Twin Peaks

10 Worst Episodes of Twin Peaks

The body of Laura Palmer is washed up on a beach near the small Washington state town of Twin Peaks. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in to investigate her strange demise only to uncover a web of mystery that ultimately leads him deep into the heart of the surrounding woodland and his very own soul.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 02, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Twin Peaks - S3E10

#10 - Part 10: Laura Is the One (Season 3 - Episode 10)

The Mitchum brothers find out more about Dougie Jones. In Twin Peaks, Richard Horne's committing horrible acts, and Hawk gets more clues from the Log Lady.

The episode was rated 7.41 from 939 votes.

Twin Peaks - S3E13

#9 - Part 13: What Story Is That, Charlie? (Season 3 - Episode 13)


Dougie comes home bearing gifts while Anthony is sent on a risky mission, Evil Cooper wants revenge.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 924 votes.

Twin Peaks - S2E16

#8 - The Condemned Woman (Season 2 - Episode 16)

Truman puts Hank in prison for the attempted murder of Leo, while Hank points the finger at Josie for the murder of Andrew Packard. Albert reveals that Josie shot Cooper. Ben enlists John Justice Wheeler to help him stop the Ghostwood plans. Earle sends a poem to Donna, Shelly and Audrey. Ben decides to "save the pine weasel." Norma learns her sister Annie is coming to town. Ed proposes to Norma. James leaves Twin Peaks. Caught in her own web of deceit, Josie murders Eckheardt, but is caught by Cooper and Truman. She confesses to shooting Cooper, but before they can act, Josie dies in Harry's arms. As she passes away, Cooper has a vision of BOB and the Little Man. Josie's soul is trapped in a door pull.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 714 votes.

Twin Peaks - S3E8

#7 - Part 8: Gotta Light? (Season 3 - Episode 8)


Coop's doppelganger faces a life or death situation. In 1945, a bomb is dropped and modern man's evil is epitomized.

The episode was rated 7.33 from 1154 votes.

Twin Peaks - S2E14

#6 - Double Play (Season 2 - Episode 14)

Windom Earle has taken his first victim in the deadly chess game. Audrey tells Bobby they have to save Ben from his Civil War fantasy. Leo awakes and attacks Shelly, but Bobby is able to fend him off. Doc Hayward offers the true story of Little Nicky's past. Cooper reveals his rivalry with Earle: they were partners when Cooper fell in love with Caroline, Earle's wife. Earle went mad, killing Caroline and wounding Cooper. Mr. Marsh is killed. Donna confronts Evelyn. After a heated confrontation Mayor Milford and Lana end up lovers. Andrew Pakcard reveals himself to Pete, and tells him Josie has been working for his old enemy Thomas Eckheardt. Cooper suspects Josie in the murder of Jonathan. Eckheardt arrives in Twin Peaks, and Leo Johnson finds himself in the company of Windom Earle.

The episode was rated 7.31 from 727 votes.

Twin Peaks - S2E12

#5 - The Black Widow (Season 2 - Episode 12)


Ben takes Bobby under his wing in a hope to destroy Hank and Jean. However, Ben's mental state is starting to crack. Cooper starts to look at buying real estate. Major Briggs's supervisor reveals that Briggs was studying transmissions from the woods. Andy and Dick learn of Little Nicky's troubled life. James meets Malcom, the chauffer for the Marsh family. Dougie Milford dies on his honeymoon, and the major blames Lana. Cooper finds drugs at Dead Dog Farms. Dick thinks Nicky is trying to kill him. Evelyn starts an affair with James. Ben begins to reenact the civil war. Audrey produces photos that may save Cooper. Hank catches Ed and Norma in an embrace. Denise and Cooper enlist Ernie Niles to ensnare Jean Renault. Major Briggs returns as mysteriously as he had vanished.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 743 votes.

Twin Peaks - S2E11

#4 - Masked Ball (Season 2 - Episode 11)

Mrs. Briggs talks about her husband's disappearance into the woods. Nadine is put on the wrestling team, where she falls for Mike Nelson. James is hired by a mysterious wealthy woman named Evelyn Marsh. Dick takes on an orphan named Little Nicky. The case against Cooper will be handled by DEA Agent Denis (Denise) Bryson. Hank tells Ben that Jean Renault has taken over One Eyed Jacks. Windom Earle contacts Cooper with an omnious message. Dougie Milford weds Lanna Budding. Josie asks Catherine for protection. Andrew Packard comes out of hiding, very much alive.

The episode was rated 7.22 from 788 votes.

Twin Peaks - S3E12

#3 - Part 12: Let's Rock (Season 3 - Episode 12)


An old FBI case gets new recruits after many years while well-known residents of Twin Peaks face problems.

The episode was rated 7.20 from 924 votes.

Twin Peaks - S2E17

#2 - Wounds and Scars (Season 2 - Episode 17)

Harry sinks into a deep depression after Josie's death. Josie's body holds more questions then answers. Norma's troubled sister, Annie, arrives in Twin Peaks. Wheeler and Audrey hit it off. Cooper's stalemate angers Earle. Eckheardt's assistant, Jones, leaves a puzzle for Catherine. Windom Earle visits Donna. The Log Lady and Major Briggs share similar tattoos and go to Cooper with them. The Miss Twin Peaks contest is coming up, and Norma wants Shelly to enter. Cooper meets and is taken with Annie. Ben holds a Save the Pine Weasel fashion show that goes wrong. Jones slips into Harry's bed.

The episode was rated 7.19 from 690 votes.

Twin Peaks - S2E15

#1 - Slaves and Masters (Season 2 - Episode 15)


The police look for James in the Marsh murder. Bobby and Shelly tell Truman Leo escaped and Bobby reveals that he saw Hank shoot Leo the night the mill burned. Albert returns to Twin Peaks with information on Windom Earle, and ends up looking at Josie for the murder of Jonathan and the attempted murder of Cooper. Nadine β€˜breaks up' with Ed. Dr. Jacoby, Audrey, Bobby and Jerry try to end Ben's fantasy life. Donna and James escape from the Marsh home. Pete offers to help Cooper force a stalemate with Earle. Earle holds Leo as a slave. Shelly comes back to work. Eckheardt tells Catherine he wants Josie back. Earle leaves a 'present' and another omnious message for Cooper.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 710 votes.

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