
10 Best Episodes of Noragami

Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.

Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 02, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Noragami - S1E11

#15 - Abandoned God (Season 1 - Episode 11)

As Yato and Yukine try to figure out how to restore Hiyori's memories, they are confronted by Nora, who reveals she had stolen Hiyori's memory of Yato and has become Furuhime, regalia of Rabo, who attacks Yato in an attempt to awaken some repressed memories. As Yato finds himself unable to beat Rabo and Furuhime, the two take their leave, with Furuhime stating she will return Hiyori's memory if Yato can defeat Rabo. It is revealed that Rabo is a calamity god, a god who answers malicious wishes to kill people, phantoms, and gods, who once worked alongside Yato, who was also a calamity god himself. As Yato becomes conflicted over whether restoring Hiyori's memory is the right thing to do, Yukine shows Hiyori a picture book detailing the times they have spent together. Meanwhile, Furuhime reveals that Hiyori's memory is further waning, shown when she loses her memory of Yukine, and will leave her as an empty vessel if nothing is done. Despite knowing the risks involved, Yato and Yukine resolve to restore Hiyori's memory.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 144 votes.

Noragami - S1E7

#14 - Uncertainty & Destiny (Season 1 - Episode 7)


Hiyori's presence as a spirit is discovered by Kazuma, who chooses to keep this a secret from Bishamon, before telling Hiyori that if nothing is done about Yukine, Yato will die. Later that night, as Yato is helping out at a convenience store, Yukine, who has been feeling that Yato would choose Nora over him, is caught trying to steal some charity money. Just then, another phantom appears, and despite Nora's presence causing Yukine unease, Yato assures him that he is his regalia and manages to defeat the phantom with him.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 150 votes.

Noragami - S1E8

#13 - Over the Line (Season 1 - Episode 8)

Yato and Yukine are called to Hiyori's school at the request of a bullied student, with Yato giving him a certain something to use. Whilst at the school, Yukine laments that he never had the chance to go to high school himself and make friends with others. The student is driven by a phantom to confront the bully using a knife Yato had given him, but he manages to hold himself back and disperse the phantom with his own will. Yukine, however, gives into his frustration and starts breaking the school's windows, causing Yato's blight to spread further. As Hiyori discovers this, she risks herself to try and bring him to Kofuku and Daikoku, getting blighted herself in the process. Kofuku and Daikoku shut them out with a borderline.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 147 votes.

Noragami - S2E10

#12 - A Certain Desire (Season 2 - Episode 10)


The heavens are thrown into chaos when the gods learn that Ebisu has been experimenting with Phantoms. Meanwhile, Yato and Ebisu struggle to escape Izanami and leave the underworld behind.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 112 votes.

Noragami - S2E11

#11 - Revival (Season 2 - Episode 11)

Bishamon and Hiyori manage to track down Yato, but they have no way of getting into the underworld. Meanwhile, Izanami continues to pursue Yato… And if he gets caught, he'll be stuck in the underworld forever!

The episode was rated 8.03 from 112 votes.

Noragami - S2E3

#10 - False Bond (Season 2 - Episode 3)


Kugaha finally sets his plot into motion and has Kazuma banished. The ensuing chaos causes more pain for Bishamon… and pulls Yukine and Yato into the turmoil too!

The episode was rated 8.05 from 117 votes.

Noragami - S1E6

#9 - Scary Person (Season 1 - Episode 6)

Yukine, depressed about being used by Yato to kill the girl spirit instead of saving her, steals the skateboard he had his eye on before. When Yato stops him, Hiyori appears, deciding to cover for Yukine by claiming she bought it for him. Just then, a god named Bishamon, holding a personal grudge against him, appears and attacks Yato. Hiyori calls Kofuku and Daikoku to help, tracking Yato's location using her sense of smell. However, Kofuku's attempt to stop the battle ends up making things worse by causing a huge hole with raging storms appear. Bishamon tries to take advantage of the situation, dealing some damage to Yato, but is urged by one of her regalia, Kazuma, to retreat to protect her other regalia.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 153 votes.

