Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends

10 Best Episodes of Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5

The adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his engine friends on the Island of Sodor.

Written by Sophie and last updated on sep 14, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E21

#11 - A Surprise For Percy (Season 5 - Episode 21)

Percy is pulling some trucks up a hill when the coupling between him and the first truck breaks. This causes the trucks to break away and roll down the line, and at a tremendous pace at that! Will Percy catch them in time before they cause even more of a disaster?

The episode was rated 6.25 from 12 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E5

#10 - James & The Trouble With Trees (Season 5 - Episode 5)


James has recieved a new coat of paint and becomes too cocky, even to recognise the dangers trees could cause. However, he learns his lesson when his trucks cause trouble for him during wet weather.

The episode was rated 6.30 from 10 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E1

#9 - Cranky Bugs (Season 5 - Episode 1)

At the docks, Thomas and Percy are working hard, but the new crane, Cranky, thinks little engines are useless - "bugs" he calls them. But that night some rough weather makes a tramper crash into the shed where Gordon, Henry, James and Duck are, trapping them inside. Cranky is then toppled over by the high winds. Who will save them all now?

The episode was rated 6.47 from 19 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E3

#8 - A Better View For Gordon (Season 5 - Episode 3)


Gordon is to take important people to the opening of the new station at Kirkronan, but as he comes near his crew find that they can't stop him, and he's heading for the station wall, and fast...

The episode was rated 6.82 from 11 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E14

#7 - Toby's Discovery (Season 5 - Episode 14)

The Fat Controller and his grandchildren, Bridget and Stephen, discover an old castle as well as the mine where "the little engines once worked" whilst out on a trip with Toby and Henrietta. The Fat Controller decides to turn sites into tourist attractions, but Toby hears that the mine is haunted...

The episode was rated 6.85 from 13 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E19

#6 - Happy Ever After (Season 5 - Episode 19)


Percy discovers from Mrs. Kyndley that her daughter is to be married "today" but has forgotten about the good luck package. Percy decides to try and help out with the problem.

The episode was rated 6.91 from 11 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E13

#5 - Stepney Gets Lost (Season 5 - Episode 13)

Stepney is bored, so the Fat Controller agrees to allow him to help out Mavis and Toby at the quarry for the day. He works well, but on the way home gets lost and ends up in the scrapyard, where diesels 'Arry and Bert take him for scrap!

The episode was rated 7.00 from 10 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E6

#4 - Gordon & The Gremlin (Season 5 - Episode 6)


One morning, a special coach is being prepared to be coupled to Gordon to carry a V.I.P but unfortunately the turntable it is on becomes jammed. After Godon finally receives the coach after the turntable's repair, he puffs off to Kirkronan station to pick up the mystery person. But as he is now late, will he make it on time or will "gremlins" strike again?

The episode was rated 7.00 from 13 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E2

#3 - Horrid Lorry (Season 5 - Episode 2)

The engines are working really hard, and the Fat Controller thinks they need some help. He hires 3 lorries to help them, but the lorries are rude to the engines. The engines have the last laugh though when the lorries get into difficulties.

The episode was rated 7.21 from 14 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E11

#2 - Haunted Henry (Season 5 - Episode 11)


One evening, Henry has to take some trucks to the other end of the line, and everything is fine until he has to travel through a spooky section before a viaduct, of which Henry becomes convinced is haunted after experiencing quite some oddities...

The episode was rated 7.36 from 11 votes.

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends - S5E26

#1 - Rusty & The Boulder (Season 5 - Episode 26)

The Fat Controller has opened a new mine, and both the normal gauge and narrow gauge railways have tracks to it. An old boulder has had to be moved to make way for the mine, and Rusty is worried about it. Some time later the boulder is shaken loose and falls off the cliff it has been placed on and it chases Rusty down the line! Rusty manages to escape via a siding, but the boulder continues to thunder along! Back at the mine, Percy, with nowhere to run, sees the boulder up ahead, and it's heading straight for him...

The episode was rated 7.64 from 14 votes.

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