The series revolves around a bachelor who chooses a potential wife from among 25 women. The show follows the bachelor as he goes on a series of dates with the women, some of them group dates, some one-on-one dates. On each episode women are eliminated, generally during the rose ceremony at the end of the episode, but sometimes on the dates (during what are called "elimination dates"). The process culminates towards the end of the season with a few of the women going on overnight dates, and meetings between the bachelor, the women, and their respective families. At the end of the show, the bachelor chooses one woman with whom he would like to continue a relationship. Sometimes he proposes marriage, sometimes other levels of commitment.The runner-up from the first season, Trista Rehn, later starred in The Bachelorette, a spin-off program in which the format is gender-reversed.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
An excited and anxious Joey makes his way to the hometowns of his four incredible remaining women; Joey has important conversations about what the future may hold for each of them.
The episode was rated 6.77 from 26 votes.
Joey and the 10 remaining women head to Montreal; nerves run high for all as hometowns inch closer; Joey goes on two one-on-one dates; the remaining women push through their insecurities on a group date.
The episode was rated 6.81 from 31 votes.
It's an emotional evening for 16 spectacular women who reunite with Joey and each other for the first time since filming. Plus, the meaning behind Kelsey A.'s note is revealed, and a difficult rose ceremony determines who will meet Joey's family.
The episode was rated 6.93 from 28 votes.
The dramatic conclusion to the cocktail party cliffhanger brings exciting news, the group is heading to Spain; in Andalusia, two one-on-ones and a group date lead to another emotional rose ceremony; sneak peek at the rest of the season.
The episode was rated 6.94 from 32 votes.
Joey and his six remaining women make their way to Jasper, Canada, for an emotional and high-pressure week; Joey must find clarity in his connections before choosing the four women whose families he'll meet.
The episode was rated 7.00 from 31 votes.
Love awaits 32 extraordinary women – the most to ever arrive at the mansion on night one – as they make “Bachelor” history and prepare to open their hearts to Joey Graziadei. With a first impression rose on the table, the pressure is on and every moment counts on the season premiere.
The episode was rated 7.00 from 22 votes.
With the women moved into the mansion, Joey’s first group date gives several ladies the chance to experience their own wedding reception. Next, Joey and one lucky lady fly off to the Beach Life Music Festival for the first one-on-one date of the season. Later, Joey determines which women have the courage and endurance to be his long-term partner in a paintball battle.
The episode was rated 7.03 from 30 votes.
Joey is joined by familiar faces when the ASKN ladies offer to help find his Mrs. Right; James Blake and Pam Shriver serve up a tennis date; a romantic one-on-one and a heated conversation in the mansion both make waves.
The episode was rated 7.14 from 29 votes.
Joey and his three remaining women make their way to Tulum, Mexico, for a week of dates that could change everything. As the possibility of sharing a night together looms, a few familiar faces arrive to offer advice ahead of those pivotal decisions.
The episode was rated 7.14 from 28 votes.
Joey's journey continues in Malta with a dynamic one-on-one and the season's largest group date; the tension in the house comes to a head on a two-on-one date and a shocking cocktail party full of thorns.
The episode was rated 7.21 from 29 votes.
The emotional conclusion of Joey's journey.
The episode was rated 7.29 from 24 votes.
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