Modern Family is one of the most beloved sitcoms of the last decade, having aired on ABC since 2009. This show follows the lives of the Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker clan, a blended family which is a source of both comedy and drama. After 12 seasons, viewers have been able to rank the best episodes and discuss their favorite moments. Here we look at the episodes that have been highly ranked by viewers, and why they have become so popular.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 20, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Haley, Alex and Luke scramble to fulfill their promise of a special day for Mitch; Gloria arranges a playdate with a couple at Joe’s school.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 3123 votes.
Jay and Gloria are suffering with a lack of sleep after Joe goes through a fussy phase. Claire’s balance of life and work is so flawless and easy that her family is getting suspicious. Mitchell and Cameron are poorly treated at their friends’ wedding and wonder what they did to deserve it.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 3054 votes.
Haley gets back together with Dylan. Alex and Sanjay plan their breakup since they are both going off to college. Mitchell avoids finding a new job and takes up art. Jay and Gloria try to find a good preschool for Joe.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 3440 votes.
Phil feels unappreciated as Claire is busy running the closet business. A life-size standee of Gloria for her hot sauce display receives some unsavory attention. Cam and Mitch feel suspicious of their new renters.
The episode was rated 7.56 from 3120 votes.
Claire and the kids seize an opportunity to help expedite the ducks leaving the nest while Phil is off visiting Alex at college. Jay helps Mitch with Lily’s sleepover with her friends from her Vietnamese dance troupe. Gloria and Cam are off on a hot pepper heist carefully orchestrated by Manny in order to meet a big hot sauce delivery deadline.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 3024 votes.
Phil convinces Lily to help with hatch the ducks he made a habitat for; Claire wants to impress her father with some ideas she has for the business; Cam spends time bonding with the frat guys.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 2991 votes.
A powerful storm hits Los Angeles and causes widespread power outages, so the entire Pritchett clan hunkers down at Jay and Gloria’s house to use their generator. Meanwhile, Phil tries to make amends for an embarrassing moment, Mitchell and Cameron desperately try to save Lily’s birthday party, and Haley turns on her charm for Andy.
The episode was rated 7.62 from 3143 votes.
Claire brings home a stray dog and gets the kids to help her hide it from Phil while she tries to find its owner. Unfortunately, her evasive behavior only makes Phil try even harder to shower her with more attention. Elsewhere, Gloria invites a new couple over even after Jay has made it clear he doesn’t want to make any new friends, but when the husband turns out to be a real guy’s guy, Jay might be eating crow. And Cameron rents out their upstairs apartment to a Christian rock band.
The episode was rated 7.63 from 3510 votes.
Gloria wins a silent auction to have a therapist come for an afternoon with the adults; Haley and Alex consider dumping their boyfriends.
The episode was rated 7.64 from 2978 votes.
Phil has the crazy idea of going on a spontaneous trip to Paris with Claire, the only problem is that they are both so ridiculously tired but try to push through it. Jay has taken over their bathroom remodel, which proves to be pretty hazardous for Gloria, Manny and Joe. Cameron’s sister Pam is staying at the house after her husband has left her, but her emotional outbursts are driving Mitchell crazy. Haley and Andy go on a wild night bender.
The episode was rated 7.65 from 3232 votes.
Phil has a new client whom he tries to hide from his wife because she’s attractive, while Claire would rather keep her hot yoga instructor a secret. Jay becomes preoccupied making a Web show, but is tormented by an Internet troll. Lily is nervous about learning to ride a bicycle, and her parents aren’t exactly the best teachers.
The episode was rated 7.70 from 3152 votes.
Claire can’t seem to find the right time to fire one of her employees, while, back at home, Phil thinks he caught Luke with a girl in his bed, and no one seems to notice that Alex has moved back home for the summer. Jay refuses to accept that it might be harder to reenter the workforce than he thought, and Cameron and Mitch butt heads on how to share time with Lily now that Cameron took a summer job in Kansas City.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 3535 votes.
Phil is selling an upscale home where various members of the family sneak off for alone time.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 3056 votes.
Gloria’s plans for a White Christmas don’t go as planned.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 3044 votes.
Manny and Luke babysit Lily so the adults in the family can have some fun, which includes Phil and Mitchell seeing a movie, Claire and Gloria going to a spa, and Jay and Cameron hitting a sports bar to watch a big fight, but Claire suspects the boys are going to throw a party.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 3583 votes.
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