
10 Best Episodes of Dallas - Season 6

The world's first mega-soap, and one of the most popular ever produced, Dallas had it all. Beautiful women, expensive cars, and men playing Monopoly with real buildings. Famous for one of the best cliffhangers in TV history, as the world asked "Who shot J.R.?" A slow-burner to begin with, Dallas hit its stride in the 2nd season, with long storylines and expert character development. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 1980's.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 20, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Dallas - S6E16

#15 - A Ewing is a Ewing (Season 6 - Episode 16)

Cliff plots to tempt J.R. with political office. Mark Graison continues to try to impress Pam. J.R. gets a visit from an Air Force general concerning Harwood Oil's cancelled military contracts. J.R. gets Sue Ellen to ask Clayton to refine his oil but the plans backfires. Bobby sees J.R. talking to George Hicks of the Texas Energy Commission and suspects Hicks has been bought by J.R. Miss Ellie goes to Galveston to get away from it all and runs into Clayton. J.R. tries to romance Holly but she threatens him with a gun. Bobby plots to play dirty with George Hicks.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 19 votes.

Dallas - S6E17

#14 - Crash of '83 (Season 6 - Episode 17)


J.R. gets suspicious of Clayton's intentions towards Miss Ellie. Hicks is questioned by Bobby about J.R. but Hicks denies knowing him. Ray is worried about Mickey's influence on Lucy. J.R. gets a visit from Walt Driscoll who offers him a deal. Bobby blackmails Hicks to make him change his vote on J.R.'s variance. Pam is disgusted when Bobby tells her about the plot. Afton receives news of a crash involving the Wentworth jet.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 22 votes.

Dallas - S6E13

#13 - Mama Dearest (Season 6 - Episode 13)

Miss Ellie's decision to contest Jock's will causes further divisions in the family as J.R. warns Miss Ellie he will fight her in court. Bobby reluctantly sides with J.R. Pamela sides with Miss Ellie. Harv Smithfield refuses to represent Miss Ellie because of his legal and moral loyalty to Jock. Bobby accuses Pam of fighting him on Miss Ellie's side. An angry J.R. confronts Clayton who visits with Miss Ellie at Southfork. J.R.'s cut-rate gas stations get more media attention. Miss Ellie's new lawyer suggests it might be necessary to question Jock's mental competency at the time the will was made. Cliff moves into a new place. Afton questions Cliff about marriage.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 24 votes.

Dallas - S6E7

#12 - Hit and Run (Season 6 - Episode 7)


Cliff starts work as the president of the new Barnes-Wentworth oil company. Miss Ellie meets an admirer. J.R. makes his move on Walt Driscoll by setting up his wife. The cartel decides not to work with Ewing Oil. Bobby makes a deal on the Canadian fields.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 24 votes.

Dallas - S6E26

#11 - Things Ain't Goin' Too Good at Southfork (Season 6 - Episode 26)

Sue Ellen starts drinking again and Clayton finds her in his bed. Pamela comes back from France and questions Bobby about him and Katherine. Walt Driscoll disappears. Ellie finds Clayton with Sue Ellen. Katherine tells Pam there's nothing going on between her and Bobby. Cliff tells J.R. he will not let Bobby have the drill bit. Clayton tries to persuade Sue Ellen to talk to J.R. about the incident with Holly. A drunk Sue Ellen tells Ellie that Clayton is the only man that she ever loved. Cliff asks Pam to side with him on the drill bit. Sue Ellen angrily confronts J.R. about Holly. Mickey and Sue Ellen are involved in a car accident.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 21 votes.

Dallas - S6E21

#10 - Caribbean Connection (Season 6 - Episode 21)


Donna accuses Mickey of being interested in Lucy for her money. Katherine tries to persuade Mark to stay close to Pamela. Clayton continues to look for a house in Dallas. Bobby and Ray uncover J.R's illegal Caribbean deal. If the State Department finds out about the deal with Cuba, this could be the end of Ewing Oil. Mark continues to see Pam. Cliff finally recovers from his depression over Rebecca's death and buys a company from Mark. J.R. considers going into politics but Sue Ellen fears her past alcohol problems and affairs with Dusty might complicate things.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 26 votes.

Dallas - S6E19

#9 - Legacy (Season 6 - Episode 19)

Pam leaves Bobby and Southfork, to J.R.'s delight, and moves into a hotel. The cartel celebrates J.R.'s losing his variance. J.R. tells Mark Graison that Pam and Bobby split up. J.R. vows to keep selling cut-rate gas, despite the loss of the variance. Mark visits Pamela at the hotel. Rebecca's will is read and Pam, Katherine, Cliff, and even Afton get their shares. Lucy and Mickey become friends. Cliff and Katherine reconcile. J.R. and Walt Driscoll continue collaborating on the Caribbean deal. Clayton tells Sue Ellen that he used to be in love with her but now he's seeing Miss Ellie. J.R. offers Bobby a "compromise solution" to the battle for Ewing Oil but Bobby rejects the offer. J.R. succeeds in making Bobby look in front of the family like he wants an all-out war.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 20 votes.

