Big Brother

10 Beste Episodes of Big Brother - Season 5

American version of the reality game show which follows a group of HouseGuests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months.

Written by Sophie and last updated on Feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Big Brother - S5E7

#15 - Live Eviction #2 (Staffel 5 - Folge 7)

Jase's decision to use the Golden Power of Veto on Holly proves to be a good thing for Marvin and the rest of the Four Horsemen.

The episode was rated 6,92 from 24 votes.

Big Brother - S5E24

#14 - Live Eviction #8 (Staffel 5 - Folge 24)


Adria, almost positive that she will be evicted during the ceremony, gives all of the remaining houseguests a piece of her mind.

The episode was rated 6,94 from 17 votes.

Big Brother - S5E1

#13 - Season Premiere (Staffel 5 - Folge 1)

It's the first show of a new BIG BROTHER season, and this year's theme is Do Not Assume.

The episode was rated 7,00 from 40 votes.

Big Brother - S5E30

#12 - Live Eviction #12 (Staffel 5 - Folge 30)


The Final HOH is played, Diane is evicted.

The episode was rated 7,07 from 15 votes.

Big Brother - S5E18

#11 - Veto Competition #6 (Staffel 5 - Folge 18)

Will and Marvin, nominated for eviction, compete for the Power of Veto.

The episode was rated 7,11 from 19 votes.

Big Brother - S5E31

#10 - Finale (Staffel 5 - Folge 31)


The winner of Big Brother 5 is selected.

The episode was rated 7,11 from 18 votes.

Big Brother - S5E26

#9 - Nomination Ceremony #10, Veto Competition #10 (Staffel 5 - Folge 26)

Nakomis immediately gets her game on, knowing she will need to be sharp if she wants to stay in game.

The episode was rated 7,11 from 18 votes.

Big Brother - S5E11

#8 - Nomination Ceremony #4 (Staffel 5 - Folge 11)


The new Head of Household, Diane, attempts to get rid of a power player in the house by nominating Jase and Scott for eviction.

The episode was rated 7,12 from 26 votes.

Big Brother - S5E6

#7 - Veto Competition #2 (Staffel 5 - Folge 6)

In a riveting competition called "Snag the Veto", Jase emerges victorious over a hard-working Lori to grab the Power of Veto.

The episode was rated 7,14 from 28 votes.

Big Brother - S5E8

#6 - Nomination Ceremony #3 (Staffel 5 - Folge 8)


As soon as Drew wins Head of Household, he finds himself being barraged by advice, counsel, and commentary by every single player in the game.

The episode was rated 7,15 from 26 votes.

Big Brother - S5E19

#5 - Live Eviction #6 (Staffel 5 - Folge 19)

Drama ensues during the eviction ceremony.

The episode was rated 7,17 from 18 votes.

Big Brother - S5E14

#4 - Nomination Ceremony #5 (Staffel 5 - Folge 14)


Following Scott's eviction, the "Twin Twist" was revealed to the HouseGuests and Natalie officially entered the game. Nakomis wins the head of household competition. While planning for nominations, Nakomis realizes that her alliance now has the numbers to complete the "Six Finger Plan".

The episode was rated 7,19 from 21 votes.

Big Brother - S5E15

#3 - Veto Competition #5 (Staffel 5 - Folge 15)

Drew wins Power of Veto completing the Six Finger Plan; Jase is nominated for eviction.

The episode was rated 7,20 from 20 votes.

Big Brother - S5E10

#2 - Live Eviction #3 (Staffel 5 - Folge 10)


After being spied on, Holly is evicted by a near-unanimous vote of 7 to 1.

The episode was rated 7,24 from 25 votes.

Big Brother - S5E13

#1 - Live Eviction #4 (Staffel 5 - Folge 13)

Fourth live eviction.

The episode was rated 7,50 from 22 votes.

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