
10 Best Episodes of Baywatch - Season 8

Join the Baywatch lifeguards on their thrilling adventures filled with beautiful beaches and those iconic red swimsuits.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 12, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Baywatch - S8E9

#11 - Homecoming (Season 8 - Episode 9)

Neely returns to Baywatch after a long absence, recuperating from a terrible skiing accident. When she is getting her pills at a pharmacy, a robber comes in. An old man named Mr. O'Hara is standing next to Neely and he has a heart attack and Neely is forced to perform CPR. The robber freaks out and grabs the money and runs away. Mitch and Donna watch Neely on TV. It turns out that Neely has become hooked on painkillers. Donna figures it out but Neely denies everything. Meanwhile, Lani sees a group of Native American Indians constructing something on the beach. When she walks over to them, she finds out that they are building a Chumash Death Bed. The Chumash Death Bed is built for an old indian named Eyes That See At Night. When Mitch arrives, Craig Pomeroy makes a surprise visit as the old indian's lawyer. Craig and Mitch catch up on their lives and Craig tells Mitch that he and Gina have separated. Mitch wants him to come back to Baywatch again but Craig isn't sure he wants to do that

The episode was rated 7.10 from 10 votes.

Baywatch - S8E19

#10 - Diabolique (Season 8 - Episode 19)


Newmie has created a kite-flying contest for the benefit of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. His nephew Todd is diabetic. While Newmie, April, Todd and some teenagers are on the pier, a man falls into the water and Newmie and April have to rescue him. Todd is a very depressed young boy, and he wants to live a normal life like all of his friends. April befriends him and Todd tells her that her uncle Mike has told him a lot about the Baywatch gang. Manny and April participates in the kite-flying contest and finish dead last with their dolphin kite. Meanwhile, Mitch has to rescue a woman named Sara on a burning boat. She attempted to commit suicide. Mitch's mother Irene has been taken care of Ashley while Neely has been in San Diego, and Irene wants to hire Sara as Ashley's nanny. She has good references and Mitch and Irene don't know that she is insane. In the middle of the night, Sara goes to Mitch's bed and tells him he called her name, although he didn't. The next day outside headqua

The episode was rated 7.30 from 10 votes.

Baywatch - S8E15

#9 - To the Max (Season 8 - Episode 15)

April, Lani and J.D. are on patrol in the scarab, when they notice a boat and suddenly see that two men are knocked into the water by a boom. They go there to rescue them, and the third one is knocked into the water as well. The owner of the boat is named Captain Bob. He is very grateful and tells them that he owes them one. They discover that Captain Bob and his sons are diving for sea urchins, and they earn a lot of money by selling the sea urchins. When Lani and April are talking about the sea urchins in the locker room, J.D. tells them that Captain Bob have agreed to take them with him when he goes diving for sea urchins. They get to keep half of what they catch. When Cody finds out about this, he wants to go too. His car doesn't work anymore and he needs money. Lani decides to tag along even though she has a terrible cold. She can't dive because her ears won't be able to equalize the pressure properly. While they are out looking for sea urchins, they hear a call for help from a ne

The episode was rated 7.64 from 11 votes.

Baywatch - S8E21

#8 - White Thunder at Glacier Bay (Part 1) (Season 8 - Episode 21)


After boarding without Neely, Lani, or Donna seeing them, Mitch and Cody surprise their colleagues by appearing at dinner. Hobie and Leslie make it obvious that they know when they're not wanted. Hobie also knows that his father still disapproves of his impulse to invite a total stranger with them on the cruise. When the ship docks in Ketchikan, Mitch and Cody prepare for a day of salmon fishing while Hobie and Leslie plan an outing in town. As Hobie and Leslie are departing the ship, Leslie sees Gavin at the gangplank anxiously scanning the crowd as they leave the ship. She quickly offers to baby-sit Neely's infant, finding a convenient way to stay onboard while Gavin searches for her off the ship. Fortunately for Leslie, Gavin has met Donna, who he mistakes for Leslie because of her long blond hair. Donna, on the other hand, mistakenly believes she has found her millionaire dream man. Mitch and Cody are enjoying their day of salmon fishing, when a ferocious grizzly bear attacks Neely

The episode was rated 7.73 from 11 votes.

Baywatch - S8E22

#7 - White Thunder at Glacier Bay (Part 2) (Season 8 - Episode 22)

Narrowly escaping Gavin for the moment, a clueless Hobie and Leslie take off on paragliders over the Alaskan mountaintops. Gavin is soon right behind them, brandishing a gun. With a confused Hobie following, Leslie lands her glider and takes off running. Gavin is in hot pursuit, eventually forcing them into an ice cavern from which they cannot escape. When Gavin finds them, he tells Leslie to throw the emeralds to him. But when he tries to catch them, he too falls down into the ice cavern. Mitch, putting together the clues, realizes that Hobie is in a deadly situation, and gets Cody to help him come to the rescue. They track the three of them down to the ice cavern on the glacier and a violent fight ensue. Mitch and Cody manage to finally capture Gavin and Leslie who are then arrested and sent to jail. Back on the ship, Neely tells Mitch that she couldn't go through with reuniting with her ex-husband when she is actually in love with someone else. Mitch asks who she is in love with, an

The episode was rated 7.77 from 13 votes.

