Cold Case

10 Best Episodes of Cold Case - Season 5

The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she is assigned cases that have never been solved. Detective Lilly Rush combines her natural instincts with the updated technology available today to bring about justice for all the victims she can.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 30, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Cold Case - S5E13

#15 - Spiders (Season 5 - Episode 13)

The team re-opens the 1998 case of a murdered 17-year-old girl when her father is arrested for beating another child.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 121 votes.

Cold Case - S5E8

#14 - It Takes a Village (Season 5 - Episode 8)


When the body of a newly missing boy is found in a cargo container along with the remains of three other victims who vanished in 1999-2003, the team realizes they're dealing with a serial killer.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 134 votes.

Cold Case - S5E5

#13 - Thick as Thieves (Season 5 - Episode 5)

The team re-opens the 1989 case of an unidentified Jane Doe when she dies in the hospital, after being comatose since the day she was shot 18 year ago.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 129 votes.

Cold Case - S5E3

#12 - Running Around (Season 5 - Episode 3)


When the victim's younger sister comes looking for her, the team re-opens the 2006 case of a missing Amish girl who was murdered while she was in Philadelphia experiencing the Amish rite of passage called "rumspringa".

The episode was rated 7.85 from 123 votes.

Cold Case - S5E11

#11 - Family 8108 (Season 5 - Episode 11)

The team re-investigates the 1945 murder of a Japanese-American family man who was persecuted in his neighborhood following the Pearl Harbor attack. Meanwhile, Lt. Stillman has decided to retire from the force.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 124 votes.

Cold Case - S5E1

#10 - Thrill Kill (Season 5 - Episode 1)


Recovered from the shooting, Lilly wants to convince her boss that she's ready to get back to work. The team re-opens the 1994 case of three 10-year-old kids who were beaten to death when Lilly suspects the teens convicted of the killings may have been wrongfully incarcerated.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 149 votes.

Cold Case - S5E4

#9 - Devil Music (Season 5 - Episode 4)

The team re-investigates the 1953 case of a talented 19-year-old rock'n'roll singer when new evidence comes forth, suggesting he wasn't killed in the place where his body was found.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 130 votes.

Cold Case - S5E14

#8 - Andy in C Minor (Season 5 - Episode 14)


After traces of blood linked back to a missing teen are found, the team re-investigates the 2006 case of a boy who disappeared from a high school for deaf children.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 114 votes.

Cold Case - S5E6

#7 - Wunderkind (Season 5 - Episode 6)

The team re-opens the 2002 case of a 14-year-old math whiz whose half-brother exploited his unusual talents: card counting and safe cracking.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 120 votes.

Cold Case - S5E10

#6 - Justice (Season 5 - Episode 10)


The team re-opens the 1982 case of a well-liked young man who was shot to death after being accused of date rape by several female college students.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 119 votes.

Cold Case - S5E16

#5 - Bad Reputation (Season 5 - Episode 16)

When a severed hand is discovered at the scene of a drug bust, the team re-opens the 1997 case of a convicted criminal who was thought to be on the run from authorities all these years.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 122 votes.

Cold Case - S5E12

#4 - Sabotage (Season 5 - Episode 12)


The team re-opens the 1999, 2001, and 2003 pipe bombing incidents that killed two and blinded one victim. The serial bomber is still on the loose and ready to strike again as he missed his latest target.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 118 votes.

Cold Case - S5E9

#3 - Boy Crazy (Season 5 - Episode 9)

The team re-opens the 1963 case of teenage girl who was then thought to have committed suicide. Now, new evidence leads them to believe the girl might have been murdered for acting and dressing like a boy.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 128 votes.

Cold Case - S5E18

#2 - Ghost of My Child (Season 5 - Episode 18)


A drug addict mother, who lost her son in an apartment fire in 2005, comes forth claiming she just saw the same child in the park.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 114 votes.

Cold Case - S5E15

#1 - The Road (Season 5 - Episode 15)

The team re-investigates the suspected 2007 murder of a bride-to-be who was kidnapped on the day of her engagement party. Lilly and Scotty travel to West Virginia to escort the prime suspect to Philly, and on their way back, they hear his side of the story.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 125 votes.

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