
10 Worst Episodes of Felicity

Felicity Porter, a sensitive and intelligent girl from the San Francisco Bay Area, decides to give up a slot at Stanford University's pre-med program to follow her long time crush to college in New York City. Things get even more complicated when she meets her dorm's resident advisor and they fall in love.

Written by Sophie and last updated on oct 12, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Felicity - S2E2

#10 - The List (Season 2 - Episode 2)

Felicity counsels an advisee, who is using tips from a magazine article to win the affections of her aloof boyfriend. Ben worries Felicity with his peculiar behavior. He finally reveals that he listened to her tape and cannot deal with the idea that she might love him. Felicity consults the magazine article and tries to get him back. She agrees to be less intense, but suddenly breaks up with Ben because she feels that he expects her to be someone else. She deals with her pain by getting a very short hair cut. Julie throws a big party (with cover charge) at the loft. Elena tries to help Noel get a girl's phone number.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 20 votes.

Felicity - S2E6

#9 - The Love Bug (Season 2 - Episode 6)


A mono epidemic hits the campus. After Meghan gets sick, Felicity tries to avoid the bug by staying with Elena and Noel. Felicity frets about the fact that David has yet to kiss her. Noel accidentally says Felicity's name while kissing Ruby. Ruby is furious to discover that Noel and Felicity hadn't told her the truth about their past relationship. A stranger offers Ruby a business card, claiming to be a movie producer. She follows up on the lead and ends up getting a major role in a Tom Cruise movie. Ruby sleeps with Noel before departing for several weeks. Ben finds out that Maggie is married.

The episode was rated 7.14 from 21 votes.

Felicity - S1E18

#8 - Happy Birthday (Season 1 - Episode 18)

The dorm plans a party for Julie's birthday. Carol stops by reveals that she is actually Julie's mother. She refuses to allow Julie to meet her family because she hasn't told her husband that she has another child. Julie pleads with her to re-consider. Carol shows up at the bar to watch Julie sing. She explains that her husband is Julie's father. She had the baby while they were separated, and never told him about the pregnancy after they reunited and married years later. Carol forbids Julie from contacting her father. Julie secretly observes her parents and two siblings as they dine at a restaurant. She decides to cut ties with Carol and show more appreciation for her adoptive parents. Meghan asks Felicity to watch over her mysterious box while her parents are in town. Felicity is amazed as Meghan undergoes a complete personality transformation, trying to pass herself off as a sweet, innocent preppy. Noel considers moving out of the dorm because he feels uncomfortable around Felic

The episode was rated 7.14 from 22 votes.

Felicity - S4E6

#7 - Oops...Noel Did It Again (Season 4 - Episode 6)


Ben learns that his father is being hospitalized with liver failure. He reluctantly goes to the hospital and meets Lauren, a friend of Mr. Covington's from A.A. She tells Ben that his father does not have long to live. Mr. Covington gives Ben power of attorney, and declares that he does not want to be hooked up to machines. He also insists that he will not take any pain medication because he has been sober for 67 days and does not want to use drugs of any kind. Ben postpones a ski trip that he and Felicity had planned for her birthday after his father's condition worsens. Ben is surprised to learn that Mr. Covington was very helpful to Lauren when he served as her sponsor. She says that his dad talks about Ben all the time. Ben goes against his father's wishes and puts him on a ventilator because there is a slim chance that he could regain enough strength to undergo a transplant. Felicity suspects that Professor Cavallo is coming on to her. He denies this, but she grows uneas

The episode was rated 7.11 from 19 votes.

Felicity - S3E7

#6 - Kissing Mr. Covington (Season 3 - Episode 7)

After learning of Ben's injuries, Mr. Covington returns to town with the hopes of reconciling with his son. He seeks Felicity's help after Ben refuses to see him. Mr. Covington breaks down in tears as he describes the way his life has crumbled. When Felicity tries to comfort him, he kisses her. Ben begins to warm to his father, until he notes Felicity's discomfort and realizes that something happened. Mr. Covington confesses, and Ben orders him to leave. Felicity encourages Ben to attend Al-Anon meetings to deal with his feelings about his father. He is surprised to see Molly at a meeting. Sean devotes himself to the Jewish faith to fulfill a promise he made to God before his surgery. He breaks up with Meghan for refusing to convert to Judaism. His hospital roommate, a rabbi, convinces him that he has made a mistake. After Dr. McGrath is accused of sexual harassment, a list circulates with the names of students he dated--including Elena. Tracy confronts her, but quickly gets over it. W

The episode was rated 7.10 from 20 votes.

