Family Guy

10 Best Episodes of Family Guy - Season 19

Family Guy is an animated series created by Seth MacFarlane for the FOX network, which first aired in 1999. It follows the adventures of the Griffin family, featuring Peter, Lois, Stewie, Meg, Chris, and Brian. The show has been praised for its sharp humor and its ability to tackle tough topics. With 23 seasons, there is no shortage of great episodes. Here is a list of the best Family Guy episodes, ranked by fans and critics alike.

From Stewie's time-travelling escapades to Peter's misadventures in Quahog, the show has a wide variety of memorable episodes. One of the most beloved episodes is "Road to the Multiverse," which sees Stewie and Brian travel to alternate universes. Another classic is "The Fat Guy Strangler," where Peter takes on a superhero persona in an attempt to stop a serial killer.

For fans of the show, there are countless episodes to choose from. But these are the ones that stand out from the rest. Whether you're a long-time fan or just getting into the show, these are the Family Guy episodes you should watch first.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 24, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Family Guy - S19E8

#15 - Pawtucket Pat (Season 19 - Episode 8)

Brian's new job as a journalist leads him to uncover that Pawtucket Pat, Quahog's hero and brewery founder, took part in racist actions against Native Americans. The town becomes divided on whether or not to remove the statue that commemorates him.

The episode was rated 7.09 from 577 votes.

Family Guy - S19E14

#14 - The Marrying Kind (Season 19 - Episode 14)


Stewie gets a mail order bride from Ukraine and experiences domestic life. Meanwhile, Peter and Chris become addicted to free hotel breakfast buffets.

The episode was rated 7.10 from 584 votes.

Family Guy - S19E18

#13 - Meg Goes to College (Season 19 - Episode 18)

Meg deals with a college admissions scandal, while Brian embarks on a fitness journey.

The episode was rated 7.14 from 555 votes.

Family Guy - S19E17

#12 - Young Parent Trap (Season 19 - Episode 17)


Lois and Peter are mistaken for "young parents" by another couple at Stewie's school and invited to live in a millennial apartment complex, leaving Meg and Chris home alone.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 560 votes.

Family Guy - S19E9

#11 - The First No L (Season 19 - Episode 9)

When the family fails to help Lois with the Christmas shopping, she walks out on the family and the Griffins must try to save Christmas on their own.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 598 votes.

Family Guy - S19E11

#10 - Boy's Best Friend (Season 19 - Episode 11)


Brian bonds with the son of his new girlfriend. Meanwhile, Peter, Quagmire and Cleveland take a joy ride in Joe's new classic corvette.

The episode was rated 7.19 from 572 votes.

Family Guy - S19E6

#9 - Meg's Wedding (Season 19 - Episode 6)

Meg plans her wedding to an unexpected Quahog resident. Meanwhile, Peter finds a new vest and on one of many adventures fitting for his new attire, his arms are torn off and he is left with tiny hands that have yet to grow back.

The episode was rated 7.21 from 638 votes.

Family Guy - S19E2

#8 - The Talented Mr. Stewie (Season 19 - Episode 2)


Stewie "breaks up with" Rupert after learning that he used to belong to Chris. Unable to get over his feelings of betrayal, Stewie decides to take action.

The episode was rated 7.22 from 706 votes.

Family Guy - S19E19

#7 - Family Cat (Season 19 - Episode 19)

Brian tries to convince The Griffins that their new adopted cat, Pouncy, is evil.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 550 votes.

Family Guy - S19E15

#6 - Customer of the Week (Season 19 - Episode 15)


After feeling unappreciated by her family, Lois taps into her villainous side and attempts to win "Best Customer" at her favorite coffee shop.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 556 votes.

Family Guy - S19E1

#5 - Stewie's First Word (Season 19 - Episode 1)

Stewie finally says his first word, and it's a swear. When Lois is shunned by the other moms, she tries to figure out where Stewie could have possibly learned it.

The episode was rated 7.25 from 791 votes.

Family Guy - S19E13

#4 - PeTerminator (Season 19 - Episode 13)


Stewie designs a "Terminator" Peter robot to destroy Lois for trying to feed him broccoli, but when things don't go according to plan, Stewie and Brian must go on a Terminator-esque mission to save Stewie's life.

The episode was rated 7.31 from 601 votes.

Family Guy - S19E7

#3 - Wild Wild West (Season 19 - Episode 7)

Lois and Peter are divided by differing views on who the next Mayor of Quahog should be. Upset at Lois' first choice, Peter seeks out the late Mayor Adam West's cousin, Wild Wild West.

The episode was rated 7.33 from 629 votes.

Family Guy - S19E5

#2 - La Famiglia Guy (Season 19 - Episode 5)


When Joe asks Peter to be the godfather to his daughter, Peter commits to his mistaken interpretation of the role so much that he becomes a real gangster.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 680 votes.

Family Guy - S19E10

#1 - Fecal Matters (Season 19 - Episode 10)

When Peter makes it through a bad flu season without getting sick, the hospital asks him to volunteer as a nurse, but he finds himself at a crossroads when his mortal enemy, The Giant Chicken, is admitted to the ER. Meanwhile, Brian receives his genetic test results and learns he is part cat, causing him to have an identity crisis.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 617 votes.

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