Cold Case

10 Best Episodes of Cold Case

The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she is assigned cases that have never been solved. Detective Lilly Rush combines her natural instincts with the updated technology available today to bring about justice for all the victims she can.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 30, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Cold Case - S1E14

#15 - Boy in the Box (Season 1 - Episode 14)

The 1958 death of an unknown 6-year-old boy found in a field inside a cardboard box is reinvestigated after a small suitcase with the child's picture and his old cowboy hat is left in front of a church.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 207 votes.

Cold Case - S5E12

#14 - Sabotage (Season 5 - Episode 12)


The team re-opens the 1999, 2001, and 2003 pipe bombing incidents that killed two and blinded one victim. The serial bomber is still on the loose and ready to strike again as he missed his latest target.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 118 votes.

Cold Case - S3E9

#13 - A Perfect Day (a.k.a. The Choice) (Season 3 - Episode 9)

When a fisherman finds evidence of a young girl's death washed up on a shore in New Jersey, Lilly re-opens the 1965 case of 4-year-old child who had a seemingly abusive mother.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 168 votes.

Cold Case - S5E9

#12 - Boy Crazy (Season 5 - Episode 9)


The team re-opens the 1963 case of teenage girl who was then thought to have committed suicide. Now, new evidence leads them to believe the girl might have been murdered for acting and dressing like a boy.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 128 votes.

Cold Case - S6E23

#11 - Into the Blue (2) (Season 6 - Episode 23)

The investigation into the female cadet's murder continues. As the team finds more and more clues, the killer tries to stop the investigation to remain hidden.

The episode was rated 8.12 from 113 votes.

Cold Case - S4E24

#10 - Stalker (Season 4 - Episode 24)


In the fourth season finale, a hostage situation arises when the entire team is held captive while they're investigating the 2006 killings of a family who had just moved into a new house.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 127 votes.

Cold Case - S5E18

#9 - Ghost of My Child (Season 5 - Episode 18)

A drug addict mother, who lost her son in an apartment fire in 2005, comes forth claiming she just saw the same child in the park.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 114 votes.

Cold Case - S2E22

#8 - Best Friends (Season 2 - Episode 22)


When an old truck containing human bones is pulled from the Delaware River, the team re-opens the case of a missing and possibly murdered girl who disappeared unexpectedly in 1932.

The episode was rated 8.17 from 155 votes.

Cold Case - S4E18

#7 - A Dollar, A Dream (Season 4 - Episode 18)

The 1999 murder of a homeless woman, whose body is found at the bottom of a river in a station wagon, is investigated.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 122 votes.

Cold Case - S5E15

#6 - The Road (Season 5 - Episode 15)


The team re-investigates the suspected 2007 murder of a bride-to-be who was kidnapped on the day of her engagement party. Lilly and Scotty travel to West Virginia to escort the prime suspect to Philly, and on their way back, they hear his side of the story.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 125 votes.

Cold Case - S3E20

#5 - Death Penalty: Final Appeal (Season 3 - Episode 20)

The 1994 case of a raped and murdered 16-year-old girl is re-opened when Det. Jeffries gets a call from a prisoner on death-row -- scheduled to be executed in just three days.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 141 votes.

Cold Case - S6E22

#4 - The Long Blue Line (1) (Season 6 - Episode 22)


The team re-opens the case of the first ever female cadet in a local military school who was murdered in 2005.

The episode was rated 8.25 from 109 votes.

Cold Case - S4E10

#3 - Forever Blue (Season 4 - Episode 10)

The unsolved 1968 murder of a policeman is reinvestigated when a dying inmate claims he took a brick of heroin from the slain officer's patrol car shortly after the victim was gunned down in the same vehicle. but new evidence now reveals the victim may have been romantically involved with his partner.

The episode was rated 8.25 from 125 votes.

Cold Case - S4E8

#2 - Fireflies (Season 4 - Episode 8)


The 1975 disappearance of an 8-year-old girl who was never found is reinvestigated after a note written by the girl shortly before she vanished turns up. Their friendship rattled many in the predominantly white neighborhood and the girls quickly became targets of hatred.

The episode was rated 8.27 from 146 votes.

Cold Case - S2E23

#1 - The Woods (Season 2 - Episode 23)

The discovery of nine human skulls leads Rush back to George Marks, the serial killer she was unable to incriminate months earlier, and who walked away a free man. As the detectives reinvestigate his mother's murder from 1972, George is forced to emerge from hiding to face Rush again. This time, their very lives are at stake in their final showdown.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 160 votes.

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