That '70s Show

10 Best Episodes of That '70s Show - Season 5

That '70s Show first aired on FOX in 1998, and ran for nine seasons. It was a hilarious retro-sitcom that followed the lives of Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spent their time hanging out in Eric’s basement. This show has had many memorable moments, and here we will rank the best episodes of That '70s Show.

The series had a long run of nine seasons and was a fan favorite for many. It featured some of the most iconic comedy scenes from the '70s, and fans can still remember the catchphrases from the show. From Donna and Eric’s relationship to Jackie and Hyde’s playful banter, every episode had something memorable to offer.

That '70s Show had a huge impact on pop culture and was a part of many people's childhoods. To celebrate the show’s legacy, here we will count down the best episodes of That '70s Show, as ranked by fans.

Written by Sophie and last updated on mar 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

That '70s Show - S5E15

#15 - When the Levee Breaks (Season 5 - Episode 15)

When Bob goes out of town, Eric and Donna decide to "practice" being married at her house. The gang is excited because they think this is a chance to party all weekend at the Pinciotti's place, until Eric and Donna are forced to set them straight. Meanwhile, Kitty goes to the jewelers to pick up a ring she thinks Red got her as a surprise. But she discovers the real surprise: it's actually an engagement ring for Donna.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 346 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E6

#14 - Over the Hills and Far Away (Season 5 - Episode 6)


The kids prepare to make a weekend college visit to the University of Wisconsin. There's only one snag in the plan: Donna tells Eric that Bob will not let her go to UW. Instead he wants her to visit Marquette, a small Catholic college. So Donna and Jackie visit Marquette, where Jackie spends her time worrying about Hyde; the guys go to UW with Red and a very irritable Kitty.

The episode was rated 7.82 from 388 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E19

#13 - Bring It on Home (Season 5 - Episode 19)

The Formans discover that Jackie has been sleeping in Hyde's room since neither of her parents are home. The best solution that everyone can come up with is for Jackie to move in with Bob and Donna, but unforunately Jackie doesn't appreciate everyone's pity. Meanwhile, Red gives Eric a hard time when he finds out that his son sleeps nude. And Fez has dinner at Nina's house, where he learns that her parents don't want her dating her "third world friend".

The episode was rated 7.82 from 341 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E9

#12 - Black Dog (Season 5 - Episode 9)


When Jackie's father is arrested for bribery, Kelso thinks she'll come running back to him. But when Hyde and Kelso get into a brawl over Jackie, Kelso accidentally shoots Hyde with a BB gun and all hell breaks lose. Donna and Eric argue over how Hyde should deal with Jackie's pain. Meanwhile, Fez realizes he has a crush on his boss at the DMV.

The episode was rated 7.82 from 384 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E4

#11 - Heartbreaker (2) (Season 5 - Episode 4)

Kitty's parents arrive from Arizona, after being told that Kitty has some wonderful news to share with them. Kitty's news isn't what she thought it would be, and throws a damper on the high spirits. Donna learns a thing or two from Bea about getting people to do things, while Eric and Red learn a thing or two from the World Book about "lady problems." Kelso works out his feelings about Jackie and Hyde's relationship.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 375 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E5

#10 - Ramble On (Season 5 - Episode 5)


In a romantic moment, Donna presents Eric with a ring, much like the promise ring that he gave her, and caused their break up. For Donna, the ring symbolizes their enduring love and committment; for Eric, it symbolizes ugliness. To protect Donna's feelings, he decides not to say anything, but the secret gains a life of its own. Kitty is determined not to let menopause affect her life, but has a hard time living up to her committment.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 377 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E10

#9 - The Crunge (Season 5 - Episode 10)

The S.A.T. scores have come in and everyone does significantly better than Eric. He's particularly upset by Donna's high score and blames her for distracting him during the exam. As a result, Eric enlists Red to help him buckle down and stay away from Donna until he retakes the test. Meanwhile, Kelso discovers that he may have a bright future and Jackie pushes Hyde towards a college career.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 368 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E17

