Hosted by Ted Allen, Chopped is a high energy, fast paced cooking competition that challenges four up-and-coming chefs to turn a selection of everyday ingredients into an extraordinary three-course meal. After each course, a contestant gets "chopped" by our panel of esteemed culinary luminaries until the last man or woman left standing claims victory.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
With twelve chefs left in the pool of potential competitors, only three will be selected by the wheel to attempt to topple a fierce returning champion! In a dramatic appetizer round, the chefs must work with a funny cake and an unusual canned item. Then, the chefs have differing opinions in the entrée round about whether the randomly selected fourth ingredient is a cinch or a problem, while the dessert round has both chefs running into issues trying to make delicious final plates from a weird pie and a nostalgic candy.
The episode was rated 6.91 from 11 votes.
It's the biggest Chopped shake up ever as a wheel of chance determines which of the sixteen chefs will compete, how the tournament jackpot will go and what randomly selected ingredients will be added to the challenge. In the first battle, four talented and ambitious chefs get a tough appetizer basket that includes a glorious seafood product. In the entrée round, the chefs must combine an acai bowl with an amphibious delicacy. Then, a spin of the wheel gives the chefs a strange beverage they must include in their desserts.
The episode was rated 7.40 from 10 votes.
From a pool of nine, the wheel determines which three chefs will be selected to topple a fierce returning champion for a chance at an ever-rising jackpot. In a wild first round, prepping an ingredient eats up time for one chef, which worries the judges. Then, the chefs find ostrich meat in the entrée basket, which seems easy compared to the nightmare ingredient the wheel deals out. The two chefs left give it their all with spicy and sweet desserts in hopes of continuing on to battle four!
The episode was rated 8.20 from 10 votes.
Everybody is spinning with excitement for the highly anticipated battle five fight! The three remaining chefs from the pool finally get to cook against the reigning champion, and the already astronomical jackpot is destined to go higher. Upon opening the appetizer basket, the chefs come face-to-face with an intimidating ingredient. In the entrée round, the chefs are shocked at the dollar value of the ingredient from the wheel, and they must tame one of the most bitter ingredients in Chopped history. After the final two contenders discover a giant sweet surprise in the dessert basket, they frantically stir, blend and bake their hearts out in an effort to emerge as the one and only Spin It to Win It grand champion!
The episode was rated 8.50 from 10 votes.
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