The series revolves around a bachelor who chooses a potential wife from among 25 women. The show follows the bachelor as he goes on a series of dates with the women, some of them group dates, some one-on-one dates. On each episode women are eliminated, generally during the rose ceremony at the end of the episode, but sometimes on the dates (during what are called "elimination dates"). The process culminates towards the end of the season with a few of the women going on overnight dates, and meetings between the bachelor, the women, and their respective families. At the end of the show, the bachelor chooses one woman with whom he would like to continue a relationship. Sometimes he proposes marriage, sometimes other levels of commitment.The runner-up from the first season, Trista Rehn, later starred in The Bachelorette, a spin-off program in which the format is gender-reversed.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Jimmy Kimmel surprises Bachelor Chris and the 18 remaining women by taking over the show as guest host for this episode. A long-time avid fan of the franchise, he informs them that he is there to help Chris on his journey to find a wife to bring home to Arlington, Iowa. He introduces the bachelorettes to his "Amazing Jar," plans dates and winds up in a hot tub - all in the name of love.
The episode was rated 6.58 from 19 votes.
The Bachelor is an original one hour prime-time reality television series that gives one man and 25 women the unique opportunity to find true love in a most exciting and adventurous way. The Bachelor will get to know the 25 women in a series of fun, exciting and exotic dates that will elicit real and raw emotions. Along the way he must follow a gradual process of elimination, as his initial 25 bachelorettes are narrowed down week by week by presenting them with a single, red rose. In the end, he will ultimately decide on the one woman who captures his heart.
The episode was rated 6.93 from 27 votes.
The episode was rated 6.96 from 26 votes.
The episode was rated 7.04 from 25 votes.
The episode was rated 7.04 from 23 votes.
The episode was rated 7.08 from 37 votes.
The episode was rated 7.10 from 20 votes.
The episode was rated 7.13 from 16 votes.
All hell breaks loose when Kelsey faints after a panic attack and the paramedics are called in to help. Chris cancels the cocktail party, but will Kelsey's breakdown influence his decisions? Is she faking it? Finally, nine women remain with the hope of becoming Chris' wife. So, it is on to Deadwood, South Dakota
The episode was rated 7.19 from 26 votes.
The episode was rated 7.30 from 23 votes.
The episode was rated 7.35 from 23 votes.
The episode was rated 7.35 from 20 votes.
Chris' three sisters will pick the lucky bachelorette to go on a special one-on-one date with their brother. A beautiful beach day at Lake Piru in the mountains of Southern California turns up the heat at a group date, as one woman jumps in without her bikini top and - not to be outdone - another takes off her bikini bottom. The day at the lake turns into camping out and spending the night there. One aggressive woman shares some surprising news with Chris, but will it make a difference in how he views her as a potential soul mate? Chris gets "down and dirty" with six bachelorettes as they travel to San Francisco to participate in a grueling mud run - in wedding dresses. The cocktail party leads to more revelations and confrontations, as one woman questions Chris' motives for being here and he, in return, delivers a blunt message to the rest of the bachelorettes.
The episode was rated 7.38 from 26 votes.
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