South Park is an iconic adult animated sitcom that has been airing on Comedy Central since 1997. It follows the misadventures of four grade-schoolers in South Park, Colorado. Its absurd humor and social commentary has earned it a cult following and critical praise. With 27 seasons, there are many great episodes to choose from. Here are our top picks for the best South Park episodes, ranked!
From classic episodes like "Scott Tenorman Must Die" and "Make Love, Not Warcraft" to more recent gems like "Band in China" and "Time to Get Cereal," South Park has offered up a wide variety of hilarious and thought-provoking stories over the years. With its blend of satire, parody, and wit, it's no wonder South Park is still going strong after 27 seasons.
Whether you're a die-hard fan or just getting into the show, these are the best South Park episodes you need to check out. From classic favorites to more recent standouts, there's something for everyone in this list of the best South Park episodes, ranked!
Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 20, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
While trying to escape her troubles in the secluded mountains near South Park, Britney Spears has a run-in with the boys. Stan and Kyle get swept up in her celebrity as well as the non-stop feeding frenzy that plagues her wherever she goes. The boys must take Britney to the North Pole when they learn the secret behind what makes her so popular.
The episode was rated 7.21 from 678 votes.
The head of the World Canadian Bureau leads the country into a long and painful strike and the responsibility of brokering a settlement rests with the boys.
The episode was rated 7.49 from 632 votes.
After watching the intimidating opening ceremonies of the recent Olympic games, Cartman understands that the Chinese are only just days away from invading his homeland. While the rest of the American people are haunted by the memory of a recent tragic event, only Butters will stand with Cartman as he confronts the Chinese.
The episode was rated 7.53 from 721 votes.
Stan realizes he could lose Wendy if he doesn't get on board with the latest fad to hit South Park Elementary. Cartman would rather kill himself than succumb. But, when Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman all realize that Butters is now more popular than they are, they have no choice but to give in to peer pressure.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 612 votes.
While Ms. Garrison is off trying to find a way to become the man he was always intended to be, Cartman is put in charge of the classroom.
The episode was rated 7.57 from 688 votes.
While the country celebrates the outcome of the election, the new President-elect catches everyone off guard when he arrives at the White House prematurely.
The episode was rated 7.63 from 585 votes.
Giant guinea pigs are attacking cities all over the world. The boys have the key that will save everyone from the onslaught but they're stranded in the Andes Mountains.
The episode was rated 7.72 from 612 votes.
After going in for a routine tonsillectomy, a botched transfusion leaves Cartman afflicted with an incurable disease. When he finds no comfort in his friends and family, how far will he go to find a cure?
The episode was rated 7.75 from 854 votes.
Butters is sure he’s seen a vampire at school but he can’t get anyone to listen to him. Meanwhile, the Goth Kids are angry and frustrated when the other kids can’t tell the difference between a Goth and a Vampire.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 622 votes.
While the kids are on an educational field trip to a living museum, Cartman makes Butters sneak away from the class to go to the amusement center located next door.
The episode was rated 7.80 from 722 votes.
The boys find a way to make money off an international crisis that requires no talent and very little effort. Cartman convinces the other boys to invite Craig to get in on their latest plan. He knows Craig has just what it takes to make their dream a reality.
The episode was rated 7.88 from 667 votes.
In a South Park homage to the 1981 film, “Heavy Metal”, the boys are trying to get Kenny off the latest drug craze that’s captured the junior high and under set.
The episode was rated 8.04 from 809 votes.
The citizens of South Park wake up one morning shocked to find the Internet is gone. Upon hearing news that the Internet may remain in California, Randy decides to head out west with the family.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 817 votes.
In the South Park episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever", Wendy is determined to get revenge on Cartman for his bullying and stands up to him, threatening to beat him up after school. Of course, all bets are on Cartman as it is widely believed that a girl cannot win a fight against a boy.
This episode is praised by many as one of the greatest South Park episodes of all time, and rightfully so. The interplay between Wendy and Cartman is exquisitely written, and the climax in which Cartman receives a long-overdue beating is both brutal and hilarious. Additionally, Principal Victoria's scene with Wendy is a personal highlight. This episode is recommended for anyone who hates Cartman and wants to see him receive justice.
The episode was rated 8.12 from 680 votes.
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