That '70s Show first aired on FOX in 1998, and ran for nine seasons. It was a hilarious retro-sitcom that followed the lives of Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spent their time hanging out in Eric’s basement. This show has had many memorable moments, and here we will rank the best episodes of That '70s Show.
The series had a long run of nine seasons and was a fan favorite for many. It featured some of the most iconic comedy scenes from the '70s, and fans can still remember the catchphrases from the show. From Donna and Eric’s relationship to Jackie and Hyde’s playful banter, every episode had something memorable to offer.
That '70s Show had a huge impact on pop culture and was a part of many people's childhoods. To celebrate the show’s legacy, here we will count down the best episodes of That '70s Show, as ranked by fans.
Written by Sophie and last updated on mar 04, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Before a romantic evening with Eric, Donna realizes that she's missed taking one of her birth control pills. Both of them completely freak out and seek out Kitty's advice. Fez is still extremely angry about losing Suzy to Kelso, so he "dumps" Kelso and returns everything his former friend ever gave him. Everyone in the gang tries to console the unhappy couple while Suzy plots to reunite them.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 317 votes.
Much to Eric's chagrin, Donna agrees to be Mitch's date to his brother's wedding. While there, Fez meets a beautiful girl and pretends to be rich to impress her, but the big news is the shockwave Mitch makes at the wedding..... Meanwhile, Kelso takes Brooke to a baby class.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 308 votes.
No one in the gang believes Kelso's claim that he hooked up with Brooke, a beautiful and conservative older girl, at a Molly Hatchet concert. Much to Kelso's shock, Brooke denies knowing him and rejects all of his advances. Brooke's presence also disrupts Jackie and Hyde's relationship when Jackie asks for his opinion about Brooke's looks. Also, Fez decides to pursue college-bound virgins while Eric learns of an interesting collection kept at the local library.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 353 votes.
Donna wants to take Eric to a department to register for wedding gifts but he doesn't want to go. Red tells him about the easiest way to get out of shopping: choose the ugliest thing so they think you are bad at shopping, and Eric tries it. Donna falls for it, but figures it out and sends him shopping with a wedding crazed Jackie, which he actually enjoys! Donna gets mad when she finds out and gets an enraged Hyde, who told Jackie not to do wedding stuff, to help her ruin their time. Red reads one of Kitty's "dirty girl" fantasy books, and learns a thing or two. Kelso tries to invent something, but all his thoughts have already been invented.
The episode was rated 7.80 from 298 votes.
Eric sleeps in after a late night playing poker with the guys after work. However, he tells Donna and Kitty that he was working the entire time so that he can get their sympathy. Fez volunteers to drive Red to the doctor's office but receives no gratitude in return. Brooke and Kelso go on an awkward double date Hyde and Jackie. Later, Brooke is introduced to Roy, who's instantly smitten.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 320 votes.
Red goes to the heart doctor and finds out that they are going to send a psychiatrist to his house to find out what is causing his stress. Kitty, who believes they always blame the wife, isn't too happy about it, so she starts to act weird. Meanwhile, Kelso introduces his co-worker, Suzy (Alyson Hannigan) to the gang. He says that he likes finally having a girl as a friend, without liking her as a girlfriend. Fez tells Kelso that he likes her. As Kelso is about to tell Suzy about Fez, she tells Kelso that she likes him. So Kelso tricks both of them. He tells Suzy she'll be on a date with him, and tells Fez he'll be on a date with Suzy. They both find out and are upset with Kelso, especially Fez.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 316 votes.
Donna catches Eric 'taking care of business' in her bathroom and is completely horrified. Afterwards, Eric's friends and family tease him mercilessly and Donna can't even look him in the eye. Amazingly, Eric actually manages to make this embarrassing situation worse when Donna finds out what brought on his need. Meanwhile, Kelso, now calling himself "Mike" and sporting a mustache, goes on a major maturity kick, so Hyde and Fez decide to knock him down a peg or two.
The episode was rated 7.82 from 302 votes.
When Jackie finds out Kelso has a new girlfriend she chooses Hyde over him, but--surprise!--he has someone new too. Eric is living with his parents to help out his dad, but all he wants is to be with Donna in Madison. Meanwhile, Kitty still tries to convince Eric he should stay with them and not go to Madison. Eric finally realizes that he can't go away to school, but is surprised to find Donna still plans to. Kelso also finds a problem when he drinks eggs only to find out he is allergic to them.
The episode was rated 7.83 from 388 votes.
When Donna gets a full time job as "Hot Donna" on the radio, she decides that staying in Point Place is the best thing to do. She also buys a very small trailer for her and Eric. While visiting the trailer, the gang is surprised to see Casey Kelso, who is now back in town. The guys continue their plans and have a bachelor party for Eric, who can think of nothing but why Donna wants to stay. The girls also have their own fun at a strip club where they are again surprised to see Casey Kelso as a non-stripping employee who drives a drunk Kitty crazy.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 319 votes.
Everyone does their best to cheer Donna up after Eric disappeared before the wedding. Midge even shows up to console her daughter, but her arrival causes an awkward scene with Bob and Pam. Also, Hyde lands in the hospital after he takes Donna to the water tower for a talk. While Kitty looks after Hyde, she goes through his medical records and stumbles upon a life-altering piece of news.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 314 votes.
When Hyde and Red accidentally walk in on Pam and see her topless, they are shocked by her reaction. They try to keep it a secret, but Bob, of all people, spills the beans. Meanwhile, Donna finds out about a girl Eric dated while she was with Casey.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 315 votes.
The cheerleaders kick Jackie off the squad, so she invites the gang to the dance to give her popularity a boost. Kelso visits Brooke at the library in an effort to start a friendship with her. Christmas Eve is going to be "Hot Donna's" first shot at being a DJ at the station she works at. And Kitty signs Red up to be the mall's Santa Claus, sparking a rivalry between him and Bob.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 335 votes.
Kelso decides to help Jackie and Hyde get back together with hilarious results. And Eric realises that the sadder Donna becomes, the more she wants sex. Kitty decides to help Red with his new doctor-imposed diet.
The episode was rated 7.87 from 343 votes.
It's Eric's 18th birthday and nothing is going the way he wants it. He expects a birthday breakfast and suprise party from his mom, but Kitty is too preoccupied with resuming her sex life with Red. Plus, it's Donna's last day before moving to Madison for college and Eric is struggling with letting her go. In the end, Donna manages to salvage the day with the gift she gives him at the bus station.
The episode was rated 7.90 from 354 votes.
When Eric accidentally sees Donna's wedding dress, he unintentionally rips it. But he only makes things worse in an attempt to rectify the mistake. Kelso, Hyde and Fez get a canoe and Red is forced to find a sentimental wedding gift for Eric for his wedding.
The episode was rated 7.91 from 308 votes.
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