Hosted by Ted Allen, Chopped is a high energy, fast paced cooking competition that challenges four up-and-coming chefs to turn a selection of everyday ingredients into an extraordinary three-course meal. After each course, a contestant gets "chopped" by our panel of esteemed culinary luminaries until the last man or woman left standing claims victory.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Four chefs who are passionate about pasta are ready to show the judges what they've got! The appetizer basket seems like a gift, but ambitious plans leave some of the competitors racing the clock. In round two, the chefs hurry to make spectacular pasta plates that must include a succulent seafood and a strange sweet. Then, the last two chefs bring a ton of heart to the final round, and the judges are eager to try desserts made with cookies and coffee.
The episode was rated 7.46 from 13 votes.
Four winners return to Chopped's Casino Royale, gunning for the jackpot and the title of grand champion! As in the prelim battles, the chefs will have a choice to gamble away an ingredient before each round, and the $25,000 jackpot will get higher or lower depending on the champs' good or bad fortune. The appetizer round is a frenzy of excitement, as the competitors race to raise the bar and deliver the flavor. Nobody wants to swap out the beautiful rack of lamb in the entree basket, but the level of intensity is sky-high as the intoxicating possibility of a finale win sinks in. It all leads up to the final rolls and the final cooking round! Who will leave the casino with a huge jackpot and an even bigger sense of accomplishment?
The episode was rated 8.10 from 10 votes.
Chopped is always a gamble, but the Casino Royale tournament allows competitors to replace basket ingredients with a roll of the dice; in the first round, something slithery is in the basket, and a Vegas-themed item in round two isn't a big hit.
The episode was rated 8.20 from 10 votes.
In this third battle of the tournament, the chefs can gamble to get lucky or unlucky replacement ingredients. The appetizer basket reveals a notoriously challenging ingredient, and the final round chefs decide to take a chance by baking something.
The episode was rated 8.27 from 11 votes.
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