The Simpsons

10 Best Episodes of The Simpsons - Season 27

The Simpsons is an iconic American show that has been airing since 1989 on FOX. Set in the average American town of Springfield, the show follows the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family. Over the 36 seasons of the show, there have been many memorable episodes that have made The Simpsons a household name. Here we will rank the best episodes of The Simpsons, from the highest to the lowest rated.

The Simpsons is filled with comedy, satire and commentary directed at politics, media and American life. It has attracted hundreds of celebrities to guest star in the show, making it even more popular. With so many great episodes, it can be hard to pick out the best. Here we will rank the top episodes based on their ratings, reviews and overall popularity.

So sit back and enjoy this list of the best episodes of The Simpsons, ranked from highest to lowest. There is sure to be something here to satisfy everyone, so let’s get started!

Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 26, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Simpsons - S27E17

#15 - The Burns Cage (Season 27 - Episode 17)

After Smithers is crushed by Mr. Burns' lack of affection towards him, other characters attempt to find a boyfriend for him. Meanwhile, Milhouse competes against a new boy for the lead role in a school production of Casablanca, so he can act alongside his own unrequited love, Lisa.

The episode was rated 7.22 from 1353 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E15

#14 - Lisa the Veterinarian (Season 27 - Episode 15)


After performing CPR on a tased raccoon, Lisa discovers her calling to be veterinarian and becomes an intern at the local office, but learns a tough lesson when her neglected class hamster dies. Meanwhile, Marge moonlights as a crime scene cleaner for a little extra money, and the trauma of the gory scenes make her increasingly dead inside.

The episode was rated 7.23 from 1200 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E21

#13 - Simprovised (Season 27 - Episode 21)

After butchering a speech in front of all of his friends at work, Homer turns to improv comedy to gain back his confidence in his public speaking skills. Meanwhile, Marge decides to rebuild Bart’s lackluster treehouse, but tensions rise when Bart questions her building skills. Also, in the episode’s last three minutes, Homer appears LIVE for the first time on television (both for East and West Coast broadcasts) to answer fan questions.

The episode was rated 7.26 from 1407 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E12

#12 - Much Apu About Something (Season 27 - Episode 12)


Sanjay passes his stake in the Kwik-E-Mart to his millennial son, Jay, who turns it into a hip, health food market against Apu’s insistence on tradition. Bart, whom Homer had convinced to give up pranking, is called upon to return to his trickster life and take down the new store.

The episode was rated 7.28 from 1222 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E3

#11 - Puffless (Season 27 - Episode 3)

Upon learning that their father really died of lung cancer, Selma and Patty agree to quit smoking. When Selma relapses, an angry Patty moves in with Marge and Homer.

The episode was rated 7.32 from 1389 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E8

#10 - Paths of Glory (Season 27 - Episode 8)


Lisa sets out to restore the tarnished reputation of Springfield’s first female inventor. To find her invention, she scours an abandoned asylum and a restaurant that caters to men. Bart joins Lisa at the asylum, stealing one of the homicidal patient’s notebooks, and bragging to the boys at school that he wrote the entries himself. This revelation causes Homer and Marge to believe he is a sociopath, which Bart decides to use to his advantage until things go too far.

The episode was rated 7.32 from 1372 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E19

#9 - Fland Canyon (Season 27 - Episode 19)

Homer recalls a tense family vacation to the Grand Canyon with the Flanders family. At first, the Flanders’ perfection puts the families at odds, but when they get stranded and Ned and Bart go for help, the families finally bond.

The episode was rated 7.33 from 1383 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E22

#8 - Orange is the New Yellow (Season 27 - Episode 22)


Marge goes to prison for letting Bart play in a park unsupervised.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 1529 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E11

#7 - Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles (Season 27 - Episode 11)

There is a new teacher at Springfield Elementary, and a captivated Bart tries everything to win her over. Meanwhile, Homer decides to buy a new brand of “milk,” which causes early puberty, both for Bart (augmenting his wooing powers) and Lisa (whose small bout with acne opens her up to the world of makeup and popularity).

The episode was rated 7.35 from 1409 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E2

#6 - Cue Detective (Season 27 - Episode 2)


Scotty Boom, a Chew Network super-chef, challenges Homer to a smoke-off. But when someone steals Homer’s secret weapon – a smoker he bought off a mysterious man at a BBQ shack – Lisa and Bart are on the case.

The episode was rated 7.36 from 1597 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E6

#5 - Friend with Benefit (Season 27 - Episode 6)

Lisa makes a new pal at school named Harper, whose internet billionaire father becomes buddies with a different Simpson: Homer. Soon, though, Lisa becomes worried that Harper is a little too entitled.

The episode was rated 7.37 from 1364 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E16

#4 - The Marge-ian Chronicles (Season 27 - Episode 16)


Not feeling unique, Lisa signs up for the Mars One Space Colony – to Marge’s dismay. Then, Marge hires Bart to go through the tryout process with Lisa to make her want to quit.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 1305 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E10

#3 - The Girl Code (Season 27 - Episode 10)

After a photo Marge posts on social media gets Homer fired, he returns to the best job he ever had, a dishwasher at a Greek restaurant. This same post inspires Lisa to code an app that predicts the real-life consequences of anything you post online, only to create sentient artificial intelligence.

The episode was rated 7.45 from 1402 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E4

#2 - Halloween of Horror (Season 27 - Episode 4)


When Lisa becomes scared at the Krustyland Halloween Horror Night, Homer is forced to take down his Everscream Terrors decorations. Halloween pop-up employees seek vengeance on Homer for causing them to lose their jobs, and rob his house while Homer and Lisa hide out in the attic. Homer and Lisa light up their stored holiday decorations to attract attention and stand up to the intruders.

The episode was rated 7.47 from 1518 votes.

The Simpsons - S27E9

#1 - Barthood (Season 27 - Episode 9)

Bart’s coming of age story a la “Boyhood” chronicles his life from six years old to his time as an accomplished young man. Along the way, his tense relationship with Homer, an overly uncaring version of himself, and Lisa, who overshadows him in every way possible, shape Bart more than he realizes.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 1415 votes.

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