Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends

10 Best Episodes of Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - Season 1

The adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor.

Written by Sophie and last updated on sep 14, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E13

#15 - Thomas, Terence and the Snow (Season 1 - Episode 13)

One autumn day, Thomas meets a Terence the tractor and mocks his caterpillars, thinking them ugly. Winter soon arrives with heavy snow, and Thomas is forced to wear his uncomfortable snowplough. He shakes and bangs the snowplough and by the end of the day it's too damaged to use again. The next day, his crew find they cannot fix the snowplough in time, Thomas much to his delight. He continues his work, without his snowplough. But when Thomas runs into a deep snowdrift and gets stuck, he immediately regrets breaking his snowplough. Bertie arrives to take Thomas' passengers, and Terence comes to the rescue. Terence pulled Annie and Clarabel away, and then came back for Thomas. Thomas thanks Terence and promises to be sensible from now on.

The episode was rated 7.22 from 27 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E3

#14 - The Sad Story of Henry (1) (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Henry the Green Engine doesn't like getting his paint wet - so refuses to come out of the tunnel. The Fat Controller tries everything, including getting Thomas to push Henry out but the big green engine still does not move. In the end, the Fat Controller orders a brick wall be built to block the tunnel entrance, meaning Henry stays in the tunnel forever...

The episode was rated 7.22 from 63 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E6

#13 - Thomas & The Trucks (Season 1 - Episode 6)

Thomas is bored, and when one night Edward offers to swap duties with him for the next day, Thomas takes up the offer. This involves taking Edward's trucks. However Thomas is not used to trucks...

The episode was rated 7.24 from 51 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E21

#12 - Toby & The Stout Gentleman (1) (Season 1 - Episode 21)


We meet Toby the Tram Engine and his coach Henrietta, who both work hard on their little line. One day, a stout gentleman (the Fat Controller), his wife and grandchildren, Stephen and Bridget, come to visit and become very fond of Toby. Some months later, the line is sadly closed, but little does Toby know he has been saved by a letter from a certain personage...

The episode was rated 7.25 from 12 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E2

#11 - Edward & Gordon (Season 1 - Episode 2)

Edward is feeling sad, as all the other engines are bigger and younger than him. But when Gordon gets stuck whilst pulling trucks up a hill, it's Edward to the rescue.

The episode was rated 7.29 from 84 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E12

#10 - Thomas Goes Fishing (Season 1 - Episode 12)


Thomas has a desire to fish, and the others tell him "Engines don't fish!" When the water tower is out of order, Thomas has to take water from the river via a bucket. When suddenly he feels like he's going to burst, the Driver and Fireman look inside his tank and discover something rather unusual...

The episode was rated 7.30 from 33 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E19

#9 - The Flying Kipper (2) (Season 1 - Episode 19)

One winter's evening, Henry is excited to be given the chance to pull the fish train that the men call, "The Flying Kipper". Unfortunately, snow and ice result in an accident. The Fat Controller decides to send Henry off to the Works at Crewe, where Henry will unknowingly be given more than just a repair job...

The episode was rated 7.31 from 16 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E25

#8 - Down the Mine (Season 1 - Episode 25)


Gordon is in disgrace after falling in the ditch. Thomas teases him about it, saying he has, "A funny, musty, sort of smell!"Later, Thomas has to deliver trucks to an old Lead Mine. The ground beneath the rails running overhead is weak and whilst it can support the weight of trucks, it can't support the weight of an engine. But Thomas ingnores the "Danger" signs.

The episode was rated 7.41 from 17 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E11

#7 - Thomas & The Guard (Season 1 - Episode 11)

One day Thomas is late with his train due to Henry being late at the Junction, and when the Guard blows his whistle Thomas zooms off - without giving the Guard enough time to get on the train! Annie & Clarabel try to stop him, but Thomas continues to steam on!

The episode was rated 7.42 from 31 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E8

#6 - James & The Coaches (Season 1 - Episode 8)


James the new engine has to pull some coaches with the help of Edward. They do very well but James is so excited that he accidentally showers water all over the Fat Controller's new top hat! Later on he is pulling more coaches and bumps them so hard that a brake pipe is damaged. Newspaper and a leather bootlace could temporarily mend the problem, but only a passenger willing enough to hand over their laces will the train be able to continue...

The episode was rated 7.43 from 35 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E7

#5 - Thomas & The Breakdown Train (Season 1 - Episode 7)

Thomas is in the yard shunting when new engine James rushes past with a goods train yelling for help. James has wooden brakes and the trucks are pushing him down the line. The alarm goes - James has crashed into a field of cows. Thomas has to get the Breakdown Train and help James. Afterwards, the Fat Controller gives Thomas a very special reward.

The episode was rated 7.48 from 46 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E4

#4 - Edward, Gordon & Henry (2) (Season 1 - Episode 4)


Henry is sad that he is stuck in the tunnel, and Gordon is having fun teasing him whenever he passes. One day Gordon's safety valve bursts just outside the tunnel. Edward is the only other engine available, but the train is too heavy for him. How could the situation possibly be resolved?

The episode was rated 7.58 from 60 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E15

#3 - Tenders & Turntables (1) (Season 1 - Episode 15)

Gordon has to pull his train backwards due not trying hard enough to move into the correct position on the turntable, so as to be turned around. And when James gets on the turntable, the strong sea winds spin it round much too fast. The two, plus Henry, are very cross about the the unfortunate events that happened to them and so all formulate on a plan...

The episode was rated 7.71 from 24 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E14

#2 - Thomas & Bertie (Season 1 - Episode 14)


Bertie the Bus challenges Thomas to a race, to see who can get to the end of the line first. Thomas faces obstacles such as stations, signals and a slow start, Bertie has bus stops and traffic lights - who will win?

The episode was rated 7.78 from 23 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S1E9

#1 - Troublesome Trucks (Season 1 - Episode 9)

James is feeling sad as he is still staying in his shed for being naughty. Eventually the Fat Controller lets him out to pull a goods train, but the trucks don't want to be pulled by James and misbehave. Whilst pulling them up Gordon's Hill, a coupling breaks and the last few trucks roll back down the hill. James goes to get them (they were stopped by the Guard) and starts on up the hill once more...

The episode was rated 7.78 from 37 votes.

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