The series revolves around a bachelor who chooses a potential wife from among 25 women. The show follows the bachelor as he goes on a series of dates with the women, some of them group dates, some one-on-one dates. On each episode women are eliminated, generally during the rose ceremony at the end of the episode, but sometimes on the dates (during what are called "elimination dates"). The process culminates towards the end of the season with a few of the women going on overnight dates, and meetings between the bachelor, the women, and their respective families. At the end of the show, the bachelor chooses one woman with whom he would like to continue a relationship. Sometimes he proposes marriage, sometimes other levels of commitment.The runner-up from the first season, Trista Rehn, later starred in The Bachelorette, a spin-off program in which the format is gender-reversed.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Clayton faces the three women he fell in love with; Jesse Palmer guides emotional conversations throughout the evening as the bombshell conclusion to Clayton's season plays out.
The episode was rated 6.32 from 31 votes.
Clayton's former flames reunite to hash out their differences, clear up any misunderstandings and apologize -- or not -- for bad behavior; a few special surprises and bloopers.
The episode was rated 6.35 from 23 votes.
Clayton and the three remaining ladies travel to Iceland, where they each enjoy passionate dates; one woman's questions send Clayton reeling.
The episode was rated 6.43 from 35 votes.
Clayton visits the hometowns of his final four women to meet their families and immerse himself in each of the ladies' lives.
The episode was rated 6.68 from 37 votes.
After a heartbreaking and unexpected breakup with Susie, Clayton finds himself questioning everything as he heads into the rose ceremony; Clayton drops devastating news on the final two women.
The episode was rated 6.76 from 37 votes.
Clayton tries to help Shanae and Elizabeth settle their dispute; a Texas-style family barbecue is followed by a musical performance by country band Restless Road; special guests Jonathan Greenard and Kamu Grugier-Hill coach the ladies.
The episode was rated 6.81 from 37 votes.
Clayton Echard's journey to find love kicks off; 31 women arrive and try to make a good first impressions for the man they hope could be their future husband; a shocking franchise first has Clayton clutching a rose and questioning everything.
The episode was rated 6.84 from 51 votes.
Clayton must decide between Genevieve and Shanae; the journey to find love heads overseas to Hvar, Croatia, where one woman reveals a shocking secret; the rest of the ladies battle each other in knightly challenges for a chance at a rose.
The episode was rated 7.08 from 39 votes.
Clayton and one lucky woman head to Galveston, Texas, for a high-stakes date; Clayton learns the cause of the palpable tension in the house is really one woman; those on a group date take some heat from comedy legend Russell Peters.
The episode was rated 7.09 from 35 votes.
Clayton confronts one of the women about a shocking rumor involving her; Kaitlyn Bristowe pays a surprise visit, leading an emotional date where Clayton and the women bravely open up about their insecurities; actress Nicole Eggert coaches the ladies.
The episode was rated 7.11 from 38 votes.
Sarah is intent on finding out which of the ladies tried to take her down; the group travels to Vienna, Austria; Clayton and the women have an intimate couples' therapy session; one of the most heartbreaking rose ceremonies of the season.
The episode was rated 7.11 from 36 votes.
In the group date, Hilary Duff enlists the help of the ladies to throw a dream Beverly Hills birthday party; Amanda Jordan performs for Clayton and his one-on-one date; Ziwe stops by the second group date to help Clayton spot potential red flags.
The episode was rated 7.29 from 35 votes.
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