South Park is an iconic adult animated sitcom that has been airing on Comedy Central since 1997. It follows the misadventures of four grade-schoolers in South Park, Colorado. Its absurd humor and social commentary has earned it a cult following and critical praise. With 27 seasons, there are many great episodes to choose from. Here are our top picks for the best South Park episodes, ranked!
From classic episodes like "Scott Tenorman Must Die" and "Make Love, Not Warcraft" to more recent gems like "Band in China" and "Time to Get Cereal," South Park has offered up a wide variety of hilarious and thought-provoking stories over the years. With its blend of satire, parody, and wit, it's no wonder South Park is still going strong after 27 seasons.
Whether you're a die-hard fan or just getting into the show, these are the best South Park episodes you need to check out. From classic favorites to more recent standouts, there's something for everyone in this list of the best South Park episodes, ranked!
Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 20, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
At the school's first annual Comedy Awards, Jimmy announces that the Germans are the least funny people in the world. Germany is highly insulted. They vow that retaliation toward the kids at South Park Elementary will be swift and brutal.
The episode was rated 7.07 from 755 votes.
The Prince of Canada is about to take a Princess and Ike is obsessed with the Royal Wedding.
The episode was rated 7.35 from 709 votes.
After watching a Thanksgiving special on The History Channel, the boys believe that aliens were involved in the original feast. But, questions remain... was the first Thanksgiving haunted? Is alien technology responsible for stuffing? The truth could change Thanksgiving for everyone.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 706 votes.
Cartman has a new protege. He's found someone who is smart, ambitious and willing to look the other way in order to get to the top. Kyle is brought in on the ground floor of Cartman's latest business venture, the Crack Baby Athletic Adventure.
The episode was rated 7.68 from 797 votes.
The students of South Park Elementary are the victims of a new gossip website. An elusive hacker has somehow gained access into the student's confidential phone calls and e-mails and is posting all their juicy stories. The boys are shocked when they discover the identity of the hacker.
The episode was rated 7.70 from 787 votes.
After Stan celebrates his 10th birthday, he begins to see everything differently. The other boys think he's become a major buzzkill and start to avoid hanging out with him. When Stan and Kyle have a major blow up, the very fabric of South Park begins to unravel.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 833 votes.
The kids at South Park Elementary are being punished for Cartman's failings in the physical education department. What will Cartman do when they all gang up on him?
The episode was rated 7.79 from 810 votes.
Butters is diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. Meanwhile, the owner of City Wok is angered when a competing Asian restaurant opens next door.
The episode was rated 7.83 from 848 votes.
Kyle is intimately involved in the development of a revolutionary new product that is about to be launched by Apple. Meanwhile, Cartman doesn't even have a regular iPad and blames his mother.
The episode was rated 7.83 from 958 votes.
Sharon is thrilled that Randy is making an effort to do more things that she enjoys. But, after he takes her to see a hit musical in Denver, Randy becomes Broadwayβs biggest fan. Sharon is whisked away to New York and treated to every musical on the Great White Way.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 755 votes.
With their parents in jail, Kenny and his brother and sister find themselves in the foster care system. Cartman is sincerely disturbed when Kenny is taken away. He doesn't know who to rip on for being the poorest kid in school anymore.
The episode was rated 7.85 from 745 votes.
Cartman is furious when he believes that the school has posted their penis sizes on the bulletin board. He throws an absolute fit; takes matters into his own hands and once again finds himself in the principal's office. This time he gets sent to anger management therapy.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 863 votes.
Cartman finds a unique way of coping with Asperger's Syndrome. Even Kyle and Kenny are on board. Meanwhile, Stan can't seem to get his life back to normal no matter what he tries. Will anything ever be the same in South Park again?
The episode was rated 7.92 from 834 votes.
In the South Park episode "The Last of the Meheecans", the boys decide to play a game of catching Mexicans as if they were wild animals. Cartman then decides to join the U.S. Border Patrol, and his efficiency in catching Mexicans surprises everyone.
Butters steals the show in this episode with his adorable antics and his commitment to the game. His father even references the classic Monty Python movie Life of Brian when he tells Butters that he's "not the Mexican inspiration, he's a very naughty boy!"
The episode was rated 8.17 from 839 votes.
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