Best Episodes
Futurama is a classic animated comedy show created by Matt Groening, the same person behind The Simpsons. Set in the year 3000, the show follows the adventures of Philip J. Fry, a pizza delivery boy who wakes up after being cryogenically frozen for a thousand years. The show originally aired on Comedy Central in 1999, and ran for 8 seasons. With its witty dialogue, colorful characters, and hilarious storylines, Futurama has become one of the most beloved animated shows of all time. In this article, we will be looking at some of the best episodes of Futurama, ranked from top to bottom.
The episodes of Futurama run the gamut from serious to silly, as they explore a wide range of topics such as politics, philosophy, and science fiction. But no matter what the topic is, each episode is sure to include plenty of laughs. From the hilarious robot Bender to the loveable Professor Farnsworth, there is something for everyone in this show.
Whether you are a long-time fan of Futurama or just discovering it for the first time, this list of the best episodes of the show has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy as we countdown the top episodes of Futurama.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 14, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Dr. Zoidberg reunites with his uncle, silent hologram star Harold Zoid, and the two of them set out to make a movie together. They cast the temperamental Calculon in the lead role, who demands an Oscar for his performance, but the movie doesn't go over well with audiences.
The episode was rated 7.34 from 952 votes.
When Bender is paralyzed in a tragic can opener accident, he discovers his musical washboard skills and goes on tour as a member of Beck's folk-rock band, acting as a voice for broken robots everywhere. Fry, Leela, Amy, and Zoidberg tag along in Fry's antique 1960s VW Van.
The episode was rated 7.49 from 922 votes.
Fry is reunited with his old girlfriend from the 20th Century, but she doesn't adapt to the 31st century as well as he has. Convincing Fry to return to the cryogenic chamber, they awaken in a barren wasteland and struggle to make a place for themselves.
The episode was rated 7.52 from 1054 votes.
When the inheritance Bender claims in the Old Country isn't quite what he expected, the Planet Express crew has to find the source of an age-old curse.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 1085 votes.
Bender's urge to bend prompts Professor Farnsworth to send him on a rehabilitation visit to a steel factory, where he falls in love with a shapely fem-bot named Angleyne. But Bender's old rival Flexo and the intrusion of the Robot Mafia threaten to throw a wrench into the proceedings.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 993 votes.
A sober Bender crashes a dark matter tanker on Pluto, threatening the penguin reserve nearby. Leela helps out in the clean-up, but when the penguins begin mating out of control, drastic action must be taken to thin the herd.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 954 votes.
Fry discovers the ability to download any celebrity onto a blank robot, and chooses to download Lucy Liu, with whom he falls madly in love. Repulsed by this disgusting display of human/robot love, Leela, Bender, and Zoidberg set out to shut down and put an end to illegal celebrity downloads forever.
The episode was rated 7.59 from 902 votes.
Accused of robbing a bank, Fry and Bender plead insanity and are both sent to a robot insane asylum. While Bender and his buddy Roberto plan an escape, Fry is brainwashed into thinking that he is a robot.
The episode was rated 7.65 from 1014 votes.
Leela meets up with her former orphanarium playmate Adlai Atkins, now a plastic surgeon, who offers to grant Leela surgery that will give her two eyes. Meanwhile, Bender adopts twelve orphans in order to collect $1200 in government stipends.
The episode was rated 7.71 from 957 votes.
Fry and Bender enlist in the army to get a soldiers discount for bubblegum. When they are called to fight a war on a planet of bouncing ball aliens, Leela disguises herself as man to enlist with them. Bender is eventually sent to parley with the enemy, but this turns out to be a ploy.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 1130 votes.
In the episode The Day the Earth Stood Stupid, Futurama follows the adventures of Fry and the Planet Express crew as they face an invasion of super-intelligent flying brains. The brains arrive from outer space and sap the intelligence of the entire planet, leaving the populace reduced to an animal-like state. With the help of Nibbler, the Planet Express crew discovers that Fry is the only human immune to the brains’ powers. Leela is then taken to Nibbler’s home planet Eternia, where the Nibblonians explain the brains’ origin and intentions.
The episode is full of comedic moments, as Fry and the rest of the crew team up to stop the brains and restore the intelligence of Earth. Fry’s naivety and Leela’s leadership are put to the test as they battle the brains with the help of a giant robot. The episode is full of hilarious moments, from the fight against the brains to the antics of the reduced-intelligence humans. The Day the Earth Stood Stupid is a classic episode of Futurama, and a great example of the show’s unique blend of science-fiction and comedy.
