Melrose Place

10 Best Episodes of Melrose Place - Season 4

Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California.

Written by Sophie and last updated on may 04, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Melrose Place - S4E11

#8 - Free Kimmy (Season 4 - Episode 11)

Alison and Hayley honeymoon at a luxurious hotel/resort in Cancun, which he owns. Alison overhears Hayley arguing with the hotel manager over finances. She is further distressed when Hayley tells Brooke that he and Alison will not have children. Amanda pushes Peter away. Jack's father orders his other son, Bobby, to ""take care of"" Amanda. Michael is pleased when Sydney throws him a surprise birthday party, but threatens to cut her loose when he learns she is blackmailing Peter. Jane decks Jo after she overhears her making a catty remark to Richard. Jane decides to begin dating Michael to make Richard jealous. A lonely Kimberly has a fling with the pool boy. Matt and Jake discover that bookkeeper Shelly hasn't given Jake the password to Shooters' computer records. Meanwhile, Shelly fills a safe deposit box with cash.

The episode was rated 6.58 from 12 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E25

#7 - Ruthless People (Season 4 - Episode 25)


Billy continues to irritate Alison with his win-at-all-costs attitude and boorish behavior. He befriends the chauvinistic president of a vodka company, and usurps one of Amanda's accounts. Alan's parents come to town for the ""wedding,"" and are unaware that their son is gay. They reveal that they have purchased a house for Alan and Valerie. A distraught Matt gets drunk and sleeps with his friend Dave. Matt walks out during the wedding, and Alan refuses to go after him. Jo discovers that Jane is responsible for the mishap at Richard's show. She blackmails her into hiring Richard as a consultant. Kimberly develops an alternate personality--a prudish, controlling woman named Betsy Jones. Amanda rejects Bobby, and he breaks down her apartment door. Peter is later knocked unconscious following a scuffle with Bobby.

The episode was rated 6.90 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E27

#6 - Triumph of the Bill (Season 4 - Episode 27)

Billy uses underhanded means to steal the keynote speech at an ad convention away from Alison. He makes an emotional speech about lying, and reveals that he has sold his soul to become a star in the industry. After Billy is a hit at the convention, Amanda sleeps with him. Alison quits her job and learns that Amanda is using Billy to help her career. Kimberly develops another personality, a cool biker chick named Rita. She refuses Peter's medical advice. Sydney blackmails Alycia into rehiring Bobby, but he instead seeks honest work as a mechanic. Sydney offers to let the homeless Bobby stay at her apartment. Claire has been hired by Richard to break up Jake and Jane. She tells Jane that she is having an affair with Jake. Jane fires Claire and breaks up with Jake. Jake rejects a reconciliation attempt by Jo and crawls back to Jane.

The episode was rated 7.36 from 11 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E10

#5 - El Syd (Season 4 - Episode 10)


Jack dies following his tussle with Amanda. Sydney blackmails Amanda and Peter, demanding half of Amanda's share of the estate. Amanda sells her share for a dollar in exchange for the sealing of the autopsy records. Kimberly grows tired of living under Peter's roof. Amanda and Peter realize that Sydney is more interested in Michael than any money. Amanda leases Sydney's apartment to Kimberly, and sends Syd off to live at the beach house. Hayley proposes to Alison. Alison goes on a business trip with Billy. Their plane is forced to land in the desert, and Alison tries to share her feelings as they await repairs. Billy interrupts with the news of Brooke's pregnancy. Alison and Hayley are married in Mexico. Jo follows Richard to Hawaii and quickly sleeps with him. Matt learns that Michael altered his test results.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E6

#4 - The Jane Mutiny (Season 4 - Episode 6)

Jane and Richard announce that their engagement is back on. Jo is distressed when Jane reiterates the fact that she doesn't love Richard. Jo gets very drunk at the engagement party, argues with Jane, and tells Richard the truth. Jack seeks to settle his divorce with Amanda so that he can re-marry. Amanda is angry when Jack makes the final payment on the apartment building repairs. Amanda reveals to Billy that Jack used to beat her. She faked her own death because Jack had threatened her father when she tried to escape. Brooke becomes jealous of Alison's budding relationship with Hayley. Kimberly is released into Peter's custody. Michael and Sydney plot to find a Henry-lookalike to drive Kimberly back to insanity. Matt wins his case when his lawyer goads Dr. Hobbs into admitting his homophobia.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E1

#3 - Postmortem Madness (Season 4 - Episode 1)


Kimberly sets off her bombs, destroying half of the building. MacKenzie suffers a fatal heart attack. Billy breaks down Alison's door and pulls her to safety, although she is blinded by the blast. Peter saves Kimberly from drowning after the impact knocks her into the pool. Kimberly is placed in the psychiatric ward, and is unable to recall the events of the past week. Billy storms out when Hayley calls him to task for not immediately taking Brooke on their honeymoon. Brooke later moves out of the mansion and into Billy's apartment. Jess is killed in the fall from the construction site, while Jake suffers only minor injuries. He shuns a guilt-ridden Jo. The jailed Matt is enraged when his parents seem to suspect that he is guilty of murder. They win back his trust when they put up their mortgage to bail him out of jail.

The episode was rated 7.55 from 11 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E26

#2 - The Burning Sofa (Season 4 - Episode 26)

Bobby is arrested for assaulting Peter, but Sydney later convinces Amanda to have the charges dropped. Peter makes a deal with Billy's client so that he can pay off Alycia and escape her influence. Alycia takes over Bobby's company. ""Betsy"" throws the couch off the deck and sets it on fire, and later tries to maim Michael. Jake is furious to learn that Jane sabotaged Richard's show. He gets drunk during a fashion convention and sleeps with a stranger. The woman is later hired as Jane's new assistant. Alan outs himself to a tabloid because he can no longer live a lie. Matt is hesitant to take him back.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E7

#1 - Let the Games Begin (Season 4 - Episode 7)


Amanda is incensed when Brooke secures Jack's cable company as a client for D&D. Michael hires a waiter and aspiring actor named Mark Paul to impersonate Henry. Amanda holds a ""We Survived the Blast of '95"" party in the courtyard. Kimberly receives permission to drop by the party with Peter to apologize for her actions. Amanda agrees to forgive her. Mark Paul hides in the laundry room and startles Kimberly. Jane declares war on Jo over the broken engagement. Shelly throws herself at Jake during the party, as Jo is working late with Richard. Alison sleeps with Hayley. Brooke tries to convince Alison that Hayley is a womanizing pig. Matt's parents suggest that he use his settlement to return to medical school. Matt's father dies of congestive heart disease. When Amanda goes to Jack's house for dinner, she learns that his fiancée does not exist. He declares that he will never let go of Amanda.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 10 votes.

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