That '70s Show first aired on FOX in 1998, and ran for nine seasons. It was a hilarious retro-sitcom that followed the lives of Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spent their time hanging out in Eric’s basement. This show has had many memorable moments, and here we will rank the best episodes of That '70s Show.
The series had a long run of nine seasons and was a fan favorite for many. It featured some of the most iconic comedy scenes from the '70s, and fans can still remember the catchphrases from the show. From Donna and Eric’s relationship to Jackie and Hyde’s playful banter, every episode had something memorable to offer.
That '70s Show had a huge impact on pop culture and was a part of many people's childhoods. To celebrate the show’s legacy, here we will count down the best episodes of That '70s Show, as ranked by fans.
Written by Sophie and last updated on mar 04, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Eric doesn't know what to do when Red says 'I love you', so he decides to say it back, but learns that Red was drugged when he said it. Fez buys Rhonda a box of candies for Valentine's day, then can't help but eat them all. Jackie tells Kelso to get a job so he can buy her something nice for Valentine's day, and he finds a career that suits his interests and hobbies at the same time.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 356 votes.
Eric catches Jackie kissing Todd, her boss, but instead of telling Kelso, he holds it over her head. Jackie decides to tell Kelso about it herself, as well as telling him that Eric knew all about it. Both of their plans backfire on them. Kitty feels neglected and worries about becoming a Corvette-widow when Red spends all his time with his new car.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 349 votes.
Red has to produce a new Pricemart instructional film, and his choice of actor for the part of "Stockboy" leaves Eric stunned. Kitty and Donna become friends, spending time together, and Leo takes Hyde and Fez on a shopping spree after inheriting money from his Uncle.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 374 votes.
Eric catches Red looking through his dresser drawers for a condom and thinks that Red has found Hyde's stash. Jackie gets a job as a cheese maiden and Fez is jealous of the new foreign guy.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 376 votes.
When Eric finds out that Casey is taking Donna to a motel, he decides to show up to make sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret. Bob's divorce from Midge comes through, he mentions marriage to Joanne, who totally freaks out. Naturally, Red and Kitty are called upon to advise their neighbors, but unfortunately they aren't offering the same advice. And Kelso stalks Jackie at the mall to prevent her from kissing anyone else.
The episode was rated 7.83 from 345 votes.
Bob is in denial after Midge leaves. Donna seeks comfort in the arms of Eric, who thinks this means they're back together. Kelso and Fez go to the supermarket to try and pick up older women.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 398 votes.
Eric and Fez decide Hyde needs a girlfriend so they throw a party and invite lots of pretty girls, and Hyde isn't the only one to meet someone he likes; Eric finds a new way to deal with his depression over losing Donna; Kelso and Bob compete to win a van in a radio station contest.
The episode was rated 7.87 from 407 votes.
A tornado is on its way to Point Place and Red and Kitty are stuck in their basement with Bob and Joanne; Eric is stuck with Donna at the radio station; the rest of the gang is stuck at the school during a dance. Kelso is named the Snow King and Jackie can't believe she's only the Snow Queen runner-up.
The episode was rated 7.87 from 368 votes.
Kitty decides to throw a neighborhood barbecue after she wins a year's worth of hot dogs. Eric is upset when he learns Casey is invited, so he devises a convoluted plan to make Casey look bad in front of Donna. Kelso and Jackie seek relationship advice from Cosmo to uncover the root of their problems. Fez can't get past second base with Rhonda; Hyde's fed up with how the guys talk about the girls all the time.
The episode was rated 7.90 from 345 votes.
It's Prank Day according to Kelso, who manages to trick his friends twice with his stunts. The guys' attempt to retaliate backfires horribly when Red triggers their prank instead. But rather than venting his wrath on Eric, Red joins the prank war to show the boys how it's done. Meanwhile, Jackie throws an impromptu slumber party to cheer Donna up on her parents' wedding anniversary.
The episode was rated 7.92 from 360 votes.
While trying to come up with a quote for the yearbook, the gang recalls how they met for the first time. They go through the times when they each met each other, no matter how embarrassing or stupid they were. They also try to work out a saying to put under each of their pictures. Kelso finally comes up with the perfect quote for them all, "It's been a long, strange Forman's basement!" The gang also realizes how strong their friendship is.
The episode was rated 7.93 from 383 votes.
In this episode of That '70s Show, Eric takes his parents' Corvette out while they are away and lets his date drive. Unfortunately, she manages to get it all dirty, leaving Eric in a scramble to get it cleaned before his parents come home. Meanwhile, Jackie and Donna snoop around Casey Kelso's room while he is out of town, discovering that Michael likes to hang out there.
Eric's Corvette Caper is an adventure full of hijinks and unexpected surprises. Eric's plan to take the Corvette out for a spin quickly goes awry when his date gets it all dirty. In a desperate attempt to get it clean before his parents come home, Eric must enlist the help of his friends. Jackie and Donna take advantage of Casey Kelso's absence to investigate what Michael is up to in his room. In the end, Eric must come up with a plan to get the Corvette clean in time and Jackie and Donna have to face the consequences of their snooping.
The episode was rated 7.96 from 352 votes.
Kitty plans a surprise birthday party for her son Hyde's 18th birthday. To make the party special, she enlists Jackie and Fez to help decorate the house, much to Donna's annoyance. Meanwhile, Eric, Donna, and Kelso decide to steal a street sign for Hyde's birthday present. However, Hyde doesn't want to celebrate because he believes that once he turns 18, he will have to move out of the Formans' house.
The episode plays out as a classic coming-of-age story, as Hyde struggles to come to terms with the fact that he is growing up and will soon have to leave the Formans' home. The episode is also a tribute to the '70s era, as the characters use their wits and creativity to come up with a surprise birthday celebration. With its comedic moments, heartfelt moments, and a street sign heist, this episode of That '70s Show is sure to leave viewers with a smile on their faces.
The episode was rated 7.98 from 358 votes.
In the episode of That '70s Show titled "Eric's Hot Cousin," Eric is visited by his cousin Penny, whom he used to tease unmercifully when they were younger. However, Penny has now grown into an attractive woman, and all the guys in the group are instantly infatuated with her, much to Donna and Jackie's dismay. In response, Donna and Jackie try to become hotter than Penny, with disastrous results. Meanwhile, Kitty, feeling insecure about her place in the group, decides to get a pet.
The episode is a classic sitcom comedy of errors, as Donna and Jackie attempt to one-up Penny in the looks department and fail miserably. Eric is embarrassed and frustrated by his cousin's sudden transformation, and Kitty's decision to get a pet provides a humorous subplot. This episode of That '70s Show is a funny and insightful look at the relationships between the characters and the lengths people will go to in order to feel accepted and appreciated.
The episode was rated 8.02 from 383 votes.
In the episode Love, Wisconsin Style of That 70's Show, Kitty and Eric go to the Hub after a dentist appointment and catch Donna (who's drunk) skipping school with Casey. Neither Bob nor Joanne can exert any authority over Donna, so a frustrated Red intervenes while everyone watches. This episode is a funny look at the generational divide between Red and the younger members of the gang.
Meanwhile, Jackie suggests that Kelso kiss another girl so that they can reconcile. The episode offers a peek into the relationship dynamics between the young characters as they try to figure out how to deal with their romantic feelings. Hyde and Fez also add to the comedy as they try to decide what to do with some dead fish that they have stolen. Overall, the episode is a hilarious look at the dynamics between the main characters as they navigate their teenage years in the 70s.
The episode was rated 8.04 from 351 votes.
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