The episode was rated 7.92 from 1078 votes.
In the episode "Time Keeps On Slippin'" of the hit show Futurama, the Professor's attempt to create a team of mutants to play the Harlem Globetrotters takes a disastrous turn. A disruption in time threatens the very existence of the universe, while Fry finds himself trying to win over Leela's heart, despite her lack of interest. This episode is filled with comedy, from the absurdity of a Space Jam-esque basketball challenge to Bender's hilarious desire to become a Globetrotter. But it also delves into deeper themes of love and sacrifice, making it a truly memorable and emotional installment.
One of the highlights of this episode is the addition of the intergalactic Harlem Globetrotters. It's a genius move that allows for plenty of comedy, from the over-the-top basketball challenge to the silly expressions of Bubblegum Tate. Bender's quest to become a Globetrotter is particularly endearing, as we usually see him as a character who doesn't care about anything. His pathetic attempts, like his homemade outfit and agreement to hold a bake sale for the wives of the Globetrotters, add to the humor.
But it's not all laughs in "Time Keeps On Slippin'." The time skips add a layer of mystery and drama to the episode. The show uses them to great effect, delivering both hilarious moments, like Zoidberg's lonely birthday party, and more serious situations, like the threat to the entire universe. And amidst all the chaos, Fry's advances towards Leela become a focal point. While his pestering may feel uncomfortable at times, his genuine intentions and the chemistry between the characters make it easier to root for him. The episode takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions, culminating in a bittersweet ending that highlights Fry's growth and maturity.
Overall, "Time Keeps On Slippin'" is a perfect blend of comedy and emotion. It showcases the show's ability to balance wild sci-fi premises with heartfelt moments. From the hilarious basketball antics to Fry's broken heart and eventual growth, this episode will make you laugh, cry, and appreciate the depth that Futurama brings to the table.
The episode was rated 7.92 from 974 votes.
This classic episode of Futurama follows Fry, Zapp, Kif, Amy, and Leela on a double date to an orbiting restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant crashes on the planet Amazonia, inhabited by hulking women. The Femputer, the omniscient ruler of the planet, sentences the three men to death by "snu-snu."
The episode is commended for its creativity, playing with gender stereotypes and tropes from *Star Trek*. It also serves as a commentary on the double standards between men and women. Kif is the only one who is saved and rewarded for his decency, while Fry and Zapp are punished for their oafishness. Furthermore, the episode is filled with hilarious lines and quotes, such as the Femputer sentencing the men to death for laughing, or Bender's quip about being a femputer in a manbot manputer's world. In addition, the C-plot with Zoidberg choosing a new shell provides some gross out humor.
The episode was rated 7.98 from 1133 votes.
In the Futurama episode "Parasites Lost," Fry is infested with parasitic worms that give him increased strength and intelligence. With newfound confidence, he finds the courage to finally express his feelings to Leela. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew embarks on a journey into Fry's body to get rid of the worms.
Fry's newfound strength and intelligence allow him to do things that he previously could not do, such as expressing his love for Leela. His newfound confidence also allows his friends to face the challenge of entering his body to get rid of the worms. The crew's journey into Fry's body is filled with adventure and danger as they battle the worms and try to keep Fry safe. In the end, Fry is able to express his feelings for Leela and the crew manages to successfully rid him of the parasites.
The episode was rated 8.06 from 1170 votes.
In the Futurama episode "The Luck of the Fryrish", Fry goes on a quest to regain a treasured seven-leaf clover from his childhood. However, Fry soon discovers that his brother Yancy had stolen not only the clover, but Fry's identity as well. Fry then sets out to exhume his brother's body, only to find a startling truth.
Critics have praised this episode highly, noting that the show sets up the twist with great detail and emotional impact. Through Fry's assumptions and the clever use of the Breakfast Club soundtrack, the show builds up to an emotionally powerful ending. The episode is also full of the show's classic comedy and witty gags, making it a thoroughly entertaining experience. Moreover, the details in the episode, such as the match cuts between the rocket and the clover or the mirrored scenes of Fry's dad talking to him as a baby with Yancy talking to his son, add an emotional resonance to the proceedings. This episode is considered to be one of Futurama's very best, earning the highest of accolades from fans and critics alike.
The episode was rated 8.31 from 1111 votes.
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