Best Episodes
Bob's Burgers is an animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard and broadcasted on FOX since 2011. It follows the story of Bob Belcher, a third-generation restaurateur, and his family as they run Bob's Burgers. For the last 16 seasons, the show has been a hit as it manages to mix humor, relatable family dynamics and a love for burgers. In this article, we will look at the best episodes of Bob's Burgers, ranked according to user reviews.
From the hilarious "The Equestranauts" to the heartwarming "Tina and the Real Ghost", here are the best episodes of Bob's Burgers. Each episode is sure to leave you laughing, either from Linda's puns or Louise's shenanigans. Whether you're looking for a wild adventure or a good laugh, these episodes are sure to please.
So grab a burger and a blanket and get ready to enjoy some of the best episodes of Bob's Burgers. Get ready to laugh out loud with the Belcher family!
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 22, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
After hurting her ankle, Tina enrolls in a program that enables her send a robot of herself to school and the robot gives her an unexpected breakthrough with Jimmy Jr.
The episode was rated 7.60 from 1241 votes.
When Gene learns that the formula for his favorite chocolate has changed, he works with the head of the company in an attempt to remedy the situation. Meanwhile, Bob gets wrapped up in one of Teddy's less-than-perfect plans.
The episode was rated 7.61 from 1167 votes.
When Tina learns that the aquarium is in danger of closing, the Belcher children devise a scheme to keep it running. Meanwhile, Bob realizes that he could learn a thing or two from Linda's customer service skills.
The episode was rated 7.61 from 1104 votes.
When Tina has a mishap that lands her in detention, Bob and Linda don't have a babysitter for their other kids, forcing them to let Gene and Louise stay at home alone. With the house to themselves, the younger Belchers find themselves in a sticky situation, while Bob and Linda get into surprising trouble with their accountant.
The episode was rated 7.64 from 1313 votes.
Louise is put in a sticky situation when she must defend one of her biggest foes at Wagstaff during a mock-trial. Meanwhile, Bob works with Jimmy Pesto to out a regular food-scammer.
The episode was rated 7.66 from 1229 votes.
When Bob discovers that an outdoor specialty store is going out of business, he tries to live his dream of being an outdoorsman.
The episode was rated 7.68 from 967 votes.
As the Belchers prepare for Christmas, Bob gets an unexpected call from Mr. Fischoeder asking him to bring food to a party at his home. When Bob arrives, he discovers that he has gotten involved in an intense gingerbread house building competition with Mr. Fischoeder's rowdy group of friends. Meanwhile, Linda and Teddy try to inspire some Christmas cheer in the neighbors as they take the kids caroling.
The episode was rated 7.68 from 1270 votes.
When Mr. Frondβs annual play threatens to ruin the half day before Thanksgiving, Gene and Louise decide they need to sabotage it in order to save their long weekend. Unknowingly, Tina provides her holiday fan fiction as the subject matter and the kids get to work on their own version of the play. Meanwhile, Linda finds a potato with a striking resemblance to her late grandfather.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 1227 votes.
Teddy tries to persuade Bob to participate in the float contest for a supposedly easy victory.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 1031 votes.
When Tina is recruited by the debate team, she finds unexpected success and an even more unexpected relationship. Meanwhile, Louise and Gene convince their parents to help fund a stop-motion movie focusing on a surprising subject matter.
The episode was rated 7.70 from 1094 votes.
When Linda wins a contest to spend a dream weekend at the home where her favorite television show is filmed, things don't go quite as planned. Back at home, Teddy's back problems leave him stuck on the floor, while he babysits the kids.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 1080 votes.
The annual Easter egg hunt always brings out the competitive sides of Bob and Linda, but this time, the game goes awry. After the Belcher parents have a little too much fun hiding the eggs, the entire family is enlisted in finding the lone egg that is quickly rotting in its hiding place. Don't miss the calamity that ensues
The episode was rated 7.75 from 1128 votes.
Gene accompanies Bob on the last-ever rock-and-roll laser show at the planetarium, but the night takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Linda takes the girls out for dinner and Louise has a surprise revelation.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 1079 votes.
With Valentine's Day approaching, Tina, Gene and Louise each find themselves wrapped up in love-caused chaos. Meanwhile, Bob decides on a romantic gesture in order to impress Linda.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 1208 votes.
Linda and Louise team up in this episode of Bob's Burgers, as Linda takes time out of work with a cold to help Louise out of in-school suspension. Linda and Louise must evade and avoid Mr. Frond and his six-toed mother in order to succeed in their mission. Meanwhile, Bob turns to Teddy for help in running the restaurant in Linda's absence when a rush of cyclists come through. Tina, Gene, Jimmy Jr. and Zeke attempt to pass notes to Louise while she is in suspension. The episode culminates in a race against time as Linda and Louise must make it back before Mr. Frond arrives.
This episode is full of laughs and heartwarming moments, with Bob and Teddy's banter, the kids' banter, and the excitement and tension as Linda and Louise race back to the classroom. The main story is full of a great dilemma for Linda, and uses clever storytelling to make the side stories feel necessary. With a 9.5/10 rating, this episode is definitely a keeper.
The episode was rated 7.90 from 1057 votes.
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