Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we find that several of them share the same birthday - and so much more than anyone would expect.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 02, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The Pearsons come together to celebrate Kate and Toby's wedding. Wedding planners Kevin and Randall struggle to pull off the big day. Kate is flooded with memories of Jack. Deja struggles to adjust to her new living situation.
The episode was rated 8.13 from 1784 votes.
As their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we find that several of them share the same birthday and so much more than anyone would expect.
The episode was rated 8.14 from 7532 votes.
Rebecca finds solace with an old friend as the Pearsons struggle to cope with tragedy. Jack teaches Kevin and Randall to drive.
The episode was rated 8.14 from 1952 votes.
Rebecca helps Kate and Toby care for baby Jack. Zoe and Kevin look after Tess and Annie. Randall and Beth consider how to move forward.
The episode was rated 8.14 from 1075 votes.
The Pearsons come together under unexpected circumstances. Meanwhile, Jack surprises the family with a summer vacation.
The episode was rated 8.15 from 2158 votes.
The Pearsons navigate huge family milestones together, from a distance.
The episode was rated 8.18 from 594 votes.
The entire Pearson family gathers at Randall's for an unusual party. Kevin and Sophie's relationship deepens on the night of his play's premiere. Kate struggles to open up to Toby about her father's death. Tensions are high between Jack and Rebecca as she leaves on tour with her band.
The episode was rated 8.20 from 4501 votes.
The Big Three makes a plan for Rebecca.
The episode was rated 8.34 from 363 votes.
The Big Three reconnect at the family cabin.
The episode was rated 8.35 from 837 votes.
The Pearsons gather to celebrate Baby Jack's first birthday.
The episode was rated 8.36 from 768 votes.
Randall and William take a road trip to Memphis, where Randall learns about his biological father's past.
The episode was rated 8.40 from 4487 votes.
Miguel over the years.
The episode was rated 8.40 from 394 votes.
Randall hosts a Super Bowl party while Kevin and Kate reconnect with the past.
The episode was rated 8.47 from 2051 votes.
The Big Three come to new understandings about life.
The episode was rated 8.52 from 375 votes.
The Pearsons gather around Rebecca's bedside.
The episode was rated 8.71 from 379 votes.
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