Best Episodes
Futurama is a classic animated comedy show created by Matt Groening, the same person behind The Simpsons. Set in the year 3000, the show follows the adventures of Philip J. Fry, a pizza delivery boy who wakes up after being cryogenically frozen for a thousand years. The show originally aired on Comedy Central in 1999, and ran for 8 seasons. With its witty dialogue, colorful characters, and hilarious storylines, Futurama has become one of the most beloved animated shows of all time. In this article, we will be looking at some of the best episodes of Futurama, ranked from top to bottom.
The episodes of Futurama run the gamut from serious to silly, as they explore a wide range of topics such as politics, philosophy, and science fiction. But no matter what the topic is, each episode is sure to include plenty of laughs. From the hilarious robot Bender to the loveable Professor Farnsworth, there is something for everyone in this show.
Whether you are a long-time fan of Futurama or just discovering it for the first time, this list of the best episodes of the show has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy as we countdown the top episodes of Futurama.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 14, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Bender joins the paparazzi and attempts to photograph a famous actor whose face has never been seen.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 1249 votes.
Professor Farnsworth joins a gang of street-racing punks.
The episode was rated 7.71 from 1331 votes.
Bender becomes a famous firefighter, but the crew suspects him of arson.
The episode was rated 7.72 from 1214 votes.
Bender embarks on a quest for the meaning of life after discovering that as a robot he lacks free will.
The episode was rated 7.72 from 1159 votes.
The crew stages a casino heist to recover stolen property from the Robot Mafia.
The episode was rated 7.73 from 1077 votes.
Leela becomes a campaign manager for a presidential candidate whose birth certificate is mysteriously missing.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 1276 votes.
Bender fathers a child with the office soda machine.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 1526 votes.
An ancient prophecy predicts the world will end in the year 3012.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 1405 votes.
The Professor is deeply disturbed when his parents return from virtual retirement aboard the Near-Death Star.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 1138 votes.
Dr. Zoidberg meets the love of his life while Bender squares off in a deadly tap dancing competition.
The episode was rated 7.85 from 1190 votes.
In the episode "Fun on a Bun" of the beloved TV show Futurama, our favorite delivery boy Fry finds himself in quite a pickle. During a visit to Oktoberfest, Fry becomes the unfortunate victim of a sausage-making accident. Yes, you heard that right. A sausage-making accident. As Fry navigates the strange world of sausage production, hilarity ensues.
This episode is filled with the trademark humor that Futurama is known for. From Fry's misadventures to the crew's reactions, you won't be able to stop yourself from laughing out loud. And just when you think things can't get any crazier, the episode delivers a fantastic ending that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.
"Fun on a Bun" is definitely a standout episode in the Futurama series. With its unique premise and comedic moments, it's no wonder that fans consider it to be one of the funniest episodes. So grab some snacks and get ready to join Fry on his sausage-filled adventure. Trust us, you won't want to miss it!
The episode was rated 7.87 from 1187 votes.
Fry and Leela's romantic vacation goes disturbingly wrong.
The episode was rated 7.88 from 1208 votes.
In the episode "Murder on the Planet Express" of Futurama, the Planet Express crew embark on a team building exercise to try and strengthen their bonds as a team. However, their mission quickly goes awry when they become stranded on the ship with a horrific alien creature. This creature has the power to take on the shape of any of the crew members and it is up to them to find out who the creature is before it's too late.
The crew members are all forced to confront the reality of the situation that they are in and the episode takes an intense turn as they start to suspect each other of being the creature. Throughout the episode, the crew must learn to trust each other in order to survive and make it off the ship alive. They must use their wit and teamwork to outsmart the creature and find a way out of the ship. In the end, the crew realize that they must work together in order to survive and they manage to make it off the ship alive.
The episode was rated 7.96 from 1240 votes.
In the episode Game of Tones of the animated show Futurama, the Planet Express crew embarks on an adventure to journey inside Fry's dreams. It is the year 1999 and their mission is to pull off a dangerous mission in Fry's dreams.
The episode starts with Fry telling Leela and the rest of the Planet Express crew about a dream he had the night before. Leela is intrigued by what Fry tells them and suggests that they go on a mission to enter his dream and help him figure out what it means. Despite being a bit hesitant, Fry agrees and the whole crew hops on the ship and take off for Fry's dream.
The episode was rated 7.98 from 1243 votes.
In the series finale of Futurama, Professor Farnsworth creates a time-traveling button that can take a person 10 seconds back in time. The consequences of this invention are major and cause chaos in the group's lives, leading to a dramatic and unexpected ending. The finale, titled “Meanwhile”, is a sweet and heartfelt goodbye from the show and its cast.
The finale serves as a great way to say goodbye to the show, with its characters experiencing funny and emotional moments that leave the audience with a warm and satisfying feeling. The episode features some of the show’s best moments, including Professor Farnsworth’s invention and Bender’s heartfelt goodbye to the group. The episode is full of heartwarming moments, funny gags, and an ending that will leave viewers feeling satisfied.
The episode was rated 8.60 from 1557 votes.
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