Family Guy

10 Best Episodes of Family Guy - Season 11

Family Guy is an animated series created by Seth MacFarlane for the FOX network, which first aired in 1999. It follows the adventures of the Griffin family, featuring Peter, Lois, Stewie, Meg, Chris, and Brian. The show has been praised for its sharp humor and its ability to tackle tough topics. With 23 seasons, there is no shortage of great episodes. Here is a list of the best Family Guy episodes, ranked by fans and critics alike.

From Stewie's time-travelling escapades to Peter's misadventures in Quahog, the show has a wide variety of memorable episodes. One of the most beloved episodes is "Road to the Multiverse," which sees Stewie and Brian travel to alternate universes. Another classic is "The Fat Guy Strangler," where Peter takes on a superhero persona in an attempt to stop a serial killer.

For fans of the show, there are countless episodes to choose from. But these are the ones that stand out from the rest. Whether you're a long-time fan or just getting into the show, these are the Family Guy episodes you should watch first.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 24, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Family Guy - S11E11

#15 - The Giggity Wife (Season 11 - Episode 11)

When Peter, Quagmire and Joe visit the Harvard University campus, Quagmire accidentally marries a prostitute. In order to get out of his marriage, Quagmire pretends to be lovers with Peter.

The episode was rated 7.53 from 780 votes.

Family Guy - S11E19

#14 - Save the Clam (Season 11 - Episode 19)


When the owner of The Drunken Clam is killed, Peter and the guys must find a way to save the bar, after the bank threatens to close it. Meanwhile, Meg gets a part-time job at a funeral home.

The episode was rated 7.55 from 894 votes.

Family Guy - S11E12

#13 - Valentine's Day in Quahog (Season 11 - Episode 12)

On Valentine's Day, Meg goes on a date with a guy she met online, and Lois and Peter stay in bed all day; Brian is visited by his ex-girlfriends.

The episode was rated 7.57 from 835 votes.

Family Guy - S11E15

#12 - Turban Cowboy (Season 11 - Episode 15)


When Peter, Quagmire and Joe need a jolt in their mundane lives, they decide to go skydiving. But after an unfortunate accident, Peter ends up in the hospital, where he befriends Mahmoud, who convinces Peter to convert to Islam. Quagmire and Joe are suspicious of Mahmoud's intentions and try to stop the friendship from progressing.

The episode was rated 7.61 from 1003 votes.

Family Guy - S11E17

#11 - Bigfat (Season 11 - Episode 17)

Peter, Quagmire and Joe take a trip to Canada. But after Peter gets lost for two months, a feral Peter returns to his family with no ability to communicate intelligently.

The episode was rated 7.61 from 980 votes.

Family Guy - S11E14

#10 - Call Girl (Season 11 - Episode 14)


When the Griffins find themselves in a financial bind, Lois is forced to find a job of her own. She gets discovered by a "voiceover" talent agent named Randy, who actually runs an adult-only phone line and pays his employees generously. As Lois settles into her new gig, she hears Peter's voice on the other end of the line.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 828 votes.

Family Guy - S11E22

#9 - No Country Club for Old Men (Season 11 - Episode 22)

The Griffins are invited to join the prestigious Barrington Country Club and get thrown out.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 912 votes.

Family Guy - S11E9

#8 - Space Cadet (Season 11 - Episode 9)


To boost Chris' self-esteem, Peter and Lois send him to space camp. When camp ends and the Griffins come to pick Chris up, they accidentally are launched into outer space, and it's up to Chris to land the clan safely back on earth.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 838 votes.

Family Guy - S11E20

#7 - Farmer Guy (Season 11 - Episode 20)

Peter buys a farm and becomes a meth dealer.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 953 votes.

Family Guy - S11E16

#6 - 12 and a Half Angry Men (Season 11 - Episode 16)


When Mayor West is put on trial for murder, Brian is the lone holdout voting "not guilty," and he tries to persuade his fellow jurors that there's a reasonable doubt of the Mayor's guilt.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 1002 votes.

Family Guy - S11E1

#5 - Into Fat Air (Season 11 - Episode 1)

The Griffins attempt to conquer Mount Everest after competitive friends mention they plan to scale the legendary peak. Things, however, are not looking up for the Griffins, as a wicked storm leaves them pinned down on the side of the mountain.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 1045 votes.

Family Guy - S11E18

#4 - Total Recall (Season 11 - Episode 18)


After teddy bear Rupert gets recalled, Stewie stops at nothing to get back his beloved best friend. Meanwhile, When Peter falls ill and can't compete in his bowling tournament, Peter becomes jealous when Lois fills in for him.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 926 votes.

Family Guy - S11E6

#3 - Lois Comes Out of Her Shell (Season 11 - Episode 6)

Peter tries to keep up with Lois as she goes through a midlife crisis; Stewie brings home a turtle from the park.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 880 votes.

Family Guy - S11E4

#2 - Yug Ylimaf (Season 11 - Episode 4)


In the episode of Family Guy, titled "Yug Ylimaf", Brian and Stewie use Stewie's time machine to reverse reality. When Brian begins to abuse the machine, he and Stewie must work together to set things right before Stewie is unborn.

This episode has a lot of similarities to the recent Christopher Nolan movie, Tenet. Both stories involve time travelling and the characters trying to put things right before a disaster occurs. It's interesting to see how shows like Family Guy can draw inspiration from movies, and then use it to create an original story and characters.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 1026 votes.

Family Guy - S11E21

#1 - Roads to Vegas (Season 11 - Episode 21)

In the episode "Roads to Vegas" of Family Guy, Brian and Stewie take a road trip to Las Vegas. The two find themselves in an unexpected predicament when they are both duplicated due to an accidental transporter malfunction. Each duplicate sees the trip differently, with one Brian being more adventurous and curious while the other is more cautious and doesn’t want to take risks. Stewie’s duplicates also have the same differences in opinion, with one wanting to take risks and the other warning of impending danger.

The two sets of duplicates must come to a compromise in order to make the most of their road trip. Along the way, they encounter a variety of obstacles, like a malfunctioning car, a gang of outlaws, and a bear. The two must work together to overcome these challenges, while also gaining a better understanding of each other’s point of view. In the end, they learn the importance of communication and compromise in order to get the most out of a situation.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 977 votes.

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