The Rig

10 Best Episodes of The Rig

When the crew of the Kishorn Bravo oil rig, stationed off the Scottish coast, is due to return to the mainland, a mysterious and all-enveloping fog rolls through and they find themselves cut off from all communication with the outside world. As the rig is hit by massive tremors, the crew endeavor to discover what’s driving the unknown force. But a major accident forces them to ask questions about who they can really trust.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 10, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Rig - S1E6

#6 - Episode 6 (Season 1 - Episode 6)

Scores are settled and mysteries revealed as Coake is pushed to explain Pictor’s plan and the true reason for his mission onboard, Rose and Fulmer work out the horrifying extent of what the coded messages they have discovered really mean, and Magnus must put his personal demons to rest and lead the crew in one final bid for their survival.

The episode was rated 6.88 from 136 votes.

The Rig - S1E3

#5 - Episode 3 (Season 1 - Episode 3)


With Baz missing and presumed dangerous, the crew split into groups to search the production module and find him, and Rose takes the painful decision to isolate Fulmer. But as Rose makes a perplexing breakthrough, the manhunt becomes more frightening and mysterious when the crew are hit by power failures and paranoia, and they discover things that push them far beyond their comfort zone.

The episode was rated 7.08 from 170 votes.

The Rig - S1E2

#4 - Episode 2 (Season 1 - Episode 2)

The appearance of the rig’s Stand By Vessel raises hopes of escape in the team – leaving geologist Rose until sunrise to try and work out the scientific nature of the mysterious ash onboard before the crew abandon ship and make a break for it. But with tensions running high, some are compelled to take the situation into their own hands, with serious consequences.

The episode was rated 7.08 from 212 votes.

The Rig - S1E5

#3 - Episode 5 (Season 1 - Episode 5)


Baz and Garrow get closer to understanding their mission when they explore the pump control room, and realise they need Fulmer to help them – leading to painful consequences for Fulmer as he struggles to keep a grip on his sanity. When the crew’s anxieties rise as a glimmer of potential hope turns sour, Magnus finds himself losing his grip as tensions amongst the group reach fever pitch.

The episode was rated 7.12 from 137 votes.

The Rig - S1E4

#2 - Episode 4 (Season 1 - Episode 4)

Baz and Garrow get closer to understanding their mission when they explore the pump control room, and realise they need Fulmer to help them – leading to painful consequences for Fulmer as he struggles to keep a grip on his sanity. When the crew’s anxieties rise as a glimmer of potential hope turns sour, Magnus finds himself losing his grip as tensions amongst the group reach fever pitch.

The episode was rated 7.12 from 145 votes.

The Rig - S1E1

#1 - Episode 1 (Season 1 - Episode 1)


When the Kinloch Bravo’s crew find themselves stranded on their production platform, first when their chopper is diverted and then by a mysterious fog that affects the entire oil field, rig boss Magnus’ attempts to find a practical solution are thwarted by a horrifying accident and a growing sense of unease onboard.

The episode was rated 7.16 from 257 votes.

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