Noragami - S2E7

#8 - How to Worship a God (Season 2 - Episode 7)


Bishamon is forced to confer with the other gods about her recent failings. Elsewhere, Ebisu offers to buy Yukine from Yato for a large sum of money - enough for Yato to build his own shrine.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 114 votes.

Noragami - S2E6

#7 - What Must Be Done (Season 2 - Episode 6)

Bishamon and Yato learn of Kugaha's betrayal, but most of the damage has already been done. Meanwhile, the giant, masked Phantom continues to hunt down the last remaining Regalias…

The episode was rated 8.15 from 109 votes.

Noragami - S1E9

#6 - Name (Season 1 - Episode 9)


Daikoku and Kofuku only allow Hiyori to come through the borderline so she can cleanse her blight, stating that Yato will die unless Yukine receives punishment by ablution. Although Daikoku manages to enlist the help of Mayu, he struggles to find a third Regalia to help perform the ablution. Rejecting the thought of calling on Nora, as she might kill Yukine, Hiyori goes to Bishamon's shrine to request Kazuma's help. As the three Regalias get together, they discover Yukine's back is covered with phantoms and begin their ablution, in which Yukine must endure pain until he confesses to his sins, or otherwise transform into a phantom himself. Yukine admits his crimes and expresses his jealousy of the living and his envy of what they have. As Yukine's condition worsens, Hiyori and Yato calls out to him, reminding him that they are his friends, and the name Yato gave him is that of a person's. Hearing this, Yukine apologises for all the bad things he had done, allowing the ablution to be successfully carried out. With both Yato and Yukine back to normal, they both feel thankful towards Hiyori for saving their lives. Meanwhile, Nora has awakened a spirit named Rabo, who has a grudge against Yato.

The episode was rated 8.34 from 159 votes.

Noragami - S2E5

#5 - Divine Acclamation, Imprecation (Season 2 - Episode 5)

Yukine shatters in half while Yato and Bishamon battle each other! Elsewhere, Kugaha enacts the second part of his plan by slaughtering Bishamon's Regalias!

The episode was rated 8.35 from 113 votes.

Noragami - S2E4

#4 - Wish (Season 2 - Episode 4)


Kazuma and Hiyori find themselves captured. They watch helplessly as Kugaha tricks Yato and Bishamon into battling each other to the death!

The episode was rated 8.35 from 114 votes.

Noragami - S2E13

#3 - The God of Fortune's Message (Season 2 - Episode 13)

The heavens deliver their divine punishment, and Ebisu is forced to start anew. Despite this, Yato is filled with a new sense of purpose and upholds his promise to Ebisu.

The episode was rated 8.41 from 125 votes.

Noragami - S2E12

#2 - Your Voice Calls Out (Season 2 - Episode 12)


Bishamon faces Izanami in battle in order to save Yato. Yato's only hope for escape lies in his true name, but he's never revealed it to anyone. Meanwhile, the heavenly executioners have caught up with Ebisu and are prepared to kill him!

The episode was rated 8.45 from 114 votes.

Noragami - S1E12

#1 - A Scrap of a Memory (Season 1 - Episode 12)

Yato and Yukine warp over to Rabo's shrine, mistakenly dragging Hiyori along with them. Yato immediately engages Rabo and Furuhime, only to be easily fended off and taken prisoner by a spell of Rabo's which enshrouds the victim in a sphere of water. Hiyori manages to pull Yato out, allowing the fight to resume. Unsatisfied with Yato's performance, Rabo decides to destroy the jewel-like sphere containing Hiyori's stolen memories, causing her to fall unconscious. Angered by this, Yato appears to awaken to his former self as a god of calamity, and easily kicks Rabo into the stone cliff surrounding the site. Having seen that Yato had returned to his old self, Rabo absorbs the storm which had been raging from above, thus merging with its phantoms. An exchange between the two causes boulders to loosen, one of which heads directly for Hiyori. Yato saves her just in time, and holds her tightly to his body in a protective gesture. Hiyori's memories are awakened by his scent, and she returns to consciousness. Realizing he has to get rid of Hiyori, Rabo takes hold of her, but is finished off by Yato and Yukine with a move used for cleansing phantoms. As the three make their way back home, Hiyori tells Yato and Yukine that she never wants to sever her ties with them.

The episode was rated 8.50 from 155 votes.

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