Big Brother

10 Beste Episodes of Big Brother - Season 19

American version of the reality game show which follows a group of HouseGuests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months.

Written by Sophie and last updated on Feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Big Brother - S19E21

#15 - Episode 21 (Staffel 19 - Folge 21)

One showmance will become a "no-mance" when either Elena, Jessica, or Raven is evicted.

The episode was rated 7,53 from 436 votes.

Big Brother - S19E15

#14 - Episode 15 (Staffel 19 - Folge 15)


Will Paul's blindside plan go through or will the house flip on the meatball? Plus, a new HoH will be crowned.

The episode was rated 7,53 from 432 votes.

Big Brother - S19E20

#13 - Episode 20 (Staffel 19 - Folge 20)

Will the PoV save Jessica, Mark, or Elena? Plus, what brings Cody to tears?

The episode was rated 7,54 from 431 votes.

Big Brother - S19E6

#12 - Episode 6 (Staffel 19 - Folge 6)


The new HoH is revealed. The Den of Temptation opens again. And who will be the nominees?

The episode was rated 7,54 from 481 votes.

Big Brother - S19E14

#11 - Episode 14 (Staffel 19 - Folge 14)

Will the PoV be used to save Ramses or Josh? Plus, is another blindside brewing?

The episode was rated 7,56 from 444 votes.

Big Brother - S19E16

#10 - Episode 16 (Staffel 19 - Folge 16)


How will Jessica's reveal of her temptation rock the house? Plus, which houseguest will Paul target for eviction?

The episode was rated 7,57 from 429 votes.

Big Brother - S19E12

#9 - Episode 12 (Staffel 19 - Folge 12)

Four evicted houseguests battle each other for a chance to get back into the game, but for the first time ever they must also win an epic showdown against someone in the house.

The episode was rated 7,58 from 488 votes.

Big Brother - S19E22

#8 - Episode 22 (Staffel 19 - Folge 22)


Double-eviction week begins and the stakes of the game are higher than ever before.

The episode was rated 7,59 from 435 votes.

Big Brother - S19E11

#7 - Episode 11 (Staffel 19 - Folge 11)

Will it be Jessica or Dominique evicted from the house or will The Halting Hex change the course of the game. Plus, a simple game of pool ignites an epic fight.

The episode was rated 7,59 from 447 votes.

Big Brother - S19E4

#6 - Episode 4 (Staffel 19 - Folge 4)


Will the Power of Veto save either Alex or Jillian, or will Cody set his sights on a new target? Plus, which houseguest will suffer a curse inside 'The Den of Temptation'?

The episode was rated 7,60 from 543 votes.

Big Brother - S19E13

#5 - Episode 13 (Staffel 19 - Folge 13)

How will the house react when Cody returns? Plus, who will rise to power as the new HoH and which two houseguests will be nominated for eviction?

The episode was rated 7,61 from 474 votes.

Big Brother - S19E2

#4 - Episode 2 (Staffel 19 - Folge 2)


The game kicks into gear when the first HoH is crowned; and with nominations looming, tensions hit a boiling point.

The episode was rated 7,62 from 603 votes.

Big Brother - S19E1

#3 - Episode 1 (Staffel 19 - Folge 1)

A whole new group of strangers moves into the Big Brother house and begins the battle for $500,000. This Summer, the houseguests will be enticed by more temptations and face more consequences than anyone in the history of the game.

The episode was rated 7,62 from 598 votes.

Big Brother - S19E7

#2 - Episode 7 (Staffel 19 - Folge 7)


Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save Alex, Josh or Ramses from eviction?

The episode was rated 7,66 from 483 votes.

Big Brother - S19E34

#1 - Episode 34 (Staffel 19 - Folge 34)

The Houseguests are in double-trouble when another live double eviction shows who is pulling the strings and who is merely a puppet.

The episode was rated 7,72 from 388 votes.

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