The Walking Dead, an American post-apocalyptic horror television series created by Frank Darabont, first aired on AMC in 2010. The show follows Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes as he wakes up from a coma to find a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flesh-eating zombies. He sets out to find his family and encounters many other survivors along the way. With 12 seasons and countless episodes, it can be difficult to determine the best episodes of The Walking Dead. Therefore, we have ranked the best episodes of The Walking Dead.
From Rick's initial awakening to the epic battle of Alexandria, The Walking Dead has had no shortage of thrilling episodes. Season 3's "Clear" and Season 5's "Conquer" are some of the most memorable episodes of the series. Season 9's "What Comes After" was an emotional finale that left fans in tears, while Season 4's "The Grove" is a fan favorite for its heartbreaking conclusion.
With so many amazing episodes, it can be difficult to choose the best episodes of The Walking Dead. Hopefully, this ranking of the best episodes of The Walking Dead will help you decide which episodes to watch first.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 10, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Rick and the group are forced to make a decision now that their safety is no longer guaranteed. Andrea feels uncomfortable now that Woodbury has become a police state.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 2845 votes.
After the invasion of Woodbury by Rick’s group, Daryl and Merle are captured by The Governor. Rick decides the fate of Tyreese’s group.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 2864 votes.
The Governor chases a fleeing dissenter; while the Governor is gone, a traitor tries to sabotage his plans.
The episode was rated 7.91 from 3236 votes.
Andrea and Michonne find a new community of survivors; a decision must be made.
The episode was rated 7.97 from 2910 votes.
Rick struggles after another loss; Michonne is suspicious of the Governor.
The episode was rated 7.97 from 2863 votes.
Since they are outgunned against the Governor's forces, Rick undertakes a mission to get more weapons.
The episode was rated 8.04 from 2972 votes.
The governor seeks information; a new guest at the prison forces Rick's hand.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 2852 votes.
After a traumatic event, a life hangs in the balance. Complicating matters, the group must also deal with a potential threat to their new surroundings.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 2881 votes.
As Andrea grows closer to the Governor, Michonne makes a decision about Woodbury. Glenn and Maggie go on a run. Rick struggles.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 2852 votes.
The group on The Walking Dead is preparing for their next step and Rick is searching for his lost friend. Meanwhile, Daryl and Merle are questioning the decisions they have made. The governor of Woodbury is trying to bring back order to the town and is looking to punish the people who caused the chaos.
This episode of The Walking Dead was filled with tension and suspense. Viewers were on the edge of their seats as they watched the characters go through their difficult decisions and struggles. From Daryl and Merle's inner battle over the choices they made, to the governor's plans to restore order in Woodbury, the episode kept viewers on their toes. Even the comments from viewers reflect the intensity of the episode, with one viewer exclaiming "DAMN YOU, YOU ONE-EYED FUCK!!" and another criticising the character's lack of caution "I hate how stupid these people are. If you know people are coming for you, why the fuck would you be sitting waiting for them to come? Dumb fucks.".
The episode was rated 8.11 from 2876 votes.
In the episode Welcome to the Tombs of The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes and The Governor prepare for an oncoming war as Andrea struggles to escape The Governor's torture chamber. The extra from a few episodes ago, who died in the guard tower when shooting at Carl, Beth, Carol and Maggie, can be seen in the truck with the same hat and glasses.
Andrea's death is seen as a waste by some viewers, as she was aware of all the atrocities The Governor had done and still was unable to do anything about it. The Governor's survival was a shock to some viewers, who had expected him to die in the same season. It was also surprising that Andrea was bitten as she had the pliers and was good at defending herself, leading some viewers to wonder how The Governor was able to bite her first.
The episode was rated 8.12 from 3468 votes.
This Sorrowful Life was an intense episode of The Walking Dead, as Rick and the group had to face a difficult decision in order to come to a truce with the Governor. This episode was also a bittersweet farewell to Merle, as his death was the ultimate sacrifice to achieve peace between the two factions.
The episode had a lot of heartbreaking moments, as Merle finally saw the light before his death and even had a chance to apologize to Daryl for the mistakes he had made in the past. Despite how Merle was portrayed in the earlier seasons, viewers were still able to sympathize with his death and recognize the difficult decision that had to be made. While many viewers were disappointed that this episode was not dedicated solely to Merle, the Glenn and Maggie subplot still added to the heartache of the episode.
All in all, This Sorrowful Life was a powerful episode that showed the consequences of war and the sacrifices that had to be made in the name of peace. It was a fitting end to Merle’s journey, and a reminder of the sacrifices that have to be made in order to move forward.
The episode was rated 8.27 from 3310 votes.
In the season premiere of The Walking Dead, Rick discovers a potentially safe haven for himself, Lori, and the group. However, before he can secure the premises, Rick and the group must push their limits to do so.
The first five minutes of the episode is something else, and it is as good as viewers remembered. Rick and Lori have tension between them, and Carl is mad at Lori as well. How they thought a jail would be safe when there were tons and tons of people there is a mystery, but otherwise the episode is great.
The episode was rated 8.28 from 3172 votes.
In the episode "Made to Suffer" of The Walking Dead, Andrea steps up to lead the people of Woodbury when they are thrown into uncharted territory. Meanwhile, a new threat arises at the prison. This episode has been widely praised, with many saying that it is the best episode so far. People have also commented on Andrea's stubbornness and their frustration with her refusal to change her ways. The ending scene of the episode has also been criticized for its bad extras, which many have found laughable.
Despite this, the episode was still a hit, with its intense action and suspense. Many were happy to see Andrea take on a leadership role, and it was certainly a fitting episode for the season. The Walking Dead continues to deliver thrilling episodes, and "Made to Suffer" is no exception. It is definitely worth watching, and it is sure to have fans talking for a long time to come.
The episode was rated 8.28 from 2853 votes.
The Walking Dead's episode Killer Within is an emotional rollercoaster. It follows the characters as their lives are placed in jeopardy after their group is severed. Merle has a request for the Governor, but it is unclear what it is. The episode has left viewers speechless with comments such as “Nooo no noo oh god nooooo” and “and it made me cry again... probably the most emotional episode until this point.” It is clear that this episode has had a profound impact on viewers and is one of the most emotional episodes to date.
The episode is a powerful reminder of the human cost of war and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. It is a gripping portrayal of the difficult decisions and heartbreaking losses that the characters must face. It's no surprise that viewers were left with such strong emotions after viewing this episode. The Walking Dead's Killer Within is an episode that will stay with viewers for a long time.
The episode was rated 8.40 from 3090 votes.
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