Felicity - S1E13

#5 - Todd Mulcahy (1) (Season 1 - Episode 13)


Todd Mulcahy, a young man who attended summer school with Felicity when she was twelve, arrives unexpectedly. He declares that he and Felicity are soulmates, and announces that he has come to New York to kiss her. Felicity seeks Ben's advice on how to deal with a stalker. She is annoyed when Todd manages to win everyone over with his charms. (He helps Noel with a computer problem, and turns out to be an old skateboarding buddy of Ben's.) Felicity finally takes Todd to dinner and orders him to leave her alone. As she walks home, he follows her and insists that they will be together. He gets hit by a bus. Felicity and Elena prepare for an important test. The students with the top twenty scores win the right to an interview with the professor for a seminar that is considered essential for those hoping to make it to medical school. Blair approaches Elena for a date, unaware that she knows that he is cheating on her. She punches his lights out. He later approaches and asks her for another

The episode was rated 7.09 from 22 votes.

Felicity - S1E20

#4 - Connections (Season 1 - Episode 20)

Abby, Dean & DeLuca's officious new manager, leaves Felicity in charge while she is away. If she does a good job, she will be promoted to assistant manager. Abby orders Felicity to fire Danny, an irresponsible employee. Felicity does this, but Danny keeps showing up for work anyway. Ben is unable to pay off his debt to the campus bookie, who asks him to collect from others. He refuses to do this. Ben learns that he will soon be kicked out of school unless he can find a way to pay his tuition. Sean agrees to co-sign a loan, but the bank refuses to approve it because Sean owes money to one of his suppliers. When Julie learns of his problems, Ben angrily refuses her suggestion that he call his parents for help. Barry, the bookie, comes to the bar and harasses Ben. Ben embarrasses him by knocking him down in front of everyone, so the guy calls his frat brothers and has them beat up Ben. After the assault, Ben vanishes for 24 hours. He finally resurfaces on Felicity's doorstep. S

The episode was rated 7.08 from 24 votes.

Felicity - S1E6

#3 - Cheating (Season 1 - Episode 6)


Felicity believes that she and Ben are growing closer. Ben asks her to proofread his English paper and hand it in. She rewrites it in the hopes of helping him get a better grade. The professor becomes suspicious and accuses Ben of cheating. Felicity confesses her actions to Ben. He is not only furious, but hurt that she seems to believe that he is stupid. He stubbornly refuses to allow her to turn herself in. Ben tries to learn the material in the paper before facing a hearing in front of faculty members. He eventually admits that he didn't write the paper. The professor saves Felicity and Ben from expulsion, but they both fail the assignment. (Felicity had gotten an A, and Ben's original paper would have received a B.) Julie prepares to see ""Solaris"" with Zach. She rents a copy beforehand because she is afraid that she will not understand the film. Blair constantly asks Elena for a date, while she dismisses their night together as a one-night stand.

The episode was rated 6.89 from 28 votes.

Felicity - S3E8

#2 - A Good Egg (Season 3 - Episode 8)

Javier and Samuel decide to become parents. Javier asks Felicity to donate an egg, which would be implanted into his aunt. Felicity agrees, but changes her mind after Ben adamantly states his opposition. Felicity poses as Javier's wife during an interview with a potential donor. The woman backs out after discovering that the child would actually have two fathers. Felicity tells Ben that she has come to appreciate his viewpoint; she cannot deal with the idea of watching someone else raise her biological child. During an Al-Anon meeting, Molly speaks of her struggle to break free from an addict boyfriend. Ben confronts her and asks if the drugs discovered in Julie's closet were hers. She denies this, but later comes clean during a meeting. However, Ben cannot share any of her revelations with Felicity because of the confidential nature of the group. Jane angrily rejects Noel after he confesses to stalking her. Overcome with despair, she sleeps with an old friend--Richard. Elena tries des

The episode was rated 6.74 from 19 votes.

Felicity - S2E11

#1 - Help for the Lovelorn (Season 2 - Episode 11)


In a special black and white episode patterned after The Twilight Zone, a mysterious customer offers Felicity advice on how to ease her constant heartache. Felicity visits a clinic, where she soon learns that the doctors use horrific methods to mend a broken heart. Felicity and her friends end up trapped in a small, bare room from which there is no escape. The contents of Meghan's box are revealed (for the purpose of this episode only).

The episode was rated 6.47 from 19 votes.

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