Baywatch - S8E20

#6 - Bon Voyage (Season 8 - Episode 20)


Neely, Donna and Lani are going on a cruise to Alaska. Lani is going to pose for Inside Sports on the cruise ship named the Dawn Princess. Cody doesn't want her to go there without him because he is afraid he is going to lose her like he lost C.J. Meanwhile, Neely tells Mitch that she is bringing Ashley to Alaska. It turns out that she has located her ex-husband Peter there. She will take Ashley to him because Ashley needs a family. Mitch doesn't want her to do that, because he doesn't want to lose them. But Neely decides to go anyway. Hobie has entered a competition where he has written an essay. If Hobie wins the competition, he will receive four tickets to the same cruise ship as the girls, sponsored by Princess Cruises. Hobie wins the competition and receives four tickets. He gives Mitch and Cody two tickets, but he hasn't decide who the third one is yet. Meanwhile, two jewel thieves is bringing up their emeralds from the bottom of the ocean. One of them, Leslie Stryker wants to do

The episode was rated 7.83 from 12 votes.

Baywatch - S8E16

#5 - Night of the Dolphin (Season 8 - Episode 16)

The episode starts with a lot of people gathered around a dead dolphin. Mitch and April arrive in a lifeguard truck and Mitch lets April transport the dead dolphin to the Marine Lab. Later some drug dealers make a deal on the beach. Behind some bushes, Garner Ellerbee is sitting on a horse named Earl, watching them. When the deal has been made, Garner starts riding towards the drug dealers. Two of them drive off on ATVs, and the third one disappears on a wave-runner. During the chase, Garner passes the tower where Mitch and April are talking. They join him for the chase in a lifeguard truck. Garner and Mitch capture the drug dealers and Mitch and Garner catch up on their lives together. It turns out that Garner now works for the Federal Police Unit. They are drug traffickers on the beach, trying to find suppliers. Garner tells Mitch about the drug smuggling ring that is operating off the coastline. In order to mark drug drop sites in the ocean, the drug dealers use a phosphorescent che

The episode was rated 7.90 from 10 votes.

Baywatch - S8E10

#4 - Missing (Season 8 - Episode 10)


Mitch receives a call that Caroline needs all available assistance during a rescue. Apparently a young girl named Rosanna is missing. Her mother Lucinda is real worried, but she doesn't speak any English, just Spanish. When Many finally arrives to the beach, he translates everything Lucinda says. When Manny asks Rosanna's younger sister Nikki what happened, she tells Manny that Rosanna was very sad and that she waited for the lifeguard on duty, Cody, to leave his tower. When Cody left to meet Lani at the movies, Rosanna went into the water, and Nikki never saw Rosanna coming out of the water. Mitch organizes a search unit. All available lifeguards are sent to the beach. J.D. and Sheryl have been out on surfboards but couldn't find anything. Later Manny finds out that Cody left his tower 4:57 p.m., not 5 p.m. This upsets Mitch who doesn't like when a lifeguard leaves the tower early. Meanwhile, Cody meets with Lani and she tells him that she just got a call from headquarters. All lifegu

The episode was rated 7.91 from 11 votes.

Baywatch - S8E3

#3 - The Choice (Season 8 - Episode 3)

J.D. from Daytona Beach was a rookie at Baywatch years ago. Now he camps on the beach, and Donna tell him to leave the beach. Later she finds out who he is. J.D. has come back to Baywatch to apply for the vacant lieutenant position. It's between him and Taylor Walsh, a smart, confident and ambitious young woman. The Chief has recommended Taylor. Skylar is doing an exercise under the pier when something goes wrong and J.D. has to rescue her. But J.D. becomes paralyzed under the pier and Newmie is forced to rescue Skylar. When Mitch asks what happened, J.D. just tells him that he didn't see Skylar. Later Skylar asks J.D. why he lied to Mitch, and he tells her the truth. It turns out that a man died in his arms two years earlier at Daytona Beach. Later on during a rescue, instead of rescuing himself, J.D. places himself between the victim and the boat. J.D. is knocked out and Mitch has to rescue him while Taylor rescues the man in the boat. Mitch finally has a tough decision to make about

The episode was rated 7.91 from 11 votes.

Baywatch - S8E1

#2 - Rookie Summer (Season 8 - Episode 1)


It's the beginning of the summer and rookie school has just started. Cody meets his old diving instructor from Hawaii there. Her name is Lani McKenzie, and she has problems with her ex-boyfriend Darren. He can't accept that she has left him. When Darren approaches Lani and Sheryl while they are jogging on the beach, he and Cody end up in a fight. Later Lani is kidnapped by Darren and held hostage on a boat. However, Cody manages to locate the right boat and is able to bring Lani out of there, with a little help from her as well. Meanwhile, Manny wins the rookie competition and is really excited. When Mitch tells him that he can't become a lifeguard, due to the fact that he can't see well enough without his contact lenses, Manny freaks out and break one of the windows in Mitch's office. He also refuses to accept the offer to take a job at the local beach club. The Chief wants to promote Mitch to Captain after Samantha's departure. The Chief blames Mitch for Samantha's departure. She lef

The episode was rated 7.92 from 12 votes.

Baywatch - S8E5

#1 - Charlie (Season 8 - Episode 5)

April's brother Charlie and her mother Paige are living with her in her small apartment. It's very hard for April to see Charlie so sick and that everyone is being nice to him out of pity. Everyone has been told that Charlie has a rare form of cancer and that he is getting treatment for it at UCLA. Later April tells Mitch that Charlie isn't being treated there, they just use him for research. A scientist is trying to find a way to detect this type of cancer. That means that Charlie doesn't have so much time left to live. She also tells Mitch that having Charlie around must be such a downer for everyone. But Mitch assures her that Charlie is really inspiring. All the lifeguards take care of Charlie and he has the time of his life with them. Mitch takes him out on a wind jet and he gets the opportunity to drive it. He also writes a song together with Hobie. Meanwhile, it's time for the annual Taplin dory race. Mitch and Newmie have won the event seven years in a row now, but this year, M

The episode was rated 8.09 from 11 votes.

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