The Walking Dead, an American post-apocalyptic horror television series created by Frank Darabont, first aired on AMC in 2010. The show follows Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes as he wakes up from a coma to find a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flesh-eating zombies. He sets out to find his family and encounters many other survivors along the way. With 12 seasons and countless episodes, it can be difficult to determine the best episodes of The Walking Dead. Therefore, we have ranked the best episodes of The Walking Dead.
From Rick's initial awakening to the epic battle of Alexandria, The Walking Dead has had no shortage of thrilling episodes. Season 3's "Clear" and Season 5's "Conquer" are some of the most memorable episodes of the series. Season 9's "What Comes After" was an emotional finale that left fans in tears, while Season 4's "The Grove" is a fan favorite for its heartbreaking conclusion.
With so many amazing episodes, it can be difficult to choose the best episodes of The Walking Dead. Hopefully, this ranking of the best episodes of The Walking Dead will help you decide which episodes to watch first.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 10, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
After all the recent trials the group has faced, a slight detour might prove to be the solution they've been looking for.
The episode was rated 7.34 from 3409 votes.
As Rick and the others continue to acclimate to their new surroundings, they consider a return to normalcy.
The episode was rated 7.42 from 4276 votes.
Things appear nice and safe, but there is a bit of a dark side for another group of survivors.
The episode was rated 7.67 from 4322 votes.
Some members hold down the church while the others are on a rescue mission.
The episode was rated 7.68 from 4070 votes.
A new set of issues confront the group while on a mission.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 4265 votes.
After withstanding a spectacular storm, Rick and the others meet what appears to be a friendly person, but find themselves mistrustful.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 3386 votes.
Stakes are high when members of the group must go on a rescue mission in a familiar location.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 4215 votes.
When life within the walls begins to mimic life outside, the group realizes that sheltered life may not be possible.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 4439 votes.
The group has a difficult time molding to a new lifestyle, forcing them to consider whether they can be the people they once were.
The episode was rated 7.85 from 3565 votes.
While trying to secure a new home, Rick and his group face challenges, and question the utopia they find themselves in.
The episode was rated 7.89 from 4391 votes.
Rick leads a risky mission for a possible small reward when the supplies run low.
The episode was rated 8.01 from 4456 votes.
Rick and the others find themselves pitted against a group of nasty people.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 4447 votes.
The Walking Dead's mid-season finale, Coda, is an intense episode that follows Rick trying to find a peaceful way to resolve a violent situation. His enemies, however, have other plans, leading to a climactic battle.
The episode is filled with dramatic moments, from a heartbreaking scene involving Morgan and his theme to a mysterious moment where the left door opens, despite the glass breaking on the right side. Fans of the show will be on the edge of their seats as the episode builds up to its epic conclusion.
The episode was rated 8.13 from 4166 votes.
Episode Conquer of The Walking Dead was a thrilling episode full of suspense as Daryl finds trouble while on a run and Rick and the group feel like outsiders in Alexandria, where trouble approaches the gates. This episode had many memorable scenes, one of which was when Morgan said "all life is precious," reflecting a inner peace of this man which is critical in order to survive in the zombie apocalypse. Fans of the show rated this episode a 10/10, remarking on the wonderful bojutsu work by Morgan and the suspenseful moments of the episode.
The stick is one of the most amazing non-lethal practical weapons that can be used and Morgan's work with it was truly remarkable. Fans of the show highly praised the episode and were looking forward to the next season with much promise. The episode ended with the famous line "Rick, Do It!" which was a fitting conclusion to the episode.
The episode was rated 8.34 from 4930 votes.
In the shocking episode of The Walking Dead, "No Sanctuary", Rick and the group learn the true motives of the Terminans as they find themselves in a vulnerable situation. This episode was intense and action-packed, providing an exciting and memorable experience for fans of the show.
The standout star of this episode is undoubtedly Carol, who proves her worth as a powerful and fearless warrior. Her incredible strength and courage is on full display as she saves the group from certain doom. Fans of the show were thrilled to see her badassery in action, and her performance was met with rave reviews and applause.
This episode of The Walking Dead is considered by many to be the best one of the series so far. The intense action, suspenseful plot, and Carol's remarkable performance made this episode particularly special. It is no wonder why this episode is so beloved by fans of the show!
The episode was rated 8.57 from 5030 votes.
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