Hosted by Ted Allen, Chopped is a high energy, fast paced cooking competition that challenges four up-and-coming chefs to turn a selection of everyday ingredients into an extraordinary three-course meal. After each course, a contestant gets "chopped" by our panel of esteemed culinary luminaries until the last man or woman left standing claims victory.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Peking duck, a seemingly simple protein, and an unusual fruit are among the featured ingredients.
The episode was rated 6.45 from 11 votes.
The chefs must use mussels and waffles in their appetizers; a lean meat and a delicate flower in their entrées; and a nostalgic candy in their desserts.
The episode was rated 6.59 from 17 votes.
The chefs must use goat brains in their appetizers. Later, they're faced with a stinky surprise.
The episode was rated 6.82 from 17 votes.
Part 4 of 5. The "Chopped" judges compete for charity. Featured ingredients include smoked fish; strawberry powder; and a labor-intensive protein.
The episode was rated 6.92 from 13 votes.
Marrow bones and a frozen ingredient show up in the mystery basket.
The episode was rated 7.27 from 11 votes.
Rivals face off! Four solid competitors from rival cities enthusiastically jump into the first round. But will they be able to settle on a firm idea of what to do with firm tofu and recover from some absentminded mistakes? Then one chef shows incredible speed moving around the kitchen, and a sugary surprise in the entrée basket poses a creative challenge. And once the finalists open up the dessert baskets, they make it their mission to make delicious mission fig dishes and to make the judges decision very difficult.
The episode was rated 7.40 from 10 votes.
A chef faces a major setback while preparing her trout appetizer. Then another chef's behavior brings up safety concerns in the entrée round. And coquitos present a challenge when the contestants make their desserts.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 11 votes.
Part 2 of 5. Four popular Food Network personalities compete for charity. They must used teething biscuits in their appetizers; a kid's breakfast favorite in their entrées; and jelly beans and baby fennel in their desserts.
The episode was rated 7.70 from 10 votes.
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