Melrose Place

10 Best Episodes of Melrose Place - Season 3

Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California.

Written by Sophie and last updated on may 04, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Melrose Place - S3E5

#7 - Non-Sexual Healing (Season 3 - Episode 5)

Jake's friends (especially Jo and Amanda) are shocked to learn that the Pretty Lady has exploded. The Coast Guard finds Jake clinging for life to a buoy, and he returns to the building safely. Jo is hurt when Jake completely ignores her to visit Amanda, unaware that he is breaking the news of Palmer's death. When Jo shares her feelings with Jake, they get into a heated argument. He turns his apartment keys over to Matt and takes off on his motorcycle. Alison is disgusted when Billy begins dating their new secretary. Jane and Chris ask Sydney to seek Michael's share of the design firm in the divorce settlement, but Michael tricks her into settling for $5000.

The episode was rated 7.09 from 11 votes.

Melrose Place - S3E25

#6 - To Live and Die in Malibu (Season 3 - Episode 25)


Kimberly comes home to discover that Amanda has been staying at her house. Amanda begins to recover from her illness, and asks Brooke to help her undermine Alison. Kimberly tries to use the $100,000 settlement from the city to keep Michael away from Amanda. He accepts her offer, but later files for divorce. Kimberly overdoses on pills, and Michael doesn't try to revive her. Alison turns into a tyrant at the office and alienates Jo during a photo shoot. Alison gives Brooke a full-time job after she convinces her father to let them use his house for a shoot. Brooke reveals that she is engaged, but later comes on to Billy in a restaurant bathroom. Jess unexpectedly arrives in Los Angeles. Jake gives him a job and a place to stay. Sydney suspects that Jess is using his brother.

The episode was rated 7.20 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S3E9

#5 - Dr. Jekyll Saves His Hide (Season 3 - Episode 9)

Sydney plans to leave town to avoid her problems with Chris, but Jake convinces her to stay and give their relationship a chance. Alison claims to have accepted Billy's relationship with Susan, but begins hitting the bottle. She gets into a catfight with Susan at a client party, prompting Susan to move in with Billy. Michael asks Amanda to manipulate Peter into rehiring him. Amanda agrees, provided that Michael surrender his share in the design firm. Jane promises to give Amanda 25 percent of the business if she can arrange this. Once Michael has returned to work, he backs out of the deal and tries to blackmail Amanda. Peter encourages Amanda to seek control of D&D. Matt learns that Jeffrey, an ex-lover, is back in town. He is stunned when Jeffrey reveals that he has left the Navy and is HIV positive. Jo prepares for the custody trial.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S3E4

#4 - Grand Delusions (Season 3 - Episode 4)


Sydney (claiming to be someone named Miranda) hangs around the beach house and attempts to seduce Michael. Michael regains his memory when he is nearly struck by a car in a restaurant parking lot, but doesn't immediately reveal this. Michael leaves Sydney in an embarrassing situation in Jane's bedroom, prompting a suggestive remark from Chris. Michael confronts Kimberly and dares her to kill him, but she decides that she loves him too much to finish him off. Billy and Alison bicker constantly at the office. Jo extends an olive branch to the Carters, only to have them laugh in her face. Palmer tells Amanda that he cannot go to prison before paying off some debts, as he fears his creditors will harm her. He tells her of a secret safe deposit box and convinces her to withdraw $500,000. Palmer kidnaps Jake on the boat at gunpoint, and explains that he and Brittany are going to take the money and flee to Mexico. Brittany double-crosses Palmer, shooting him in the back. Jake discovers that t

The episode was rated 7.58 from 12 votes.

Melrose Place - S3E17

#3 - They Shoot Mothers, Don't They? (1) (Season 3 - Episode 17)

Jo realizes that Austin's kidnapping was planned, and Kimberly admits that she told the Carters that the child was alive. Jo punches her. Jake and Jo hit the road in search of the Carters. They spend the night together in a motel, but Jo decides that she isn't ready for a relationship. Jake and Jo stake out the Carters' vacation home. Peter and Caitlin set up a plan to nullify Amanda's contract. Michael blackmails Peter, and Amanda calls on Matt to investigate both men. Billy discovers that Alison is romantically involved with Terry. Sydney gets a roommate--a waitress named Rikki--after Amanda raises the rent.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S3E2

#2 - It's a Bad World After All (Season 3 - Episode 2)


Kimberly brings Michael home from the hospital. Sydney convinces Matt to visit her in prison, and tells him that Kimberly is setting her up. Sydney's father flies in from Chicago, but enrages his daughter by suggesting she seek a plea bargain. Matt becomes suspicious of Kimberly when he realizes that she is shielding Michael from the truth about their history. Sydney's outburst convinces Mr. Andrews that she is crazy, and he and Jane have her committed to a mental hospital. Alison and Meredith fly to Wisconsin and attempt to file charges against their father, but Meredith bails out when she realizes that the town respects Mr. Parker too much to give their story credence. Alison confronts her father in front of all the prominent townspeople at a barbecue, and pushes him into admitting his guilt. Billy is fired when Nancy learns that he helped D&D get the inside track on the Escapade account, but lands a job writing ad copy for D&D. Jake sleeps with Brittany, unaware that Palmer Woodward

The episode was rated 7.80 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S3E3

#1 - Inlaws and Outlaws (Season 3 - Episode 3)

Chris warns that his company will have to cancel his deal with Jane's firm if Michael does not sign off on it. Sydney calls Matt from the mental hospital and pleads with him to investigate Kimberly. Jane and Matt visit the beach house, where she bonds with Michael while Matt snoops. He discovers that Kimberly owns several wigs, then rips off her wig during a confrontation at the hospital. Sydney accepts a plea bargain after a scummy staff member propositions her, and is released into Jane's custody. Kimberly vows revenge against Matt. Palmer and Brittany continue their plot against Jake. Palmer turns up on Amanda's doorstep. Billy and Alison break up after she learns that he took a job at D&D without consulting her. Jo receives a surprise visit from Reed's parents. She reluctantly admits that Reed is the father of her child, and is shocked when the Carters sue her for custody.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 10 votes.

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