Cold Case

10 Best Episodes of Cold Case - Season 7

The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she is assigned cases that have never been solved. Detective Lilly Rush combines her natural instincts with the updated technology available today to bring about justice for all the victims she can.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 30, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Cold Case - S7E11

#15 - The Good Soldier (Season 7 - Episode 11)

The 2005 murder of an Army recruiter who was killed just two days before his scheduled deployment to Iraq is reinvestigated after a soldier comes forward with new evidence.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 98 votes.

Cold Case - S7E9

#14 - Forensics (Season 7 - Episode 9)


The 1999 death of a high-school debate champion, which was originally ruled a suicide, is investigated after new evidence suggests he was murdered. The probe reveals the victim received a scholarship at a top private school and died shortly after losing a debate at the competitive campus.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 107 votes.

Cold Case - S7E2

#13 - Hood Rats (Season 7 - Episode 2)

The team re-opens the 1995 case of a skateboarding prodigy who lived on the streets.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 138 votes.

Cold Case - S7E10

#12 - Iced (Season 7 - Episode 10)


The 1980 murder of a minor-league hockey player is investigated. The victim was killed on his team's home rink the night the U.S. hockey team defeated the Soviet Union in the Olympic Games.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 99 votes.

Cold Case - S7E7

#11 - Read Between the Lines (Season 7 - Episode 7)

The 1991 murder of a 14-year-old girl in foster care who was a promising rapper is investigated. The probe reveals the victim lived in a gang-infested neighborhood and was recently placed, along with her sister, with new foster parents.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 111 votes.

Cold Case - S7E5

#10 - WASP (Season 7 - Episode 5)


The 1944 murder of a female pilot who flew noncombat missions for the U.S. during World War II is investigated. The victim was part of a civilian program that assisted the Army and Air Force. Meanwhile, the man who ran Lilly's car off a road is released from prison on bail.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 115 votes.

Cold Case - S7E12

#9 - The Runaway Bunny (Season 7 - Episode 12)

The 1974 murder of a private investigator is probed after his body is discovered in the cement foundation of a demolished building. The investigation reveals the victim uncovered damaging information about his last few clients and that he hired a tough associate to provide muscle during his final investigation.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 102 votes.

Cold Case - S7E1

#8 - The Crossing (Season 7 - Episode 1)


With the team investigating the 1966 shipboard murder of a young woman traveling in steerage on a luxury ocean liner who was believed to have committed suicide by jumping overboard. But new evidence indicates otherwise. Meanwhile, the trial of a military academy official who attempted to harm Lilly begins.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 156 votes.

Cold Case - S7E17

#7 - Flash Over (Season 7 - Episode 17)

The team searches for Vera when he goes missing, and they reinvestigate a 2006 arson-homicide case that Vera obsessed over in recent weeks.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 104 votes.

Cold Case - S7E18

#6 - Last Drive-In (1) (Season 7 - Episode 18)


A murder is linked to a serial killer who has apparently been inactive for 27 years. Involved in the investigation is an FBI agent who has been tracking the killer for 30 years and who was responsible for breaking up Stillman's marriage years ago.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 103 votes.

Cold Case - S7E14

#5 - Metamorphosis (Season 7 - Episode 14)

The 1971 death of a teen aerialist who fell during a dangerous circus performance is investigated. New evidence suggests her fall wasn't an accident.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 102 votes.

Cold Case - S7E22

#4 - Shattered (2) (Season 7 - Episode 22)


Lilly searching for her abducted sister. Meanwhile, Jeffries attempts to solve a murder involving a teenage girl that has haunted him for 17 years.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 105 votes.

Cold Case - S7E15

#3 - Two Weddings (Season 7 - Episode 15)

Lilly and the team attend a colleague's wedding and are persuaded by Jeffries to investigate whether the bride killed her former fiancΓ© two years earlier---just hours after he called off their nuptials.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 110 votes.

Cold Case - S7E4

#2 - Soul (Season 7 - Episode 4)


The 1970 murder of a musician who was instrumental in creating the Philadelphia soul sound is reinvestigated. The victim tried to keep his involvement in the music scene from his strict minister father. Meanwhile, Lilly meets her teen stepbrother, Finn.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 120 votes.

Cold Case - S7E8

#1 - Chinatown (Season 7 - Episode 8)

The 1983 murder of a Chinese-American teen is reinvestigated. The case was originally handled by Stillman. The probe reveals the victim's girlfriend was killed by Chinese gang members three months earlier at a festival and that the dead man may have been seeking revenge.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 98 votes.

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