#8 - The Battle of Evermore (Season 5 - Episode 17)


Things are still bad between Red and Eric, so Kitty signs them up for the Point Place Paul Bunyan Pioneer Days Jamboree. The estranged men must work together in order to beat Charlie and Mitch, an obnoxious father/son team who have won the past two years. Meanwhile, Hyde doesn't understand why Leo hasn't called him back to work in a while. He takes the gang to the Foto Hut only to find the place has been completely cleaned out.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 319 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E16

#7 - Whole Lotta Love (Season 5 - Episode 16)

Red is angry that Donna and Eric are engaged, so he gives Eric the silent treatment, leaving it up to Donna to try to talk to him. Fez finally does it with Nina; he's happy that he finally did it, but afterwards, things aren't so great. Kelso gives Jackie a birthday present, but insists that he's not trying to do anything; Hyde didn't even know it was her birthday.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 332 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E3

#6 - What Is and What Should Never Be (1) (Season 5 - Episode 3)


Kitty joyfully announces that she's pregnant, but the reaction that she gets from Red leaves a lot to be desired. Eric and Donna continue their campaign to get Jackie and Hyde to tell the truth about their relationship to Kelso. A trip to the DMV seems to present the perfect opportunity, but Fez is the one who seizes the day rather than Hyde.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 399 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E24

#5 - The Immigrant Song (Season 5 - Episode 24)

The Formans are horrified when they realize that Red has gone fishing - he only does that when he's really angry. When he finally returns, Red has his final say on Eric and Donna's decision to move. Meanwhile, Kelso, Hyde, and Fez decide to paint obscene pictures on the water tower as their senior prank. Hyde and Kelso's arguing over Jackie lands Kelso in the hospital, leaving Fez to face the police alone and Jackie to face her feelings about who she wants to be with.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 337 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E2

#4 - I Can't Quit You Baby (Season 5 - Episode 2)


As punishment for Donna going away to California, Bob transfers her to a Catholic School, which means that Donna won't get to see Eric as much. Eric is determined to fight for their right to be together, until he sees Donna in her new school uniform. Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince them to tell Kelso what's going on.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 389 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E12

#3 - Misty Mountain Hop (Season 5 - Episode 12)

Jackie recruits the Formans to help clean out her family's mountain cabin, but decides it best not to ask for Hyde's assistance, instead telling him she is attending a doll expo. With Jackie going away, Hyde seizes the opportunity to use Jackie's cabin and invites Kelso and Fez. Donna and Eric get lost on the way to the cabin and spend the trip fighting. Hyde's plan goes wrong when Kelso gets his hand, holding his stash, stuck in a vase just as Jackie and the Formans arrive.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 350 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E1

#2 - Going to California (Season 5 - Episode 1)


Donna has had enough of the Golden State. She misses Eric, who, although she doesn't know it, is headed West - despite his parents' objections - to declare his love and bring her home. Kelso, however, has decided he has found the woman of his dreams in Annette, who is beautiful and believes in him. Back in Wisconsin, Jackie is a changed woman, thanks to a change in boyfriends.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 416 votes.

That '70s Show - S5E25

#1 - Celebration Day (Season 5 - Episode 25)

In the episode 'Celebration Day' of That '70s Show, the gang is split in half when high school graduation is looming. Eric and Donna are all set to move into their Madison apartment, while poor Fez is in danger of being deported. Meanwhile, the love triangle between Jackie, Hyde and Kelso is intensifying. Despite the tension, the six friends go camping together the night before graduation. Laurie joins them and changes Fez's life, while back home Red gives Kitty medication to help her cope with Eric's upcoming departure.

This episode of That '70s Show is full of emotion and drama, as the friends are about to leave high school and go their separate ways. It's a bittersweet moment for the gang, as they deal with their own personal issues while coming to terms with the impending separation. The episode also deals with important social issues such as immigration, as Fez's life hangs in the balance. Through it all, the friends come together to celebrate their last moments together, and it's a heartwarming reminder of the power of friendship.

The episode was rated 8.03 from 340 votes.

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