Modern Family is one of the most beloved sitcoms of the last decade, having aired on ABC since 2009. This show follows the lives of the Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker clan, a blended family which is a source of both comedy and drama. After 12 seasons, viewers have been able to rank the best episodes and discuss their favorite moments. Here we look at the episodes that have been highly ranked by viewers, and why they have become so popular.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 20, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Claire is happy to have the house to herself on the first day of school, but Phil does not share her enthusiasm.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 1964 votes.
Mitchell plants the seed in Jay's head that he thinks one of Jay's old buddies might be secretly gay. Jay doesn't believe it for a second... except for all the questionable signs he now keeps noticing. Meanwhile Gloria gives Manny's date a makeover and Claire faces off with Phil's universal remote.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 1693 votes.
Claire and Mitchell's mother makes a surprise visit to make amends for what has been termed "the incident" at Jay and Gloria's wedding. Everything comes to a head when the whole family shows up to dinner at Claire's house.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 2139 votes.
Claire is upset to find that her friend Valerie is better than her. In the meantime Mitchell helps Gloria with legal issues and Jay had a hard time in the locker room.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 1648 votes.
Phil and Luke go into crawlspace under the house, Hayley takes her drivers test, Manny tries to get over his fear of roller coasters and Lily says "Mommy" which upsets Cameron and Mitchell.
The episode was rated 7.88 from 1590 votes.
A family barbecue gets uncomfortable for Gloria and Claire after an incident at school involving Manny and Luke.
The episode was rated 7.88 from 2076 votes.
iPad release day falls on Phil's birthday, giving Claire an opportunity to finally score an ideal gift for her technophile husband. Manny and Gloria humor Jayโa sore loser at board gamesโby suppressing their superior chess skills. Mitchell questions his ability to protect his family, while crossed baby monitor signals compel Cameron to secretly intervene in the love life of a neighboring couple.
The episode was rated 7.89 from 1525 votes.
The Dunphy kids are in trouble again, but this time Claire and Phil are threatening to take Christmas away. Gloria and Manny want to incorporate some of their Colombian practices into Jay's holiday traditions, but he wants to keep it his way. Meanwhile Cameron and Mitchell take Lily to the mall for her first picture with Santa, however this Santa isn't very jolly.
The episode was rated 7.89 from 1779 votes.
The whole family comes out to support Manny's newfound interest - fencing. It turns out he's quite masterful in the sport, but Jay's proud enthusiasm triggers an old childhood wound for Mitchell. Meanwhile Phil is determined to find where Luke's hidden talents lie.
The episode was rated 7.90 from 1906 votes.
For Jay's birthday, Gloria gives him the best surprise -- a romantic birthday getaway to Hawaii -- the only kicker is she invited the whole entire family to come along. Everyone arrives at the airport, and it's a maddening scene with forgotten I.D.'s, security breaches and flying phobias.
The episode was rated 7.93 from 1549 votes.
Nothing is too big when Phil and Claire decide to throw Luke the biggest and best birthday party a boy could ever want, but when Cameron shows up as Fizbo the Clown, it sets off a chain of events that ends with someone in the hospital.
The episode was rated 7.93 from 1776 votes.
Jay and Mitchell go on their traditional father-and-son outing to see the meteor showers, but Mitchell is upset when he finds out that Manny will be joining them. Cameron and Gloria spend some quality time together, with some minor incidents, while Phil and Claire both take on one of their child's school projects.
The episode was rated 7.94 from 1563 votes.
The Pritchett family takes a trip to Hawaii in this episode of Modern Family. Jay's plans to do nothing but relax on vacation are quickly thrown out the window, as he is forced to face the reality of his family's antics. Meanwhile, Phil tries to inject some romance into the trip for Claire, while Mitchell and Cameron debate whether they should go sight-seeing or just lay on the beach. The kids, of course, get themselves into a bit of trouble, prompting Jay to take charge. The ladies' antics also provide plenty of laughs, as they often think differently than the men do. Overall, this episode of Modern Family is full of humor and heart, with its light-hearted take on family dynamics.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 1566 votes.
Phil and Claire Dunphy, the married couple from Modern Family, are in for an unexpected treat this Valentine's Day. Instead of the usual dinner date, Phil and Claire plan a little "role play" excursion that is sure to bring some excitement to their relationship. Jay and Gloria, the other married couple on the show, however, have different ideas of romance. Jay takes Gloria to a comedy show, which may not be the most romantic of dates, but which will surely bring them some laughs and maybe even a few tender moments. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron play cupid for Manny, the heart-throb of the show, as they attempt to give him the perfect Valentine's Day.
Overall, this episode of Modern Family promises to be an interesting and humorous look at how different couples celebrate the romance of Valentine's Day. It will be a joy to see how the Dunphy and Pritchett families show their love in unique and funny ways, and the audience is sure to be delighted. Who knows, maybe Mitchell and Cameron will even find the perfect match for Manny!
The episode was rated 8.09 from 1623 votes.
In the episode Family Portrait, Claire attempts to get the family together for a new portrait, but her plans are quickly foiled as everyone is too busy. Gloria and Manny join Phil and Alex for a Lakers game, where an awkward moment on the jumbotron ensues. Cameron finds a job as a wedding singer, while Mitchell looks after Lilly and a stray pigeon. Meanwhile, Luke interviews Jay for a school project.
The episode is memorable for a few moments, including Mitchell's frantic and destructive attempts to eliminate the pigeon, Cameron's beautiful rendition of Ave Maria, and Gloria and Phil's kiss on the Kiss Cam. Fans often wonder why Mitchell is so terrified of the pigeon, which is just a harmless little creature. The episode is also notable for being the first of two with references to The Godfather.
The episode was rated 8.12 from 1485 votes.
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