Dragon Ball Z

10 Best Episodes of Dragon Ball Z - Season 5

The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Dragon Ball Z - S5E24

#15 - Saving Throw (Season 5 - Episode 24)

Vegeta lies unconscious after an intense battle with Cell, and Trunks unleashes his hidden powers to save his father's life. With Goku and Gohan still training and the other fighters clearly out-leagued, Trunks is the only person standing in the evil android's way. Just how far can the young Saiyan's power go?

The episode was rated 7.94 from 106 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E4

#14 - His Name is Cell (Season 5 - Episode 4)


With the element of surprise, the creature gets ahold of Piccolo and begins to absorb him, but Piccolo manages to break free. With his arm weakened, Piccolo surrenders, but the Super Namek asks for one last request to know who this creature. His name is Cell, an Android made of the strongest fighters in the universe and he's hungry for more power, thanks to Dr. Gero.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 110 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E26

#13 - The Cell Games (Season 5 - Episode 26)

Trunks quickly realizes that his Super Saiyan powers are no match for the mighty Cell. Trunks accepts defeat, only to be given a second chance when Cell proposes a tournament! Is Cell really interested in competition, or does he have a more sinister plan in mind?

The episode was rated 7.97 from 104 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E25

#12 - Ghosts from Tomorrow (Season 5 - Episode 25)


As apocalyptic visions haunt his mind, Trunks vows to stop his horrible future from repeating itself. But Cell remembers those dark days in a different light, and can't wait for history to follow its course. It's all up for grabs as the two warriors prepare for battle. Only one future will survive. Whose will it be?

The episode was rated 7.98 from 97 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E8

#11 - Time Chamber (Season 5 - Episode 8)

After enduring the terrifically horrifying effect of the viral heart disease, Goku recovers, and has only one objective on his mind, surpassing a Super Saiyan. With Vegeta's mind set on reaching the same seemingly unreachable goal, Goku takes him, Trunks and Gohan to the mysterious Hyperbolic Time Chamber, a room where one year is equivalent to that of one Earth day. Meanwhile, the Androids face an unexpected and unforeseen issue, Goku's not home. With the Androids now closing in on Master Roshi's island can Piccolo beat the destructive trio?

The episode was rated 8.00 from 101 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E12

#10 - Silent Warrior (Season 5 - Episode 12)


With Piccolo gone, Android 17 has no choice but to fight Cell on his own or so it seems, that is until Android 16 steps in to fight. As the battle rages on, it is easily noticeable that Android 16 is just as strong as Cell, but can the silent giant Android 16 defeat Cell? Or maybe this fight will buy Vegeta and Trunks the precious time they need to complete their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 110 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E14

#9 - Sacrifice (Season 5 - Episode 14)

Cell has absorbed 17 but he still needs 18. Tien isn't about to let him get her, using up all his energy in a vicious attack while the androids escape to safety. Goku knows that Cell is far stronger than Tien, so he descends on the battlefield to help the mighty warrior recover. Whilst there he notices Piccolo is still alive, but he's hanging on barely by a thread. Goku uses his Instant Transmission to get back to Kami's lookout successfully, and Vegeta and Trunks finally emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but will their training be enough?

The episode was rated 8.03 from 99 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E19

#8 - Krillin's Decision (Season 5 - Episode 19)


With the beautiful 18 in his sights, Krillin clutches the controller that will shut down the android forever. But at the moment of decision, Krillin hesitates! Cell looms just overhead, hungry for perfection. Can Krillin find the courage to do the right thing, or will his emotions cloud his judgement?

The episode was rated 8.03 from 93 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E16

#7 - Super Vegeta (Season 5 - Episode 16)

Anxious to find 18, the heartless Cell obliterates a chain of inhabited islands, with each explosion bringing him closer to the Android's hideout! But heading Cell's way is Vegeta! He's fresh from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and ready to test his new strength. Is Vegeta really stronger than a Super Saiyan, only time will tell.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 107 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E23

#6 - Trunks Ascends (Season 5 - Episode 23)


Vegeta doubles as a punching bag as Cell demonstrates his amazing power. But the Saiyan Prince never surrenders! Tapping into the deepest wells of his energy, Vegeta leaves Cell with one last hit, the Final Flash! All the while, Trunks struggles to decide whether or not to help his father. Vegeta's pride is at stake, but so is his life!

The episode was rated 8.06 from 107 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E17

#5 - Bow to the Prince (Season 5 - Episode 17)

It's show and tell for Vegeta as he demonstrates just how much difference a year of hard work can make! Watching from the sidelines, Trunks recalls the intense time he spent training with his father, and up in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, the pressure falls on Gohan as he tries to become a Super Saiyan. That's no easy task, especially for a kid!

The episode was rated 8.07 from 106 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E9

#4 - The Monster is Coming (Season 5 - Episode 9)


Piccolo begins his epic battle against Android 17, and he seems to be on par with the mechanical monster, meanwhile Bulma continues to work on the remote that will shut down the Androids. However, Cell can feel Piccolo's energy, and knows he must be fighting one of the Androids, he charges towards them, in the hope that he will become complete.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 97 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E11

#3 - Up to Piccolo (Season 5 - Episode 11)

With more people absorbed, Cell has become more powerful than both Piccolo and 17 combined. Despite Piccolo's best attempts, Cell easily disposes of Piccolo. Knowing of his origin and mission the Androids must work together in order to save themselves from Cell's overwhelming power.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 105 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E10

#2 - He's Here (Season 5 - Episode 10)


Piccolo and 17 continue their showdown, unbeknownst to them that the power-hungry Cell is approaching fast. Piccolo is as strong as 17 but fatigue kicks in, while the malicious Android's power remains undrained. Meanwhile Goku and Gohan impatiently wait for Vegeta and Trunks to finish their Super Saiyan training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Cell arrives at the battlefield, ready to attain his final perfect form, and the Androids don't seem to know who Cell is.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 96 votes.

Dragon Ball Z - S5E13

#1 - Say Goodbye, 17 (Season 5 - Episode 13)

The battle between Android 16 and Cell continue. Cell tries to counter-attack but falls short to 16's Inferno Flash. 16 warns 17 and 18 to quickly leave the battlefield. But before they could do so, Cell sneaks up behind 17 and quickly absorbs him. Cell has transformed, and his next task is to absorb 18 to become complete. Android 16 is no match for the second form of Cell, and is mortally wounded. Is there anyone left who can stop Cell from achieving perfection?

The episode was rated 8.30 from 102 votes.

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