favorite.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 486 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S4E1

#4 - Scorpion (2) (Season 4 - Episode 1)


The episode Scorpion (2) of Star Trek: Voyager follows the crew's attempt to negotiate with the Borg and secure safe passage for their ship and its crew. In order to help with the negotiations, the Borg send over a drone designated Seven of Nine as a representative of the collective. Seven of Nine provides an insight into the Borg collective and their tactical decision making.

The episode raises several questions, such as why a Borg ship has an atmosphere, and how Voyager gets their hands on Type III Phaser rifles. These questions are likely due to production issues, as it is established the Borg do not need air, and the Type III Phaser rifles were not introduced until two years after Voyager left the Alpha Quadrant. However, the episode still provides an entertaining and insightful look into the Borg collective and Seven of Nine's character.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 614 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S3E26

#3 - Scorpion (1) (Season 3 - Episode 26)

The first episode of Star Trek: Voyager's fourth season, "Scorpion," is an exciting one that marks a new beginning for the show. Voyager has entered Borg space, only to discover a greater threat than the Borg themselves. This is a surrender of sorts from the writers, admitting that they had exhausted the Delta Quadrant of interesting races and civilizations, and needed to bring back the Borg to fill the gaps. However, this episode brings with it the promise of an even greater menace, and we are presented with the introduction of Seven of Nine into the show.

The Janeway/Chakotay conflict is one that could have been incredibly compelling, but it is handled poorly in this episode. Janeway's inflexible insistence that she is always right is an example of her poorer character traits, and it does not work in this episode. Fortunately, she is redeemed by doing a lot of good elsewhere in the show. The teaser of this episode was thrilling, with something wiping out Borg cubes in mere seconds. This episode is an exciting and promising start to the season.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 547 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S7E26

#2 - Endgame (2) (Season 7 - Episode 26)


Admiral Kathryn Janeway's decision to change the past in an attempt to undo the toll taken on the crew during their arduous journey home is the focus of the final episode of the series. The episode is a hodgepodge of ideas, and while it is exciting, the lack of emotional gratification is stunning. The absence of any reaction, welcome-home scene, or emotional looking-back leaves the audience with unanswered questions and a feeling of disappointment.

Viewers are also divided on the episode. Despite the feeling of dissatisfaction, some still give the episode an 8/10 rating due to the relief of seeing the crew make it back to the Alpha Quadrant in one piece. However, they still feel that the finale should have been better, as it felt as though the writers were rushed to end the story without any resolution. Even Kathryn Janeway's reaction to her older self is considered to be not very credible, as she discusses breaking the rules with her older self.

The episode was rated 8.47 from 279 votes.

Star Trek: Voyager - S7E25

#1 - Endgame (1) (Season 7 - Episode 25)

Admiral Kathryn Janeway's bold decision to change the past in an attempt to undo the toll taken on the crew during their arduous journey home marks the beginning of the long awaited end for the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager. While seeing the future versions of the characters is entertaining, the structure of the episode and the resolution of the character stories feel rushed and out of place. The introduction of new plot elements such as Seven and Chakotay's relationship also doesn't make sense as it's too sudden. Furthermore, the reliance on the Borg as the "Swiss knife of story telling" to solve all their problems is a bit uninspiring. However, despite all the criticism, the episode still manages to be entertaining and the fact that a ship was named after the Ocean State was a nice touch.

The episode was rated 8.64 from 546 votes.

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