Dallas - S6E4

#8 - The Big Ball (Season 6 - Episode 4)


J.R. continues to secretly run Harwood Oil. Dusty questions Sue Ellen about her and J.R. Ray and Donna go to Amos Krebbs' funeral. Dusty introduces his new wife Linda to a shocked Sue Ellen. Ray meets his rebellious cousin Mickey Trotter. Sue Ellen leaves the Southern Cross. Pressured by J.R., Punk Anderson announces the Jock Ewing Scholarship at the Oil Barons Ball. Miss Ellie decides to have Jock declared legally dead.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 24 votes.

Dallas - S6E5

#7 - Jock's Will (Season 6 - Episode 5)

Pamela urges Lucy to go back to work. Ray and Donna continue in Kansas. Ray learns Mickey is hiding a criminal conviction from his mother. J.R. and Sue Ellen set the wedding date. Ray brings Mickey to Southfork. Bobby testifies in court about the search for Jock in South America. The court declares Jock legally dead. The reading of Jock's will sets the stage for a year long battle between Bobby and J.R. for control of Ewing Oil.

The episode was rated 8.12 from 25 votes.

Dallas - S6E25

#6 - Tangled Web (Season 6 - Episode 25)


J.R.'s Cuban contact teaches him a lesson, but pays him the money. Cliff refuses to let Bobby use the Tundra Torque drill bit. In France, Mark continues to charm Pamela. Miss Ellie is still helping with the neverending househunting with Clayton. J.R's gift to Bobby of some Cuban cigars tells him J.R. has won the Cuban deal. Miss Ellie questions Clayton about his relationship with Sue Ellen. Ray tells Aunt Lil that Jock is his father. Afton warns Pam that Katherine is after Bobby. Sue Ellen catches Holly and J.R. in bed.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 23 votes.

Dallas - S6E15

#5 - The Reckoning (Season 6 - Episode 15)

J.R. and Bobby unite against Miss Ellie in her effort to overrule Jock's will. Pam's siding with Miss Ellie causes more tensions with Bobby. If Miss Ellie wins in court, the old will of 15 years ago shall become effective. Sue Ellen discovers Mark Graison's obvious interest in Pamela and tells J.R. Ray and J.R. have another confrontation. J.R. and Bobby try to convince Punk Anderson to be on their side in the court battle over the will. Sue Ellen questions Pam about her marriage and Mark. Miss Ellie testifies in court that Jock was mentally incompetent when he wrote the codicil to the will.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 21 votes.

Dallas - S6E12

#4 - Barbecue Three (Season 6 - Episode 12)


Sue Ellen and Pam vow to remain friends despite the Ewing battle. Bobby investigates J.R's excess crude mystery. The Texas Energy Commission meets for the first time. Mickey asks Lucy out but is rebuffed. J.R. opens a chain of cut-price gas stations. Miss Ellie is distressed at how the brothers' battle is affecting the family and the company. The cartel gang up on J.R. at the barbecue.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 19 votes.

Dallas - S6E18

#3 - Requiem (Season 6 - Episode 18)

After the plane crash, Rebecca dies, with Pam at her bedside. Clayton accuses J.R. of being responsible for Rebecca's death. The Texas Energy Commission rescinds J.R.'s variance and J.R. gets mad at George Hicks who tells him he was blackmailed by Bobby. Cliff feels guilty for Rebecca's death and seeks consolation from Afton. Katherine arrives from New York and accuses Donna of being responsible for J.R.'s losing his variance. J.R. takes up Driscoll's Caribbean deal. Mark Graison attends Rebecca's funeral but J.R. stays away. Pam makes a big decision.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 21 votes.

Dallas - S6E1

#2 - Changing of the Guard (Season 6 - Episode 1)


Miss Ellie, Bobby and Lucy vote to have J.R. removed as president of Ewing Oil. J.R. learns Christopher is not his baby. Rebecca, Afton and Pam visit Cliff who is in a coma in the hospital. Ewing Oil gets new offices. Bobby meets oilwoman Holly Harwood. Lucy learns she is pregnant with Roger's baby. J.R. accepts Holly's offer to run Harwood Oil.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 21 votes.

Dallas - S6E28

#1 - Ewing Inferno (Season 6 - Episode 28)

Ray pressures Sheriff Washburn to find the hit-and-run driver. Holly wants to pay J.R. his $20 million in instalments but J.R. objects, rightly detecting Bobby's hand. J.R. gets a slap in the face from Pam during an argument over her French trip. Mark convinces Pam to vote with Katherine and give the drill to Bobby. Mickey's condition continues to be very serious and Aunt Lil even goes as far as to say that perhaps it would have been better if he had died on the spot. J.R. tells Bobby that they should consider stopping the fight for control of Ewing Oil. Pam wants a divorce. Clayton convinces Ellie to take a break from family problems and go away with him. Sue Ellen tells J.R. to stay away from John Ross. Katherine tries to console Bobby after he gets the news about the divorce. Ray learns that Walt Driscoll was driving the car that hit Mickey and Sue Ellen. Ray and J.R. engage in a terrible fight, causing a major fire at Southfork. Sue Ellen, J.R., John Ross and Ray are trapped as the fire engulfs the house.

The episode was rated 8.29 from 24 votes.

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