
10 Best Episodes of Futurama - Season 8

Futurama is a classic animated comedy show created by Matt Groening, the same person behind The Simpsons. Set in the year 3000, the show follows the adventures of Philip J. Fry, a pizza delivery boy who wakes up after being cryogenically frozen for a thousand years. The show originally aired on Comedy Central in 1999, and ran for 8 seasons. With its witty dialogue, colorful characters, and hilarious storylines, Futurama has become one of the most beloved animated shows of all time. In this article, we will be looking at some of the best episodes of Futurama, ranked from top to bottom.

The episodes of Futurama run the gamut from serious to silly, as they explore a wide range of topics such as politics, philosophy, and science fiction. But no matter what the topic is, each episode is sure to include plenty of laughs. From the hilarious robot Bender to the loveable Professor Farnsworth, there is something for everyone in this show.

Whether you are a long-time fan of Futurama or just discovering it for the first time, this list of the best episodes of the show has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy as we countdown the top episodes of Futurama.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 14, 2025.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Futurama - S8E9

#10 - The Prince and the Product (Season 8 - Episode 9)

The crew members are reborn as toys.

The episode was rated 5.43 from 689 votes.

Futurama - S8E7

#9 - Rage Against the Vaccine (Season 8 - Episode 7)


A pandemic ravages future Earth.

The episode was rated 6.73 from 676 votes.

Futurama - S8E4

#8 - Parasites Regained (Season 8 - Episode 4)

After Nibbler falls ill, the crew shrinks down for a dangerous mission into a desert world contained within his litter box.

The episode was rated 6.90 from 720 votes.

Futurama - S8E8

#7 - Zapp Gets Canceled (Season 8 - Episode 8)


When Zapp Brannigan is canceled for crude behavior, Leela takes over as captain of the Nimbus on a critical mission.

The episode was rated 6.99 from 611 votes.

Futurama - S8E3

#6 - How the West Was 1010001 (Season 8 - Episode 3)

Bender and the crew head west to join the bitcoin mining rush.

The episode was rated 7.01 from 761 votes.

Futurama - S8E2

#5 - Children of a Lesser Bog (Season 8 - Episode 2)


Amy and Kif’s children emerge from an alien swamp.

The episode was rated 7.03 from 810 votes.

Futurama - S8E6

#4 - I Know What You Did Next Xmas (Season 8 - Episode 6)

Bender and Zoidberg travel through time to attack Robot Santa.

The episode was rated 7.13 from 640 votes.

Futurama - S8E1

#3 - The Impossible Stream (Season 8 - Episode 1)


Fry risks permanent insanity when he attempts to binge-watch every TV show ever made.

The episode was rated 7.36 from 1007 votes.

Futurama - S8E5

#2 - Related to Items You've Viewed (Season 8 - Episode 5)

Bender uncovers the mysteries of the vast Momazon corporation.

The episode was rated 7.39 from 672 votes.

Futurama - S8E10

#1 - All the Way Down (Season 8 - Episode 10)


The crew investigates whether the universe is a simulation.

The episode was rated 7.46 from 627 votes.

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