Best Episodes
Family Guy is an animated series created by Seth MacFarlane for the FOX network, which first aired in 1999. It follows the adventures of the Griffin family, featuring Peter, Lois, Stewie, Meg, Chris, and Brian. The show has been praised for its sharp humor and its ability to tackle tough topics. With 23 seasons, there is no shortage of great episodes. Here is a list of the best Family Guy episodes, ranked by fans and critics alike.
From Stewie's time-travelling escapades to Peter's misadventures in Quahog, the show has a wide variety of memorable episodes. One of the most beloved episodes is "Road to the Multiverse," which sees Stewie and Brian travel to alternate universes. Another classic is "The Fat Guy Strangler," where Peter takes on a superhero persona in an attempt to stop a serial killer.
For fans of the show, there are countless episodes to choose from. But these are the ones that stand out from the rest. Whether you're a long-time fan or just getting into the show, these are the Family Guy episodes you should watch first.
Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 30, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Lois encourages Brian to submit his pilot script to a network. James Woods gets involved and things don't exactly go according to Brian's original plan. Meanwhile, Stewie has a bit of a mishap.
The episode was rated 7.46 from 523 votes.
Stewie cross-dresses in order to star in the American version of Jolly Farm Revue. Meanwhile, Peter makes Lois feel bad about her age.
The episode was rated 7.46 from 552 votes.
When Lois finds a lump on her breast, she goes to the doctor to test for cancer. The tests come back benign, but the doctor looks at her family medical history and reveals some news about Lois' heritage.
The episode was rated 7.47 from 734 votes.
When Peter hits his head and suffers amnesia after getting in a fight with Richard Dawson on Family Feud, he forgets everything about his life, including his family and friends. In an attempt to try to bring back his memory, Lois decides to reintroduce Peter to his old self, until he begins to hit on other women, much to Lois's dismay. She decides to take the kids and leave Peter, giving Quagmire the opportunity to score with Lois. Peter now must prove to Lois he can remember her and make himself worthy of her again.
The episode was rated 7.49 from 619 votes.
When Brian begins dating an older woman, the family begins to make fun of him. After Brian's new fling breaks her hip, he gets the pleasure of becoming her errand boy.
The episode was rated 7.50 from 667 votes.
When the local news announces that the Earth will be destroyed by a black hole in 24 hours, everyone in Quahog goes nuts trying to live out their last day.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 604 votes.
Brian gets a gig writing for a teen magazine about the average American girl, but when he starts trailing Meg for research he discovers that her desperate attempts at dating have led her to a guy in the slammer. When Brian tries to expose Meg’s secret to the family, he finds out that her boyfriend, Luke, has broken out of jail and has been hiding in the Griffin’s house.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 648 votes.
When Brian accidentally kills another dog, he is surprised to see that no one cares, so he tries to convince everyone that the life of a dog should have the same value as a human one. Meanwhile, Lois hires a maid who doesn’t listen to Peter
The episode was rated 7.56 from 610 votes.
After Peter has some luck selling footage of a celebrity he caught off-guard, he decides to become a full-time paparazzo. To make matters worse, his new boss, Angela, finds him irresistible and plagues him with unwanted advances. When Peter rebuffs her, he winds up getting the ax. Meanwhile, Stewie makes his theatrical debut in a school play, only to be overcome with stage fright.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 594 votes.
Father doesn't know best when Quagmire assumes responsibility for a baby left at his doorstep. Meanwhile, Stewie creates a stupid clone of himself that he uses as a slave. When he ends up creating a clone for Brian too, they find out that the clones are unstable, at which point the clones break down.
The episode was rated 7.60 from 700 votes.
Lois agrees to become a surrogate mother but the couple of the child she's carrying dies and she's forced to make a decision whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. Fox refused to air this episode.
The episode was rated 7.68 from 545 votes.
When Peter gives Lois’ dad the bachelor party he never had, Mr. Pewterschmidt goes into a coma. Even Dr. House can't help. Lois gains control of Pewterschmidt Industries which she passes to Peter. He gets power-hungry and fires the board. Mr. Pewterschmidt bounces back and tries to regain control of what he’s built.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 608 votes.
In the episode Quagmire's Dad of Family Guy, Quagmire faces a difficult situation when he's forced to accept his dad's lifestyle choices, which involve his close friend Brian. Quagmire struggles to accept his dad's choices and at one point, even goes as far as to take his dad to court. In the end, Quagmire realizes that he must accept his dad and his lifestyle choices, no matter how wild they may seem.
The episode is definitely a wild one, full of zany comedy and outrageous plot points. Quagmire's dad is portrayed as a fun and adventurous character who is a source of constant surprise for the citizens of Quahog. Even Brian gets in on the fun, as he is dragged along on some of Quagmire's dad's wild adventures. There are also plenty of pop culture references throughout the episode, making it a must-watch for fans of the show.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 545 votes.
Family Guy's "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side" is a parody of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. With Peter entertaining his family at home during a power outage, the episode follows the family as they take on the roles of some classic Star Wars characters. Mort plays Lando Calrissian, Chris' boss Carl is Yoda, and the Giant Chicken takes on Boba Fett.
This episode may be appreciated more by people who are already Star Wars fans, as some of the jokes and references may be lost on people who are not. However, even for someone who is not a Star Wars fan, this episode can still be enjoyed thanks to the creative and humorous retelling of the story. Ultimately, this episode is a fun way to experience a classic story.
The episode was rated 7.96 from 601 votes.
Family Guy's episode "Road to the Multiverse" follows Stewie and Brian as they journey through alternate universes with the help of a magical remote control. In this Emmy Award-winning episode, the two visit a post-apocalyptic world and a world run by dogs where humans are pets.
This episode is highly praised by the show's creator Seth MacFarlane who claims it is "the all-around best episode" of the show. With its whimsical plot, witty humor, and creative animation, it is not hard to see why this episode was so successful. It is a great introduction to the show for newcomers, and a must-watch for any fan of Family Guy.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 966 votes.
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